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Session 7: Deeper into the Dungeon of the Dead Three Report

General Summary

After the defeat of the Master of Souls Flennis, a brief rest, and a few spooky additions to the party (much to the dismay of our Paladin), our heroes ventured further into the dungeon.
Deeper down the hole they encountered a half dead woman (Vendetta) and an old man wholly so.  Once her wounds were healed the part resolved themselves to see their work in this place done tonight.   Further beyond the chambers where the followers of bane rub salt into the wounds of those they torture, the party entered a room that held a stone sarcophagus filled to the brim with crimson red blood, sat behind it a shivering old woman named Nebra.    At Nebras behest the party then searched for a hidden passageway just after the room they had found Vendetta in. After an monumental heave from the whole party, the secret door slid open.   Yet in their distraction, Nebra revealed herself another assassin, and when their backs were turned killed Vendetta, and almost did the same to Aelar.   However in their hour of need, the three heroes Kirby, Kletus, and Cliff slaughtered the assassin. Saving the party from their doom.   What lies at the end of the Dungeon? Who are the Vanthampurs? What is going on in Baldur's Gate?
And perhaps more importantly, what does it have to do with the disapearance of Elturel?

Rewards Granted

4 sp

Missions/Quests Completed

Dealing with the Dead Three

  • The party has inched closer to the end of the hideout of the cultist ravaging the city, and perhaps discovering their motives
  • Character(s) interacted with

    Vendetta Kress

  • Meeting and brief discussions about how she ended up in the Dungeon
  • Created Content


  • Vendetta Kress
  • Campaign
    Baldur's Gate
    Report Date
    10 Apr 2020
    Primary Location
    Nymphs Rest

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