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Shyrene Windheart

Level 3 Human Chaotic Good Rogue - Scout
(Faction Agent)
/ 18 HP

Shyrene Windheart was born the daughter of Tayric Stoneheart and Eilene Windseeker, in the Blue Lynx Tribe of the Eastern Mountains of Nemylanthinor and maternal niece of the Tribe’s Chief Harbold Windseeker.

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Salvation's Landing

Campaign & Party

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Mon 28th Jun 2021 12:39

The Forbidden Temple Part 2

by Shyrene Windheart

We woke to find Himo had come down with some sickness from a poison from the mold on the wall we passed the day before. We had to go back that way to turn off the force fields, so Umlilo cast a warding wind to get us by to the control room. Geode worked on the console and when he turned off the field, we were attacked by shadowy spirits including a large troll.
The troll dropped Geode in the fight and had a big back and forth with Mule. Geode once again had to interact with the pedestal, which he said control was being partially blocked by a malevolent source of whom's lair we were in. He was able to drop the force field after which we moved back past the now burnt mold and rested to recover from the fight.
We returned to the blocked doorway, flanked by snake figure carvings, a grand staircase rose ahead which shimmered with geothermal gases. Despite my warning, Mule moved through the gas and passed out at the same time Umlilo set the gases on fire. At the top of the stairs, warded portals stood to either side. When Himo threw a rock into the northern portal it was thrown back with force.
We pressed forward, through a general evil feeling which seems to be allowing us by but could stop us if it wanted to. We found an illusory wall and moved to investigate which ended in another illusory wall. Beyond that, there was several giant mummies on thrones. It felt like a museum, and Himo was able to determine that these were cloud giants corpses. Umlilo then was able to determine the mummified remains were phylacteries of a lich, one that was quite insane.
We headed south through a huge chamber and found that more mummies existed on the other side of the hall. Tom found a hidden passage that headed west and we headed in that direction. As we were looking around we heard in our mind 'Welcome, I've been expecting you.' The lich suggested that she could help us and beckoned us to her.
We found a giant floating skull with emerald eyes and teeth attended to by lizardfolk children. She said we were wise to leave the skull behind and that we would need her help to overthrow the Yuan-Ti. Her name is Niaketh.
She offered to aid us in discovering the true name of one of the artifacts on the condition that we return it to her lair and release the Merilith and defeat it, allowing her to absorb the powers of the fiend and transcend to the next level of being as an arcane being. We would then be free to leave her lair.
The party voted to agree to Niaketh's agreement. She let us know that the Ancient Black Dragon, KRAVAXXORA, had bespelled us to forget, which she broke. It was to her that we need to go to determine the name of the Merilith in the artifact.
We returned the child we came to rescue to the village, much to their awe. We were feasted for our success.

Shyrene's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. From Outpost Island to Salvation's Landing
    28 Jun 2020 08:50:00
  2. Salvation's Landing and Beyond
    29 Jun 2020 01:16:17
  3. Explorer's Guild Camp
    13 Jul 2020 12:55:51
  4. Time to Explore
    27 Jul 2020 12:24:05
  5. Continuing our Explorations
    10 Aug 2020 12:45:07
  6. The Monsoons
    24 Aug 2020 01:11:37
  7. The Undersea Temple
    14 Sep 2020 01:19:41
  8. The Shadow's Codicil
    28 Sep 2020 12:53:56
  9. Deeper Inland We Go
    12 Oct 2020 12:56:16
  10. Deeper Inland We Go
    26 Oct 2020 12:48:14
  11. Leaving the Academy
    29 Nov 2020 09:22:03
  12. A Young Farmer...
    01 Dec 2020 12:35:22
  13. The Zombie Spawner
    14 Dec 2020 02:06:13
  14. The Serpent Tribe Tomb
    28 Dec 2020 02:21:47
  15. Surveying our Surroundings
    11 Jan 2021 01:22:24
  16. What Do We Do Now? Marjorie?
    25 Jan 2021 01:38:36
  17. Auntie Marjorie's Lair
    15 Feb 2021 01:33:04
  18. Auntie Marjorie's Lair Part 2
    01 Mar 2021 02:55:07
  19. Auntie Marjorie's Lair Part 3
    15 Mar 2021 12:12:10
  20. Codicils. The Reserchening.
    28 Mar 2021 11:18:44
  21. Codicils. The Reserchening Part 2.
    25 Apr 2021 09:01:51
  22. The Next Steps - More Exploration
    09 May 2021 08:32:39
  23. The Next Steps - Exploration Continued
    10 May 2021 12:52:35
  24. More Explorations
    13 Jun 2021 08:28:26
  25. The Forbidden Temple
    14 Jun 2021 01:12:38
  26. The Forbidden Temple Part 2
    28 Jun 2021 12:39:51

The major events and journals in Shyrene's history, from the beginning to today.

The Forbidden Temple Part 2

We woke to find Himo had come down with some sickness from a poison from the mold on the wall we passed the day before. We had to go back that way to turn off the force fields, so Umlilo cast a warding wind to get us by to the control room. Geode worked o...

12:39 am - 28.06.2021

The Forbidden Temple

After a rest in the magic dome, we set back out and immediately ran into a cloud of gas, which did not flare out when exposed to fire. We covered up and rushed passed the mushrooms that appeared to be creating the spores. Moving forward we found a loos...

01:12 am - 14.06.2021

More Explorations

The first day was eventfully, with us disturbing a hag by collecting resin for incense, which we then left behind. Then a fire elemental confused when the earthsingers extracted obsidian from veins in a beautiful ravine. All in all, I wonder about my comp...

12:25 am - 24.05.2021

The Next Steps - Exploration Continued

We decided to survey the area the next day and set out with that in mind. Heading north, we found some pools with a Nyad, she mentioned a black dragon when we talked with her, but paled and fled when realizing she had. Moving northwest, we found a raised...

12:52 am - 10.05.2021

The Next Steps - More Exploration

We set out in our new flying machine. It was odd to travel that way, but we covered great distances in very short time frames. Tom spotted a slightly unnatural tunneled entrance in the swamp that we stopped to investigate. Geode used a new spell and was ...

12:44 am - 26.04.2021

Codicils. The Reserchening Part 2.

While others did their codicils, Geode and I sent a sending to the Shepherdess and received a message back that she was unconscious and had been stabbed in the back. She needed our help, so Geode prepared more spells and we summoned Dovar into a Magic Cir...

11:55 pm - 11.04.2021

Codicils. The Reserchening.

I set out with Himo to town while Umlilo worked in his tower and the others did their own thing. I feel a need to collect items I need for my next journey but the route to town is mostly picked over. We went straight to the Captain and delivered our messa...

11:18 pm - 28.03.2021

Auntie Marjorie's Lair Part 3

We proceeded through the briar maze, finding the pillars in the order of the poem, and found ourselves in Marjorie's prescence. She granted us our questions, for the price of carrying a message to the Captain. She only knew the location of the black ar...

12:12 am - 15.03.2021

Auntie Marjorie's Lair Part 2

We headed north after our rest and found the orange pillar, and Fomorian's with it. When we had dealt with the Fomorians, their dying tears crystalized and we collected them. Among their things at their camp we found soul jars tied to each of us. Then we...

02:55 am - 01.03.2021

Auntie Marjorie's Lair

Marjorie's cottage was as disgusting as one might expect of a sea hag. She went on a spiel but we weren't able to answer in our current form. She began to lower us into the water, but then had to go do something else and we in our koala forms opened the c...

01:33 am - 15.02.2021

What Do We Do Now? Marjorie?

We were returned to the Outpost tired and bedraggled and collapsed into our beds. We woke the next morning unsure of our immediate next steps. We decided to try and gain more insight from the memory crystals we had stockpiled, while Himo went to find out...

01:38 am - 25.01.2021

Surveying our Surroundings

After our conflict with the Yuan-Ti, we carried on surveying. We found a herd of Brontosaurus that we skirted and avoided surveying that block. Much settlement has occurred near the road. At the end of the day, as we set camp, we noted the warning blas...

01:22 am - 11.01.2021

The Serpent Tribe Tomb

We utilized the white amulet behind the Serpent Mask, which revealed a red amulet and flashed a rune that revealed another secret passageway. The passage way had a pressure plate that when pressed caused the floor to tilt down to a tomb chamber. After...

02:21 am - 28.12.2020

The Zombie Spawner

We rested and then went to deal with the stone bowl and flame. Umlilo identified it as an undead spawning item, then tried to control the flame and was possessed. I had to shoot him as he flew up to attack us, which broke the spell. Himo then smashed the...

02:06 am - 14.12.2020

A Young Farmer...

While we were discussing our path forward when a young man who had seen better days stumbled into the outpost. He relayed a story of him and his father's farm being overrun by what were described as the Yuan-ti zombies we've encountered before. Given his...

12:35 am - 01.12.2020

Leaving the Academy

After nearly 4 months at the academy we set back out, heading in the direction of home. Midway through the first day barely into the trek, we heard the sounds of pitched battle to the southeast and made our way in that direction. As we approached a signal...

01:36 am - 23.11.2020

Deeper Inland We Go

We sheltered for two days in the lizardfolk village through the rain. The accommodations were nice. The magic locker unlocked during our stay, and in it we found a spellbook of a level 12 transmutation wizard. Himo now carries the box. We set out in o...

12:48 am - 26.10.2020

20_1011: October Fun

01:08 am - 14.10.2020

Deeper Inland We Go

Having completed what we came here to do, with both Tom and myself ascended, so we are setting out to find Geode and Obin's Codicil. We are joined by Mule, a dwarven monk and earthsinger, here to figure out what in the world Geode has been doing. We s...

12:56 am - 12.10.2020

20_1011: October Fun

08:21 pm - 11.10.2020

20_07-12: Explorers Set Up

05:59 pm - 11.10.2020

20_07-12: Explorers Set Up

05:59 pm - 11.10.2020

20_08-09 4pm: The Return Trek

05:59 pm - 11.10.2020

20_08-09 4pm: The Return Trek

05:59 pm - 11.10.2020


05:59 pm - 11.10.2020


05:59 pm - 11.10.2020

The Shadow's Codicil

We set out from the hall with the intent to map our way there and so we did. Towards the end of the day we find tracks of a large predator who was of a monstrous nature, and later a cave that was likely it's den. We obviously did not want to leave it behi...

12:53 am - 28.09.2020

The Undersea Temple

After figuring out how to get through the skull entry, we found an entry chamber where we rested undisturbed. A sea elf warrior caught up with while we rested, a monster hunter named Himo. The temple appears to be a level 6 codicil for horizon walkers. ...

01:19 am - 14.09.2020

The Monsoons

We have suffered through weeks of interminable rain. I taught Tom for a week on the lessons of medicine I had learned, but I could not stay put long enough to continue A sea elf and two tritons arrived on the shore to deliver a welcome and as an envoy ...

01:11 am - 24.08.2020

Continuing our Explorations

We were able to see more when we broke camp the next day. A lizardfolk village was apparent to the southeast from were we camped, and it was surrounded by elaborate and huge termite mound looking structures. To the north is a herd of odd looking giraffe's...

12:45 pm - 10.08.2020

20_07-26: Session #3

03:52 am - 28.07.2020

Time to Explore

Cleeve finally got tired of our ineptitude in building and asked us to get about exploring. I was happy to oblige. I am not a builder... We traveled north, mapping as we went. Around midday, we found a shipwreck 60 feet up the cliff face 2 leagues no...

12:24 am - 27.07.2020

20_07-26: Session #3

07:16 pm - 26.07.2020

Explorer's Guild Camp

After a few days of building camp, Mya dropped a bomb of information on Spath. She was an servant of the White Dragon Mayaxa who vanished mysterious after an apparent incursion by another kobold (Tulda) into a Nyx chasm. Shortly thereafter Mya was apparen...

12:55 pm - 13.07.2020

20_06 | Tol Vehara01 - Claim the Land

12:57 pm - 29.06.2020

20_06 | Tol Vehara01 - Claim the Land

12:56 pm - 29.06.2020

Salvation's Landing and Beyond

We spent a few days in Salvation's Landing after making landfall. Some may refer to them as eventful. The first day we got supplies for our trek north to establish Cleeve's claim and managed to convince Helga, the quartermaster of the town, to move up ...

01:16 am - 29.06.2020

From Outpost Island to Salvation's Landing

It was a long trip across the continent, by land then sea. My travels with the Giff on their warships were interesting to say the least and I will remember always to stay on their good side, as they are fierce warriors and well trained. I arrived on Outp...

08:50 pm - 28.06.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Shyrene.

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Other Characters by mothakk