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Session 9: To Clear Ones Name, One must Often Damn Another Report

General Summary

With Amrik dead by their hands and only a matter of time before all the authorities in Baldur's Gate came looking for them, the party decided they needed to lay low for a few hours while they decided what to do. So they went the best place they could think of, Torimesh's place. After discussing the problem at hand the group came to the conclusion that with the refugee crisis at hand, fleeing the option was not a city. Beyond this Reya was set on finding Thavius Kreeg no matter the cost, so at the risk of their lives the party decided not to run from dange, but directly into it. Face the Vanthampurs, expose their treachery, and clear their names. The only problem was getting into the Upper City.   With only an hour or two to spare before the Flaming Fist, Watch, Vanthmpurs, and whatever other faction in Baldur's Gate held a grudge against them found them; the group needed to somehow sneak into the Upper City, past all the guards, and into the Vanthampur Villa. Aelar suggested he visit a familiar face in the underworld known as Goblin Behnie, a kingpin of the Lower CIty who could potentially smuggle them where they needed to go. After a brief visit to the Blushing Mermaid, some catching up with old friends, and some casual threats; Aelar managed to secure semi-safe passage into the Upper City that night. Albeit for a price, a "favour" as Behnie put it. From the whole group.   In the meantime Sariel had been pouring over her Paladin Oath. Reya had suggested that now was as good a time as any to swear oneself to sacred duty. And hat a Paladin without an oath, is no Paladin at all. Through some deliberation and aid from Torimesh, the oath was prepared, and ceremony initiated. With Aelar and Stocke arriving back just in time to witness Sariel speak the sacred words binding her to a divine duty and higher sense of purpose.   With night swiftly approaching, our heroes decided to take one final rest before facing their fate. A restless 8 hours that opened up into the bitter and misty darkness of a Baldur's Gate night. After a final farewell and the tidings that tonight storm would bring good cover to their infiltration, the party left Torimesh with their thanks. At Aelars behest, they made their way to the Smilin' Boar, a Lower City cafe near Baldur's Gate (the gate not the city). It was there two burly figures waited with a carriage, telling the party to take cover under a tarp they approached the gate where to much tension and surprise, two guards requested to look at the cargo being carried. And as if fate had ordained it, just in the nick of time a furious storm poured from rumbling storm clouds in the sky --despite the distinctively clear forecast in the Baldur's Mouth that day--, spurring the guards to hurry the carriage --and the party-- into the Upper City.   After some difficulty, and several murders, the party managed to get into the Vanthampur Villa where they were faced with the task of dispatching a few imps and several guards. They then made their way to the top floor where they snooped around the various rooms and interrogated Thurstwell Vanthampur, the oldest son of the Vanthampur Family. Much like an egg he cracked rather quickly, telling them all they knew to be true, and directing the party to a sewer complex below the Villa where his mother was keeping Thavius Kreeg and how they were working to seize control of Baldur's Gate. Furthermore, Thurstwell --or rather his dresser-- was in possession of a curious puzzle box that he warned them was very dangerous. Never the less they took it from him and descended into the sewer below.   Following some brief skirmishes, the party discovered a prison cell that was guarded by a bearded devil they quickly dispatched. The two prisoners within were: Falaster Fisk, a man from little Calimshan claiming he was looking for Thavius Kreeg and a mysterious puzzle box he apparently had with him at the behest of Sylvira Savikas, a sage in Candlekeep who believed that Thavius had made some sort of deal with an infernal being, and the proof was contained within the box --that she believes she could open--. And Chelle, a young Tiefling sorcerer who had followed Falaster on his mission and was captured along with him.   Some more searching of the sewer complex lead the party into a massive battle with over 10 cultists. After some close calls, well placed shots, and a bear. The party claimed victory. They had discovered a large iron door, tightly locked. But they believed that if Thalmara was in the area, she might have a key. Funny enough when they opened a large set of double doors they came out into a spacious room with infernal tapestries hanging about the walls, a group of cultists chanting and praying to the statue of a winged angel, a barbed devil standing before them, and from a door blended into the wall at the very end of the chamber, emerged a large, well built, and scowling woman. Her grace, Duke of Baldur's Gate, Thalmara Vanthampur...

Rewards Granted

  • Infernal Puzzle Box
  • Various Coins
  • Various Jewelry
  • Missions/Quests Completed

    Confronted the Vanthampurs and confirmed their treachery.

    Created Content

  • Falaster Fisk
  • Chelle
  • Infernal Puzzle Box
  • Vanthampur Sewer
  • Darwin
  • Goblin Behnie
  • The Blushing Mermaid
  • Thavius Kreeg
  • Zariel
  • Sylvira Savikas
  •   Updated Content  
  • Thurstwell Vanthampur
  • Amrik Vanthampur
  • Mortlock Vanthampur
  • Torimesh
  • Reya Mantlemorn
  • Campaign
    Baldur's Gate

    Sariel Amakiir Irlentree

    Level 6 Ar-tel-quessir (Half-Elf) Paladin
    / 46 HP
    Report Date
    13 May 2020
    Primary Location
    Vanthampur Villa
    Secondary Location
    Insight Park

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