6: Silvium Rebuilt Report

General Summary

Emerging from the Silvium guardhouse, the Champions decide to rest for the evening. Over the next 3 days, they take a breather from their adventuring lives. Amnur helps rebuild the damaged city walls, Garrisund practices his sword dance, Iris takes a trip to her home woods, and Uguz decides to learn more about magic. Reuniting at the Traveler's Rest Inn, they decide to grab a job at the Adventurer's Guild, now back in operation. Hearing that the Montido Mill Manufacturing company has had issues with their shipments to Tollhouse being stolen, they head out to guard their next caravan. An uneventful trip takes a turn when a group of 6 armed horsemen approaches the caravan on a hill a way outside of their destination. Garrisund and the caravan leader approach the horsemen while the rest stay back on the road. The group learns that the horsemen are the thieves, and that the guards and delivery drivers are working together to undercut Montido and sell the "stolen" goods as normal but reporting the goods as stolen. This allows everyone to make a more livable wage and only hurts the greedy Valmar Montido, the noble owner of the business. None of the Champions raise any objections, and so they all continue on to Tollhouse. Arriving at the customer, the goods are sold and the team is paid, given an extra 10gp each for their cooperation. Uguz is messaged by Spergulus Quazzleknack III that his axe is ready, but he decides to travel with the remaining caravan back to Silvium while the rest go to Pike's Bay to grab his gear.   Reaching Pike's Bay two days later, Amnur, Garrisund, and Iris try to make their way to the Magisterium. This proves difficult as they quickly get lost in the lower portion of the city. Having little luck making their way back to the main street, Garrisund is approached by a man in a dark brown cloak, beckoning him to follow him down an alley. The group complies, and they find the man next to a giant, spike covered individual. The cloaked man reveals himself to be a salesman, and the group buy some odd sounding items from him before wandering their way back to the center road. They eventually make it to the Magisterium and go to Spergulus' office. Before they enter, they see a shorter man in similar robes as Spergulus exit her office, go to the door at the end of the hall and step into it, slamming it shut behind him. Amnur asks Spergulus what that was about, but she quietly tells him it was nothing. She gives the group the axe and sends them on their way. The group then teleports back to the empty Silvium teleport ring and return to the inn.   Half a day out of Tollhouse, Uguz springs a trap on the last 3 caravaners. Throwing the remaining guard off his horse, he quickly defeats the man before slaying the head driver. The last driver attempts to run but is quickly chased down. Uguz roughs him up and tells him to take the two bodies back to the brigand horsemen, telling them that if they attempt their plot again, he will hunt them all down. He then makes the trip back to Silvium on foot.   Upon returning to Silvium, Uguz reports the brigands activity to the warehouse manager, and the team reunites at the inn. The following morning, the group discusses their plan for the day but are interrupted by a guardsman. He tells the group that the governor would like to meet with them, and they travel with him to the capitol building. They enter the governors office and he introduces himself as Theren Moontouched. The group realizes that this is the man mentioned in the fake guard Kevin's Sending message. He explains he is aware of their group and their investigation into the blue residue and asks for their help in further investigations. Uguz is hesitant but is given the revelation that Kevin is actually a Changeling woman who works as an agent for Theren. Upon explanation of the misunderstanding, Uguz joins the rest of the Champions in agreeing to work with Theren Moontouched and Areis, the Changeling.

Rewards Granted

"Delivered" stolen goods to a customer at Tollhouse.

Missions/Quests Completed

Complied with horseman brigands in cheating the noble Valmar Montido out of his payment.

Character(s) interacted with

Theren Moontouched, Aeris.


Uguz has his +1 Blessed Greataxe back.

Planet Girth Campaign
Report Date
06 Mar 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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