20_06 | Tol Vehara01 - Claim the Land Report

General Summary

The party arrived finally via airship transport and debarked at Salvation's Landing. After a ride across the Deeps in a luxury airship liner of yesterday's luxury and the height of magical convenience, they were lowered onto a platform of magic down to the waiting muddy, dirty, humid, stinking swamps, marshes, rain forests, and wetlands below.

The party was given three main tasks by Cleeve Wyler, their new boss. 

  1. Arrange the lizardfolk guide to the lands to the north where the Explorer's League Hall would eventually be built. 
  2. Arrange the porters and transport of the lumber, stores, and building supplies to set up the campsite and initial buildings
  3. Take formal possession of the new building claim before the next full moon.

The caravan depot was busy loading and unloading things, so Spath ended up giving a nighttime performance there to entertain the workers in the village so that Helga the Depot owner would be able to have a fun night and still get work done. She complied the next day and got Cleeve's porting shipment loaded and arranged for 2 days out vs. 3 weeks.
Geode found the power crystal being studied and surrounded slowly by the buildings of the Garrison for the New Order being constructed. Using his rarity as a dwarf and his Earthsinger status he brokered access to the large purple power-crystal jutting up from the earth in the courtyard of the Garrison. He Earthsang to the crystal while Sgt. Tyler of the Knights of the New Order and the entire construction crew and half the village workers helping unload and store the goods from the latest shipment looked on. 
Geode, being a New World cleric vs. Chapellar, manifested the mythic form of his deity whose focus is unleashing the magic energy inherent in reality. The power crystal and the Dwarven God melded and through Geode a 9th level clerical spell was cast, a Miracle wrought, actually. And an energy shield sprang up at the God's direction which floats above normal sea levels and extends in a half mile arc up and down the coast centered around Salvation's Landing. Initial thinking is that the shield now prevents Monsoons and hurricanes, and tidal waves or storm surges beyond a certain point from affecting the town. Normal wind and weather seems to pass through it, and fishing vessels always seem to easily clear the bottom of it even when swells push up into the range of the bottom of the shield.

  Geode is fine, the party is fine, the goals were all accomplished, and the party took possession early of the campsite for the League Hall and did some preliminary investigation.
In the campsite of the Black Wave Dancers they found the old village grounds, wiped clean as promised and only slightly overgrown. And Maya with her two younger kobold assistants, a blind male kobold who seems to do the cooking and domestic chores for Maya in her little shelter at the base of the cliff backing the village, and a much younger female kobold who looks unhappy a lot and menaces the air around her with short spears. 

Maya is an incredibly old kobold with attitude who served a very, very long time in the employ of a White dragon. Her kobold stubby horns are long and elegant like a dragon's, and she is old enough that her head has developed a fan-like armor plated head ridge and mouth frills and drooping barbels like a dragon, though her head type looks more Green than White. She is frail and weak... and wise. The party and Cleeve decided to let her stay in exchange for her wisdom and light grounds tending duties (from the younger kobold, really). 

The party discovered a 40' high cairn built out of Ancient ruined stone blocks out on a promontory with spears stuck into the gaps between the stones and lizardfolk skulls on them. After exploration and consultation with Maya, it was discovered to be a Codicil II for War Wizards, and the Black Wave Dancer tribe was known for terrorizing the coastlands and engaging in limited forms of coastal-based piracy, because they produced so many War Wizards. 

Cleeve joined them after finishing up his business in town and on board the airship, any by the full moon the party had constructed two log cabins for storage or shelter from weather and determined their own tent spaces and begun to acclimate to life with mosquitoes and howler monkey tribes keeping them up at all hours.

The Explorer's League - Great Northwest

Shyrene Windheart

Level 3 Human Chaotic Good Rogue - Scout
(Faction Agent)
/ 18 HP
Player Journals
Salvation's Landing and Beyond by Shyrene
Report Date
29 Jun 2020
Primary Location
Salvation's Landing

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