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Baldur's Gate

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Abeir-Toril
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Supporting Cast
  • Alan Alynth
    A watchful and quiet older man. Owns and operates the Eflsong tavern.
  • Belynne Stelmane
    Once a vigorous and formidable politician, after suffering a seizure Duke Stelmane is a shadow of her former self in all aspects.
  • Dara Middleton
    Perky reporter always buzzing about the next big scoop.
  • Darmin Zodge
    Captain Darmin Zodge was an officer of the Flaming Fist who was stationed in the city of Baldur's Gate during the late 15th century DR. He is a worn battle commander with a very stern yet respectful manner (unless he is disrespected)
  • Duke Dillard Portyr
    Duke Dillard Portyr was once a respected businessman, but after a string of sour deals, he pulled back from his investments. Now he uses his time to enjoy the comforts that his wealth and title provide him. He lives alone in his manor, having outlived his two wives and three sons, and trades correspondence with his niece, Liara Portyr, who commands a Flaming Fist outpost on Chult known as Fort Beluarian. Duke Portyr is conflict-averse and goes out of his way to avoid stress. He shows well in social situations, but is easily manipulated in the political arena. He is known for listening with concern, showing an earnest desire to help, making promises to look into things, and then doing nothing. As a result, a great deal of the citizenry’s scorn lies heaped upon Duke Portyr’s shoulders.
  • Jabaz
    Jabaz is a man? A woman? No one is quite sure. What is known is that Jabaz gives expert massages, and does so working at the Nymphs Rest Bathhouse in the Heap
  • Klim Jhasso
    A large man with a proper mannerism. He is a son of the Jhasso partiar family and has given them the promise of a reward for his rescue.
  • Mortlock Vanthampur
    A hulking brute of a man, with the strength to match 10. Known as the stupid and muscle headed reject of the Vanthampurs, but perhaps beneath his thick hide there is something more.
  • Tarina
    Venomous, violent, and greedy. Perhaps she is beautiful, but to most who know her Tarina is a backstabbing bitch who's only care in life is herself.
  • Duke Thalmara Vanthampur
    The shrewd and aggressive master of drains. She clawed her way up to high society over a life time and is referred to by many as the gutter princess. Although she may not be loved by many, she has brought about one of the most sophisticated sewer and plumbing systems to Baldur's Gate that Faerun has ever seen. And remains one of the most prominent, and cunning politicians in the city.
  • Torimesh
    A gentle man with a firm disposition. He lives in Insight Park, infact he created it.

Sessions Archive

8th Jun 2020

Session 13: A Good Day to Die

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30th May 2020

Session 12: Assault on Elturel

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27th May 2020

Session 11: To Avernus. Wait What?

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15th May 2020

Session 10: To Candlekeep

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30th Apr 2020

Session 9: To Clear Ones Name, One must Often Damn Another

With Amrik now dead, and Zodge out of the loop; It's only a matter of time before the whole of Baldur's Gate knows the party killed Duke Thalmara Vanthampur's Favourite son. They must now make haste in discovering the plot against Baldur's Gate, the truth of Ulder Ravengards Diplomatic Misson, Expose the Vanthampurs, and maybe, just maybe, find out what happened to Elturel, something that Reya Mantlemorn, may be able to shed some light on.

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22nd Apr 2020

Session 8: Another Day, Another Cultist

Nearing what they believe to be the end of the Dungeon of the Dead Three, perhaps the party will finally find some answers as to who is leading the cult, what they want, and what it has to do with the Vanthampurs

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9th Apr 2020

Session 7: Deeper into the Dungeon of the Dead Three

After defeating the Master of Souls, our party now finds themselves facing the darkness that is the depths of the dungeons below the Nymphs Rest Bathhouse

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This story is told by

The Protagonists

Lady Sariel Amakiir Irlentree

Level 6 Ar-tel-quessir (Half-Elf) Paladin
/ 46 HP

Chelle Savikas


Aelar Galanodel