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Mon 11th Jan 2021 04:21

Flamekeep & Feathers

by Nesza Greenthorn

Finally getting close to Flamekeep, and starting to understand a bit more about that whole deal with those special Feathers. Still not quite sure how it all fits together, but it feels like this group of people that seemingly randomly met, actually have more in common than I first realized. Now this Tristan guy also has something to do with Feathers. I really hope that the statue of Hawk will give me some more answers when I finally see it. Hope that Malak was correct about the map that stranger gave me back home.. If it isn't what he thinks it depicts, I'll have to start my search all over again. I should also have asked mom about Hawk. If they were truly siblings, why would she never have mentioned that before? He sounds like such an amazing person, and a hero at that!
I gotta go see about learning to do that thing that Vence/Emir and Malak can do with talking to people from great distances, that would come in so handy. Maybe Flamekeep has one of those Spires that can help me figure out how to do that.
OH Bollocks.. I should have asked Cissa if she could scry on the stranger that gave me the map! Must go and see Vence/Emir about that, maybe he can help out somehow. Really hope Cissa is doing alright, can't imagine what losing your dad feels like...
I'm not very good at writing these journal entries yet, I just realised. On the road we met a few fellow travelers, one of them had a twisted ankle. I'm not sure I understand the whole tea analogy Malak tried to use after I rushed to help this poor man out. Mom always taught me that her healing gift was to help people that were in pain, and that when able, you should always try to help someone that's in pain, especially if they're not able to do this themselves. I don't expect a reward or anything of the kind, I just feel like it's the least I could do to help fix some of the suffering in the world.