The Explorer's League - Great Northwest

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Nemylanthinor
April 1, Year 1, Covid Era | Looking for Players
Supporting Cast
  • Auntie Marjorie the Sea Hag
    Sea Hag from the region, Aunty Marjorie was encountered in Seacliff, the Sea Elven submarine metropolis on the contiental shelf lava falls.
  • Lord Captain Mojukomi Captain Aleister Mojukomi
    The Captain is the highest ranking New Order member allowed in the New World in any location by the Accords of Tol Vehara, which the Peacock Throne is agreeing to uphold for the time being. He can only operate in the lands to the West of the Escarpment, the cliffs which separate the Great Northwest highlands from the rest of Nemylanthinor. He is stationed in and runs the Garrison in Salvation's Landing, but he is infrequently in residence, spending most of his time out among the Lizardfolk tribes and on patrols inland or up and down the river between the human settlements and other points of interest. He is by trade a Battlemaster 6, and he has a personal guard of 10, three of whom are women trained as 3rd Rank Companions, trained for all but the High Blood. They are all Human Battlemaster 3s Knights, and trained as a group for this mission. Aleister has the heavy lidded eyes and broad nose and face of the Esorni people, and he is a gentleman who is quite clever, and hard to fool, but very skilled in Persuasion and Deception for diplomacy. The hallmarks of a life's career. He is 53 years old, but looks and acts like a man in his 30's. He is known to have a fondness for good wine and artisanal cheese, and he is said to be unique in displaying almost no sense of preference in his intimate partners whatsoever, while remaining quite active socially and sexually. Almost as one using sex as diplomatic currency more than personal satisfaction.
  • Cleeve Wyler
    Tawny olive skinned complexion, vertical elf pupils of silver and purple, half-elf male. Close cropped soldier cut brown hair, in Working clothing. Cleeve laid Claim in Salvation's Landing to the rights to found an Explorer's League Hall and trading post. The party agreed to work for him as initial partners for the expedition.
  • Duncan Tremilla
    Handsome, surly older brother of Rosalia Wyler, Champion 2. Not really one for ambition, hasn't made much of himself since earning his Decade with Cleeve, likes the boozing and whoring life. He'll accept direction from friends and superiors, but doesn't have much initiative on his own. Nice enough, better if you become drinking buddies with him. Disapproves of drugs, though he'll pay vast sums for supposed Orchid aphrodisiacs.
  • Eliko Tjokanti
    Eliko Tjokanti is a middle-aged Paladin of Redemption. A Peacetalker, he frequently uses Sanctuary in battle, and sits out. A portly man, when angered he smites with the best, but he keeps true to the path of minimal force, and he practices aikido kata and sparring whenever possible. He wears no armor, though he does like stylish courtier's clothing, and he only carries a wooden walking stick enchanted to allow use as a magical shillelagh +2 in his hands only. Eliko is an avid Survivalist, and quite a loner. Being part of the Ten has been difficult for him, because of all the violence they're doing. He still attacks least frequently, and will usually bandage the fallen on either side of the conflicts. He's a bit of an idealist and frequently the Ten feel like they have to rescue him from a conflict he starts inadvertently by trying to de-escalate things and saying the wrong thing. But he means well, and in the face of Unredeemable Evil, he Smites mightily. Might even put on some armor for the occasion if he knows in advance.
  • Hielka Beryl
    Hielka is a Sun Soul 3 who was fresh away from her Codicil and assigned here as her first assignment of the Decade. Four years later, she is very happy to have had such adventures, but talks of visiting Tol Vehara someday, admitting frequent regret that they were forbidden from descending the Escarpment. Hielka saw it twice, and both times it was forbidding even from the top. The land just .... sank beneath her. Hielka has made contact with the Monastery of High Valkym, a Monastery in the high passes above the treeline where hot springs and lava vents create an oasis. Valkym is Giant for Summer Valley. The Monastery consists of three different schools, the Sun Soul, Long Death, and Kensei schools. One pagoda each sits North, West, and South along the ridge overlooking the valley. To the east are Stone Giant sculpture gardens which were etched centuries ago into abstract soft organic bulbous columns designed to cast light and shadow over the hill approaching a stage with a scalloped shell and seven tiers of stone stadium seating in the open air. She loved it there, and wanted to start her studies with the Goliath, forest Gnome, and Half-Elven monastics who make their permanent residence there.
  • Joji Sapphire
    One of The Ten, Joji is a Horizon Walker 6 who fights with rapier and dagger or shortbow. He accompanies Captain Aleister of the Garrison as he moves about the territory. He sees the real effort that the New Order is making and is a supporter of their efforts, but he is also an independent thinker. For the moment, he is serving out his second Decade, and has another eight years to go. The future is off a ways, in the meanwhile he has resumed an "in town" relationship with Tawny, the barkeep and serving woman at the Upright Citizen Hotel in town, a popular hangout for the New Order and their direct vendors, which here meant more than half the town. Joji is very excited by the Great Northwest. He has been part of the Ten for four years that they've been here, and he has come to appreciate the strange push and pull of the frontier life. He has professional goals, but they are Need to Know information, as the Captain deploys the Ten as he sees fit, and their errands are varied and never dull or easy.
  • Kiara Emerald
    Kiara is a Diviner 3. She is 2 years shy of serving out her Decade, and is looking forward to a rotation back home to take her next Codicil Training to the point that she checks off the days now. She knew what she was getting herself into, of course, when she signed up for the Ten, but she also knew that it was the road which gave her pain in the short term, for smoother sailing later. So far her wyrd has not wavered, and she happily ticks off her days. Enjoying the moment but salivating over a return to the Old World after four years here. Her Divination skills are limited, but she is otherwise a competent Wizard, and she has the advantage of being from House Emerald, one of the younger daughters of the Grand Duchess Emerald herself. This has definitely been a step away from the debutante's life, but she has actually done it without complaining to anyone (because she foresaw how tiresome it was). She uses geomancy as her preferred divination method, casting tiny stones and gemstones and crystals into shallow and wide bowls of sand, and reading the patterns they make. She has learned over the years since passing her first Codicil that telling the future directly unnerves folks. She has worked on and developed her own language of symbolism based upon the literary standards of written prophecy and fortune telling superstition, and calls it 'Omenspeak'. It was her seminal work as a Professor (sage background), and it is required reading for all New Order Diviners now.
  • Knight Magister Carlotta Beryl
    Carlotta Beryl is an Evoker 6, and the Knight Magister for the Garrison of the New Order. As the highest ranking Magical Officer, she has more pull internally within the New Order. As such, even though she is not the ranking officer in control, she heads her own faction within Salvation's Landing, and she is frequently at odds with the Captain or the Sergeant. Carlotta is in her early 60s, and she served in military actions in her youth quelling rebellions. She tends to be suspicious of outsiders, covetous of all magical power, and resentful of anyone who disagrees with her. She has let her physical self go in later age, and gives herself over to gluttony as her base motivator. Like many Knights Magister within the Order, she represents the face of fanaticism, and more than the political leadership, she is the one who has the power in the Knights to make life miserable for anyone in the Order or her jurisdiction. She is known to be open to bribes presented as 'thoughtful gifts' and wrapped in insincere 'friendships' which amount to pleasant words during regular extortion payment sessions. Food, Orchids, Wine, but above all, magic. Baubles, treasures, new items, etc. Flattery and bribery together get you her favor, which MIGHT buy you a break.
  • Maya of the High Pass Kobolds
    Elderly Kobold wild magic sorceress, changed magically on the day Mayaxa flew into the Abyss at Nyx's chasm, near the party base.
  • Mitandra Vlek
    Middle-aged male human Guild Artisan (Merchant) with three levels of Druid (Circle of Dreams). He brought a plenitude of raw materials from home with him in extraplanar storage, and he kept that fact well hidden until the bulk was gone, and he was rich in favors and claims from those who had not prepared properly for the frontier. He is a Past Guildmaster of the Merchant's Guild, and thus the senior officer, and spokesperson for collective bargaining with the official trade guilds. He seeks the party's audience to discuss an opportunity for them to scout a plot of land for him up the coast which will be good for mushroom farming, a thumb of land that juts out into the ocean along low lying salt marshes and fens which flood with high tide.
  • Oyando Morsz
    Oyando is a Storm Sorcerer 6. He is an Air Genasi, and he has great powers (6th level). He is a lothario, a ne'er-do-well, a Pirate by background and a very bad poet. Who just doesn't care. Oyando is one month away from serving his Decade, and he has agreed to remain on as a guide, but he's still refusing to re-enlist. As a Sorcerer, he will continue to grow without the need for any Codicils, since the magic is innate. But he enjoyed his time in the Ten. Oyando is someone who locks horns constantly with the Knight Magister back at the Garrison. It is a constant point of friction. Oyando's nature is suitably tempestuous, and when there are thunderstorms around he gets manic, but he's fanatically loyal to his 'crew', and right now that 'crew' are the KNO and the Ten.
  • Rosalia Wyler
    Rosalia was a Journeyrank Cook in the Cooking Guild back in the Old World, and came over to the New with her older brother Duncan to help him set up a new life here. Rosalia quickly rose to prominence for her training, and is what passes locally for a Chef, even though she is the first to point out she hasn't passed those exams officially in the Guild and is just a Cook. She served in the Mess Halls for the Garrison of the New Order until recently when she married Cleeve Wyler, who is setting up the regional Explorer's League.
  • Sergeant Phylipe Azurand
    Phylipe is an old sailor Swashbuckler 3 and the highest ranking NCO. He's the one who really runs the Garrison and is overseeing the construction efforts and day to day business while the Captain focuses more on taming the surronduing countryside. He's in his early 40s, and doesn't plan on re-enlisting when he's done. He loves to play dice, and he has a small dinghy he takes out fishing or uses to explore the rock formations of the River's Teeth, the columns of basalt splinters which the river flows through to empty into the ocean. He has a wife and two sons, one of whom is a Companion of the 5th rank, and the other of whom is a Tempest Sorcerer 3 serving as a specialist in the New Order in his Decade, working for commission as a guide on ocean voyages or seafaring vessels for fees paid to the Garrison. His wife is ill, however, with some strange fever. He is distracted at the moment, but he is the sort of man who gets lost in his work and therefore the town is running quite smoothly under his administration.
  • Tawny Casarda
    Tawny is back working at the Upright Citizen Hotel in town. She met the party as their Stewardess on their airship voyage to Salvation's Landing. She is currently dating one of the rangers exploring the interior with Captain Aleister. She had been sweet on Cleeve, but he left her for better prospects with the Garrison chef instead. She took it hard and really wants nothing to do with him, or by extension, the party. At least right now.
  • The Coral Queen of Seacliff
    Sea Elven Queen in control of the submarine city of Seacliff amid the steam vents and lavatube falls on the edge of the Deeps on the cliffs of the continental shelf, 1200 feet below the surface.

Sessions Archive

11th Oct 2020

20_1011: October Fun

When last we left off, the party had completed Codicil II for both Shyrene and Tom and were puzzling out what they wanted to do next.

Read the Report
27th Sep 2020


Journey to the Codicil for both Party Rogues, plus, whatever's next.

9th Aug 2020

20_08-09 4pm: The Return Trek

The party went out to help Geode 'correct' some unintended effects from the purple power crystal Event earlier back in town. They moved through at a quick travel pace and discovered several things to explore along the way. On the way back, they plan on doing the survey work for the hexes they moved through.

26th Jul 2020

20_07-26: Session #3


12th Jul 2020

20_07-12: Explorers Set Up

Having established their base, the exploration continues.

28th Jun 2020

20_06 | Tol Vehara01 - Claim the Land

Arrive in the New World. Claim the land.

Read the Report
Tol Vehara, humanity's farthest outpost, in the midlands of a major continent more vast than the homelands, remains a beacon of the exotic, a faraway outpost, the Last City of Free Magic.   But the party decided not to go there. Or to the first gathering of the Midnight Courts in centuries. Instead they are in a swamp cleaning up the mess the dwarf made on their first day in town.   And away we go. ;)

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Spath i'Phyllum

Shyrene Windheart

Level 3 Human Chaotic Good Rogue - Scout
(Faction Agent)
/ 18 HP

Umlilo Omnyama


Himo Varanen