Session Twenty Seven: Tea

General Summary


  You are on your way to Flamekeep. The House Orien wagon has one short stop in Daskaran which will only be an hour long.   It's late afternoon and the wagon drivers (Hank and Frank) predict that you will be arriving in Daskaran in the morning and Flamekeep early the day after.   This part of the route the road is a bit dusty and narrow. You occasionally pass pilgrims on their way to Thaliost.   Your seats have been moved so that you can face each other. In the middle is a soft shaggy ochre rug. What do you do?    

Attuning to Feathers and Miron's Tears

  Malak and Nesza are attuning to their new gear. Silmer is meditating and April is brewing some potions. Vence is writing out some documents and Tristan is writing a letter.   Griff decides to have a chat with Tristan. Tristan says he's busy writing a letter. Griff mentions how important that is in order to keep House Orien afloat and because they are more personal. Griff starts to write some postcards of his own.   After half an hour, Vence sits with Tristan. He offers some wine to Tristan but also passes it along to others who'd like some. April puts some wine in a vial and the rest in a glass. Vence then asks Tristan how he knew that Cissa was in Thaliost. Tristan shrugs off all of Vence's question, explaining that, just because Vence helped Tristan contact his sister, doesn't make them friends. He is not obligated to answer any questions.   The conversation then moves to the "Feathers". Tristan mentions that he's been looking for people with feathers for a while. April asks Vence for more clarity on the feathers. She's noticed that Cissa, Mia and her grandmother wore them. And Corvus obviously found them important. But no one has ever explained their real relevance to her before. And now somehow her mother is in danger because of this.
Vence explains that the Feather is a symbol of an organization that aims for peace. And seem to be a part of Miron's Tears.   April asks Malak what Miron's Tears is. Malak explains that Miron's Tears was an organization that helped Tira Miron. It seems like they are keeping an eye on the "Shadow in the Flame".
Malak mentions that he might be able to get more information on Miron's Tears. Vence suggests Sister Merry, which Malak agrees could also be an option. But he actually meant his mother. He explains that she's a Veiled One, something akin to a Church elder.   April then asks Vence about what they heard in the Prismatic Cavern. That Mia is part of Miron's Tears but he turned them down. Vence explains that he wasn't asked. Taliashanna and "Management" were approached. And, at that time, Taliashanna had them leave before either could answer. She seemed a little freaked out. Vence explains that he didn't exist at the time of this conversation and that he's actually younger than Silmer. He would very much want a feather. But "the others" need to agree and there seems to be some disputes about it.   It's at this point that Griff realises that he never said good bye to Uncle Teddy. Vence offers to send him a message but Griff declines, mentioning that he'd rather send a letter.    


  In asking what the Feathers actually do, Vence explains that they must wear their feathers out in the open and also pledge to "end Suffering". The group discuss this philosophy and most feel that, although the thought is noble, suffering cannot be ended and is, in fact, necessary for growth.
April cannot wrap her mind around this way of thinking. The group explain to her that she wouldn't be who she is if she didn't go through some tough times. April then asks if it is necessary for her mother and Jenny to be suffering in the way that they are. She does NOT agree with this.
Griff decides to appeal to April's farm-girl side. That, after a fire, soil is once again fertile. He tells her a story his grandmother told him about the creation of the Eldeen Reaches. When the dragon, Khyber, died, its sibling cried tears. And it was these tears that created the great forest as it is today. And it is why seeds are in the shape of tear drops. This give April some food for thought.   It is mentioned that the Flameless, the regiment that Myranna belonged to, seem to have had similar goals to the Feathers. And it is clarified who Myranna Ishim is to Malak (for anyone who was not aware yet).    

Clarifications and Sicklemen

  Griff mentions that there are a few things unclear to him and perhaps now is the best time to put them on the table. He firsts asks for more clarity on the Eyes and General Len. The group explain the events in Windshire and how Len seemed to be part of that. Windshire is also where Valorie and Jenny were taken.
Griff explains that he had contacted Jossac and some others about the events surrounding Len. But he wants to check if everyone is fine with that. Malak is fine with it, but asks not to mention the Feathers (like Cissa, Elizabeth and Taliashanna). Tristan tells Griff that it's good that he trusts his team. But to show some discretion until more details are known.
Griff mentions that he wonders whether Len is Thranian or not. Because, if he's not, they could possibly have Thrane help, as well as some people from outside of Thrane. But if Len is Thranian, it could cause a war if militants from outside of Thrane join the fray. Based on previous evidence, the group suspect that Len is Valenar but they are not completely sure.
    As the group discuss the Eyes, April chimes in to not forget that the Sicklemen were involved too. Griff asks who the Sicklemen are and Malak and Vence explain that they are a group of ex-soldiers who bare the sickle mark. Vence shifts the mark onto his arm, which visibly makes Tristan uncomfortable. Griff and Nesza show their marks too. It is explained that these Sicklemen seemed to have been frustrated after the war and started to gang up on locals. Griff muses that it explains why he gets intimated looks whenever he travels in rural areas. Nesza mentions that he has encountered rumours about them around the Eldeen Reaches as well.
Nesza says that it's hard to explain what war did to those on the front lines. You never came back the same again. Griff mentions that not only the frontline suffered. He was in the camp with officers and many returned with harrowing stories. People like the Sicklemen require a purpose. Tristan states that these men are to be pitied. No more, no less. All soldiers came back hurting. But some were luckily given means to adjust again.
  Listening to these explanations, April then asks: "So where is the growth here? How has suffering made things better for anyone?"
Malak explains that eliminating suffering isn't possible. But minimizing it should always be the goal. Any form of fanaticism isn't a good thing. Creating suffering. Ending suffering. Cupcake uprisings (Everyone: huh?).   Griff asks the two other soldiers why they joined.
Tristan explains that it has always been a childhood dream of his to be a soldier. And the best and worst memories he has are of when he was serving. But he would not join again.
Nesza explains that he went for a similar reason. He has been training to protect the Eldeen Reaches from demons since he was young. But the realities of war were very hard for him. A single black tear goes down his cheek as he says so.
Griff explains that he and his family fought to defend what they cared about from Thrane: Passage. It was a strategic location and could easily have turned the tides of war if Thrane took it. Malak chimes in that most Thranians were also only fighting to protect.
April then states, "If they are both just fighting to protect then STOP THE FIGHTING." Malak muses that she's wise beyond her years. Nesza mentions that this was what the Silverbird said as well. And it worked. But the day after was a bloodbath.   It is mentioned that the Flameless had this mentality too. And the group explain to Tristan the story about Myranna and how she stopped the siege on Thaliost with a single arrow. Griff is quite positive about the thought that there were no casualties. Tristan grumbles that they aren't completely sure how much of that is fact.
Vence asks for more information on the Deciding Arrow. Malak explains that it saved countless lives but it removed the greenery of the area. It used to be called the Emerald of Aundair. Griff mentions that a siege would have been a lot worse. He also says that he went to see. April pipes up with "It was still there??" and Griff explains that it was quite a sight to behold.
Malak sadly says that Myranna is the strongest person he knows. April quickly offers Malak tea but he kindly turns her down, saying he's fine with the wine that Vence poured for him.

The Sporing

  Griff and Tristan enquire further on how the Eyes and Sicklemen are related. Neither Vence nor Malak are completely sure whether they are working for the Eyes or if they were simply mercenaries hired for the Windshire.
Vence mentions that he thinks Len is a Valenar elf. Malak doubts that any of the elves involved are Thranian. Vence mentions that the Sicklemen span over multiple countries. They mention how Jamie was from Breland. The group explain to Tristan and Griff the events on the train, including the vial with Sporing that was also used in Windshire. They also explain that House Jorrasco was responsible for the creation of it.   Vence muses that they need to keep the "mist" into consideration when they go to Athandra. Malak tells him that they need not worry as, according to a House Jorrasco, there are five known locations where the Sporing did not work in the war.   At this moment, Griff realises that Uncle Teddy had fought in Athandra. And, in fact, his brothers did too. He needs to write some letters...   Griff mentions that Sky Kings from his regiment dropped these on Athandra. But now that he thought about it, he recalls them saying that it didn't work.   Malak asks Griff how he feels about using a weapon like the Sporing. Griff replies that one does not earn one's stripes by asking such questions. This answer does not sit well with April and Malak and they push for Griff to answer what his personal opinion is. Griff replies that he feels that there is no benefit to anyone. It's why he came to Thrane on holiday. To see the other side and understand their point of view. He feels that the marraige of the Aundarian princess and the Thranian prince will have countries unite at last.
April points out that this will only benefit two countries. But so many more were at war with each other.
Tristan agrees, mentioning that there are still many divisions. And even within countries, religious zealots create more divisions. He quips about Thrane and their moral ambiguity when it comes to race. Malak does not deny this but feels that not all are so black and white on this point. Silmer reminds Tristan that he had asked whether Tristan was racist. The same applied to Malak. He wouldn't be travelling with Malak otherwise.    

Aldred, Agis and Willy

  The wagon sudden stops. Frank calls to the group saying there is a young man on the road asking for help.   Everyone gets out of the wagon. Nesza brings his bow and Vence his viol. The young man in question looks to be about 13, with angular features and short cropped light blonde hair. Nesza scans around between the trees for any danger but doesn't see anything. April takes a dirt sample. The young man asks for some herbs. When asked what he's specifically looking for, the young man seems to be unsure. He asks if the group can come with him to his father, who is currently helping someone in the woods.
Vence, noticing that this young man is possibly Kalashtar, asks him in Quori how far away his father is. Malak recognises the language but cannot speak it. Surprised, the young man replies 5 minutes by foot. Vence passes this information on. Seeing that there is no immediate danger, Tristan decides to get back into the wagon and finish off his letter. April and Silmer follow. Malak, Nesza, Griff and Vence head into the forest, with Nesza scanning as they walk.   In a clearing, there is a tall man with long platinum blond hair piled into a bun on his head. He's wearing a white robe with sleeves rolled up, crouching over an old man who is lying against a mossy log. Around the tall man's neck is a string with dozens of little green feather weaved into them.
The tall man sees the young man arrive and, in Quori, exclaims that he's pleased that he found some help. In common, he address the group in a distinctly Brelish accent (the young man had a Thranian one). He thanks the group and asks if they have some anis and other healing herbs. Old Willy (the man on the ground) had sprained his ankle and needs some medical attention. Griff gives some of his herbs from his component pouch.
  Nesza wordlessly walks to the old man, puts his hand on the man's shoulder and heals him. Willy thanks him, saying he feels better. Malak tells Nesza that was kind to do. But next time, ask the person before laying hands on them. The tall man agrees that consent is very important for a medical professional.
Meanwhile, Griff creates some Goodberries and hands them out to everyone.   The man introduces himself as Aldrid and his son is Agis. Aldrid is a physician (non-magical healer) who lives in Daskaran. He was on his way to Thaliost.   Vence takes out a small vial from his bag that contains a tiny green feather and compares it to the feathers around Aldrid's neck. Aldrid is pleasantly surprised, asking if Vence got the letters too. When Vence asked for more details, Aldrid explains that he's been getting these letters his whole life. But back at the orphanage they were handed out to the kids. Vence asks if Aldrid was from Sharn. Aldrid acknowledges, a little confused. Vence then asks if his orphanage was near the Dragon's Eyes. Aldrid, getting a little weirded out, says it is. Vence then explains that it seems like Aldred has guardian angel, Magpie. Aldred asks if Vence knows who sends the letters. Is it the man in the purple hat? Vence says that he might have said a bit too much and is probably going to get in trouble for this. Aldred presses on. He says that the letters are always signed with a "C". Vence says he really can't say more. He awkwardly takes his leave and moves to join Malak, Nesza and Griff, who already have left by this point.    

Back at the wagon

  When they arrive at the wagon, Malak explains to Griff that the Magpie is Cissa. Tristan asks him to repeat that, very surprised. Malak, confused, repeats it again.
Tristan asks what happened and Nesza explains about Willy. Malak mentions to Nesza again to remember to ask for consent next time, using the tea analogy. April is VERY confused by why tea is being mentioned. Tristan tells her that it's another metaphor, to not force tea on people. April is worried that she forced tea on Malak. Malak reassures her that she doesn't.
Nesza tells Malak that his mother is a healer and she never hesitates to help people. So neither will he.   Vence, having heard the talking about Cissa outside the wagon as he entered, wants to ask Tristan more questions. Tristan agrees to answer one question as completely as he can. Vence then takes Malak and Griff aside (outside of the wagon) to discuss what should be asked.   They consider asking who told Tristan about the whereabouts of Cissa. Or where he travelled from. Or why he still needs Cissa now that his questions can be answered. Griff suggests to ask why Tristan still needs Cissa. During this discussion, Griff and Vence butt heads when Griff tells Vence to be mindful of creating a Soldier's Mark on his arm. Griff noticed how uncomfortable this made Tristan. Griff turns into a dog and hops back into the wagon, curling up in a corner.   Meanwhile, Malak and Vence decide to ask "Why do you still need Cissa?"
When asked, Tristan replies that Cissa was his next lead. And she might have information that group does not.   As the wagon leaves, Vence apologises to Griffy dog about the outburst. Griffy dog sits up and gives him a doggy look in acknowledgement. Griffy dog then sniffs the group, specifically Tristan's bag. He identifies some ink, a "used" but clean blade and multiple different bird smells. One bird smells a lot like Cissa and Mia. Nesza then pets Griffy dog, and Griffy dog rests his head on Nesza's knee. April lays against Griffy dog as if he's a massive pillow.    

Messages from Cissa

  In the evening, Cissa contacts Malak. She sounds in better spirits than before saying:
Dear Malak. We are heading out in the morning. Mia "sends her love"   Malak replies with:
Good to hear from you. On the way to Flamekeep. Contacted by General Len. He wants Mia. Met Elizabeth's brother. Travelling with us.   Cissa's casts again:
He is NOT getting her. Lovely that Tristan is on the trail now.   Malak replies with:
Of course not. Why am I not surprised you know his name? We need to talk about Miron's Tears. Hope you both stay safe.   Cissa casts again:
We will.   Malak replies with: I am sure Emir is missing you. And we will   Malak tells the that Cissa contacted him. That she is aware who Tristan is and is glad he is travelling with the group. And about General Len and that he wants Mia. Cissa whole heartedly agrees that he will not get her.   Cissa then reaches out to Vence. She mentions that she misses them and she will be on the road as of tomorrow. It means that he can contact her at any point during the day. Vence asks her about Tristan and how they can build "rapport" with him. She has no idea what Vence means and that if he has questions about Tristan's mission, he should ask Tristan. She also asks why Emir is always waiting for her to contact him when he knows when she's available to chat. Vence says that it's currently not easy for Emir to talk but that he'll ensure that Emir reaches out to her at the next possible opportunity.    

Silmer is surprised...

  Malak, April and Silmer go to sleep. Before heading to bed, Vence transfers some notes. Nesza attunes to his stone during his watch. And during their watch, Tristan and Griff have a chat.   Tristan asks Griff why Silmer was so heavy. And why the group mentioned that he was 15 when he was obviously MUCH older.
Griff decides to play a prank on Tristan. He has Tristan poke Silmer. But Silmer, being unable to be surprised, woke up and caught Tristan's hand. He could tell from the texture and form of the hand holding him that Silmer was a tortle. Griff also shifts into a tiny turtle, in case Tristan doesn't get it.   Tristan asks Silmer his age and Silmer lies... badly. Tristan explains that he's simply curious and did not mean to be rude. Silmer explains that both Tristan and Griff are, in fact, being VERY rude.
Tristan reassures Silmer that he's not the first tortle that Tristan's met. He has been Q'Barra and has met with tortles before. Silmer, taking off his hat, asks Tristan if he knows Hawk. Tristan says that he's heard of him. Silmer clarifies that Hawk is a friend of Elijah d'Orien.
Tristan tells Silmer that they can talk about tortles at a later stage and that Silmer should get some rest.   Griff tells Silmer "You're fine just the way you are, kid". Silmer asks that Griff stops calling him "kid". Griff apologises and explains that he truly feels that Silmer is a very capable person and valued within the group. His secret is safe with them. Silmer and Griff shake and then Silmer puts his hat back on.   When Silmer gets back to sleep, Tristan says that Silmer's sixth sense is pretty impressive. And he calls Griff an ass for pulling that prank. Griff laughs and tells Tristan that he wants to take him to a bar in Askelios some time... if it's there...    

Impressions of the group

  Tristan picked up on the fact that Griff has not been travelling with the group for long. He therefore asks if Griff could share his opinions of everyone. Griff gave the below details:
  • Nesza - Griff knew him as a kid. Seems like a different person after the war. He seems to have lost his spirit but he's a good ally to have.
  • Silmer - He's quiet, alert, a good cook and single handedly took down a crystal monster
  • Vence - Griff says that he doesn't trust the bard. But he's very reliable in battle. If Tristan want Vence to like him, Griff suggests that he answers Vence's questions.
  • April - He's not sure. She's a nice girl but seems a bit sheltered. However, she has been known to do some surprising things and is possibly very smart.
  • Malak - Good man though he wasn't such a jokester when Griff first met him. He seemed quite lost at first. An elf named Corvus left the group just before Griff joined and it seems like he was helping Malak save his daughter. Vence and Mia seemed angry at the elf though.
  • Tristan - Griff sees someone who has had a sad story that he's seen before.
  Tristan mentions that Griff reminds him of someone named Briar. Strong, reliable, good for a drink.
Griff then asks Tristan if he believes in fate. Tristan says that he's not completely sure. Griff then admits that this is the 10th time that fate stepped in for him. He feels that his path might be predetermined.  


  In the early morning, the wagon stops in Daskaran briefly. The town shows obvious scars from the war. The buildings on the outskirts are either in ruins or patched up badly. But one can tell that they are trying to have the town recover. The town centre is very neat, with beautiful cobble stone paths and two massive temples Everyone has an hour to get out and stretch their legs. April takes a soil sample and then returns to the wagon with Silmer.   Griff, Tristan and Nesza head to the Orien station. Griff and Tristan send some letters while Nesza checks whether he received a reply from the Eldeen Reaches. The Orien representative explains that the answer will be sent to Flamekeep.
Griff then asks if there are any rumours in Flamekeep. The man explains that there was quite a scandal a few days ago where one elf killed another in front of the princess. The killer elf then disappeared and the killed elf was taken away by some dark tendrils. There was also a rumour of another elf playing a song (the one about Myranna... but wrong) in front of the statue of Hawk. It made another elf appear and dance with the statue. Everyone muses how odd it is that elves seem to be involved everywhere.   After this conversation, Nesza goes off to try out his new bracers at a nearby shooting range as Tristan and Griff return to the wagon.   At the wagon, Vence asks Malak in Dwarvish where he could go to shift with no prying eyes. Malak casts invisibility on Vence, which Vence greatly appreciates. Vence then goes off and shifts into Emir. He contacts Cissa and the two have a short chat together, mainly talking about how they miss each other. Emir mentions Ellie (a nickname that Tristan used for his sister) but Cissa did not know this name. She only knows her as Elizabeth. He mentions that the group could possibly use the feather that Tristan has to trick Len if Vence shifts into Mia. Cissa tells Emir that the feather is Tristan's and it's his choice what he wants to do with it.    

The Birds

  When everyone returns and the wagon sets off again, Griff shares with the group the rumours that he heard in Daskaran.   In response to the the elf murder, Malak and Vence explain that this regards Cygnus and Atratus, Cissa's parents. Griff is a bit aghast by this, asking if that was the reason why Cissa wasn't doing so well the first night in Thaliost. Tristan also shows concern, asking if she's ok. Vence admits that she's probably not going to completely recover from this for some time.   Vence then requests that Tristan answers a question for him. In return, Vence will provide him with information that he knows Tristan would want. Tristan concedes and Vence asks him how he came by his feather. Tristan tells him that he found it beneath a loose floorboard in an envelope that also contained the first two verses of the real Flight of the Silverbird in it.   Vence then goes on to explain that Cissa has confirmed that the feather in Tristan's and not Elizabeth's (as they all had assumed it to be). Vence explains that it does not add up at all because those who are selected are approached by someone and they need to make the afore-mentioned pledges. They would then only have one verse of the song and are required to look for Cissa for the second verse. The third verse would then be provided by Atratus.   Tristan asks if all these elves have bird associations. As previously confirmed, Cissa means Magpie. And her father's name means Black Swan. Vence also explains that Asir (a famous court bard in Breland) is the next one in line. He shifts into an elf with pale skin and long black hair to show everyone what Asir looks like. As far as they all know, a step cannot be skipped in the trail. Vence tells Malak that this is all to save Myranna.   Malak isn't sure about Vence's words but explains to Tristan that it seems that this trail is linked to his daughter in some way. Malak explains that Cissa warned him that if Corvus told Cygnus about the trail, his daughter would be in danger. He goes on to explain that one person has survived the Sickness, and that person is Mia.   When asked how long Tristan has been looking for Elizabeth, he answers two years. Vence says that Taliashanna has been missing for seven years. He sounds heartbroken at these words.    

The Sickness and Hawk (not the tortle)

  Malak explains that Myranna has the Sickness but is being kept alive by some "powerful friends". She had sadly only been back from the war for an hour before that happened.   Malak explains that people with the Soldier's Mark seem to be targeted by the Sickness. Tristan had heard of this Sickness and can agree that it is very viscous. Griff asks Tristan if he's encountered anyone with this Sickness before. Tristan knows of people who died but no one that he knew personally. When Griff asks if there was anything about these soldiers that made them stand out, Tristan says no.   The conversation shifts to the statue of Hawk. The group clarify that there is also a Thranian hero named Hawk (who isn't the tortle? Tristan is a little confused). Nesza mentions that Hawk might be his uncle. Vence shifts into Hawk to give everyone an idea of what he looked like.
When he asks for clarification on the tortle, Vence and Malak explain that Hawk was previously known as Sunny and he seemed to have travelled with with Hawk. April wonders whether Hawk is now a title for tortles. Should she call Silmer "Hawk Silmer"? Griff locks eyes with April and is completely on board with this theory. Malak explains that tortles tend to change their names at every big life event. It's possible that Sunny changed his name to Hawk when the real Hawk died.   The group discuss the Song of Hawk and what the "real" story actually is. It is mentioned that he did not actually "yeet" the Keeper out of the tower. Malak mentions that he really needs to talk to Cissa sometime about this.   Malak then muses about the link between the Sickness and the Birds. It is explained to Tristan who the Birds are and that they are led by the Duchess. It was made clear that the Birds sang songs of suffering to their Duchess to sustain her. Malak theorises that they actually sing songs of the heroes who fell from the Sickness. That, when they sing, someone dies.
He mentions that Corvus said that the elves would cease to exist if Myranna is cured. He wonders if there were any songs that were sung about Myri in Aerenal. They then wonder if the feathers are linked to on female bards. But thinking about it further, Attratus and Asir had feathers. And so did Hawk. Sixty years ago.....   And so the wagon ride continues on until the next day... when the group arrives in Flamekeep.

Sickle Moon

April Highthorn

Neutral Human (Farmer)
35 / 35 HP


Neutral Good Tortle (Sailor)
Monk 8
51 / 51 HP
Player Journals
Flamekeep & Feathers by Nesza
Report Date
01 Jan 2021

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