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Session 8: Another Day, Another Cultist Report

General Summary

After opening the secret door in the Dungeon of the Dead Three, the party ventured further in to find the two men: Vaaz and Mortlock locked in combat. After sneaking up to get a better look, the party decided to attack Vaaz and through some good luck and help from the massive brute Mortlock, they managed to put the cultist down.   The party decided to help Mortlock even after hearing he was a Vanthampur and handed him a potion to heal his wounds. Following this he divulged a wealth of information to the party about his family, the Cult of the Dead Three, and Elturel. Namely:  

  • His family has been paying the cultists to cause chaos in the city and undermine the Falming Fist
  • This was done to drive the fist from the city so no one could stand in Thalmara's way of ascending to Grand Duke
  • Additionally Thalmara orchestrated Ulder Ravengards diplomatic mission to Eltruel just before it vanished
  •   Afterward Mortlock bid the party a final thanks and went on his way to flee the city, fearing his mothers wrath   Just before returning home, at the entrance of the bathhouse, the party met the familiar face of Zyra the thief who aided them in their heist a few weeks ago. Zyra had found sanctum in religion, and now a cultist of the mighty Tiamat was on a holy mission to retrieve her lost treasure, the exact treasure the party found in the dungeon. After some conversation the party reluctantly handed over their prizes in exchange for the promised favour of Tiamat and Arkhan.     The party then decided to take a much needed rest back at the manor where they were confronted by the twins' mother furious with their sudden disappearance and trudging around the lower city doing the Fist's dirty work. But in the end she told them to get cleaned up an speak further in the morning. Following a thorough rest, Sariel and Johan were ushered into the great room where their mother gifted to them twin knives, commissioned by their father at their birth. Along with 400 GP as funds. She told them to stick to their morals and look to the future with conviction. She expressed to both of her children that she wanted them to find a true purpose in life, and make something of themselves beyond just privileged patriars. After what seemed to be a final farewell of sort, the two reconvened with Stocke and Aeler to be on their way.   Before heading to the Low Lantern to attempt to gain some information from Amrik Vanthampur, the group made a stop at the wide where Johan purchased a whip, and a stop at Sorcerous Sundries where the mage Rivalen Blackhand helped them to some healers kits and a few magical items that were well beyond their price range.   As a final attempt to gain their bearings before confronting Amrik, the party went to see Torimesh the druid for some guidance. Although leaving with the same destination as before, there was something about the druids word that felt as though they were caught up in an elaborate web far beyond what they could possibly imagine.    Never the less they pressed forward, but not before Stocke revealed the treasure he had claimed in the dungeon. A gleaming revolver that housed a celestial being calling themselves the hidden lord. After some uncomfortable deliberation, the party decided to keep this entity under the much easier name: Kletus, in honour of a brave fallen soldier.   Upon arriving at the Low Lantern, Stocke fired his gun at a raven flying above the ship only to find that it was an imp in disguise. Concerned, the party entered the tavern to be greeted by a whole host of interesting characters, as well as the tavern owner Laraelra Thundreth --whom everyone refers to as The Captain--.    Grimboot, a stout and aggravated Duergar complaining about the cult activity and the Fist's unwillingness to deal with it while handling the Hellrider situation   Hitoshi, a tipsy oriental sailor working on the Golden Gull, a merchant ship operated by the Irlentree Family. He noted a peculiar sudden increase in pirate activity around Baldur's Gate as of late but assured the twins that their cargo was safe in him and his crews capable hands.   Aerith and Beldan, two Drow twins who left the Underdark in search of adventure. The left the tavern hurriedly after being scared off by a drunken Johan.   When the party had finished their conversations, they decided to finally head to the lower deck in an attempt to confront Amrik. After some pleasantries and lies, Amrik didn't let on much info before something Johan said sparked his doubt on their story and he attempted to poison the two. Although Sariels Constitution was strong enough to resist the effects, Johan fell prey to them. Although not for long before Sariel removed the poison with her holy touch and a fight broke out. As Amrik dodged an attempt by Johan and dealt hefty damage to Aelar, it didn't take long for the mysterious stranger sitting at the bar to throw her concealing cloak aside and dash across the room with lightning speed to brandish her gleaming sword against Amriks flesh and launch him against the wall with a mighty kick.   Following this it didn't take the party too long too whittle Amrik down to his last legs following a well placed arrow in the leg by Johan. In a last ditch attempt to escape, Amrik detonated a smoke bomb and flee'd to the upper deck, but it was no use against Stockes feline agility as he sprinted to the stair entrance, took aim with his new weapon, and ended Amriks life in one shot to the neck.   In the aftermath of their battle, The Captain demanded they leave and suggested they flee the city else they incur the wrath of Thalmara Vanthampur and end up fish food at the bottom of Gray Harbor. A cheeky Aelar attempted to loot Amriks dagger but was stopped by The Captain and her bouncers who would not allow it. With that the party quickly left the Low Lantern, and before they could decide their next course of action they received one more interesting piece of information.    The woman who had aided them in their fight was Reya Mantlemorn.   A citizen of Elturel.   And a Hellrider...

    Rewards Granted

  • 400 GP (Party)
  • Revolver of the Hidden Lord (Stocke)
  • +1 Daggers (Twins)
  • Assorted equipment (Party)
  • Missions/Quests Completed

  • Eradicated the leadership of the Cult of the Dead Three in their hideout.
  • Found more info about the cult, the Vanthampurs, and Elturel
  • Met Reya Mantlemorn, a hellrider who could potentially provide a new lead
  • Created Content

  • Aerith and Beldan
  • Hitoshi Jade
  • Grimboot
  • The Captain
  • Revolver of the Hidden Lord
  • The Hidden Lord
  • Twin Daggers
  • Reya Mantlemorn
  • Sorcerous Sundries
  • Rivalen Blackhand
  • Zyra
  • Tiamat
  • Vaaz
  • Kletus, Clif, and Kirby
  • Cult of Tiamat
  • Notes

    Updated Articles:  

  • Mortlock Vanthampur
  • Amrik Vanthampur
  • Thurstwell Vanthampur
  • Thalmara Vanthampur
  • Vanthampur Family
  • The Low Lantern
  • Dungeon/Cult of the Death Three
  • Torimesh
  • Campaign
    Baldur's Gate
    Report Date
    22 Apr 2020
    Primary Location
    Baldur's Gate
    Secondary Location
    The Low Lantern

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