Session Twenty Six: That's a Villain Voice!

General Summary


  It's your last morning in Thaliost.   Breakfast is currently being served by Celine. She had insisted that everyone who helped her yesterday relax at the table with their Eggs, Bacon and Toast with everyone else.   The night before, Cissa informed Malak that the group should go to the House Orien station to pick their reward up. It was agreed that everyone head that way after breakfast, resupply and then start heading towards Flamekeep. Celine has already offered to watch their gear while they're out in the town... possibly to be able to say goodbye...    

House Orien

  At breakfast, the group reflect on what needs to be done. Griff tells the group that he had also heard people speak Elvish in the inn the night before. He can't speak Elvish so he's not sure what was discussed. Celine is a little concerned as she was not aware that she should be wary of elves. The group try to convince her that there is no need to be alarmed.   The group head to the House Orien station after breakfast. They pass the train station on the way there. A train had just arrived and the group can see a flood of tourists and pilgrims filing out. Next to the station is a slightly bigger building, all in the white rectangular style you have come to recognise of Thaliost. The signs "postage", "reward claims" and "horse/cart rental" are embossed on copper plaques by the side of the large open wooden door.   The room looks a bit like a general store, but only selling stationary and what seems to be riding gear. The room has a very telling aroma of fresh parchment, leather and horses. Man with a crooked looking nose and a brown goatee greets the group from behind a large wooden counter.   Griff steps forward and the man recognises him. Griff hands him a stack of letters and postcards. Most postcards are addressed to Fairview Meadows. The three letters are addressed to Jossac d'Vadalis in Fairhaven, Logan d'Vadalis in Askelios and Grace d’Vadalis at the Royal Palace in Flamekeep. After Griff pays for his postage, April steps forward and whips out Elijah's card. She states that Elijah told her to drop him a line if she was near a House Orien station. The man (named Dan d'Orien), is completely taken aback by this. He explains to April that Elijah was in town with some friends not too long ago. April asks if he can tell Elijah that she'll be Flamekeep soon. A little flustered, Dan says he'll get a message to Elijah for her.   Malak discusses with Dan means of transportation and the collection of their reward. For the reward, Dan casts Zone of Truth and has each state their name. Based on this verification, he hands them each a pouch of gold, along with a letter of thanks from Conrad and Wrogar.
Griff, who stated his name to be "Cornelius d'Vadalis Jr." also received a reward and he got an additional letter from Jossac, telling him off for ignoring his holiday but thanking him for helping.   Nesza takes the opportunity to also send a letter to the Eldeen Reaches, updating his family on what is happening. He tries to figure out if Dan is ripping him off but is unable to.   The group then discuss with Dan what the best options for travel to Flamekeep would be. House Orien has teleportation, regular horse-drawn wagons or special House Orien wagon. With the extra money they had acquired, they opt for the slightly more expensive but definitely faster and more comfortable House Orien wagon (an estimated two day trip).   Dan explains that everything will be ready in the late afternoon. The group decide to stock up on provisions and new gear before they leave.    


  Thaliost has a decent shopping street. Although it's currently quite quiet due to the ongoing celebrations elsewhere. And some shop keepers even closed up to enjoy the festivities.   The group first head to an item store. The moment they walk in, Myri hops off of Malak's shoulder, scurries onto the counter and stops right in front of the lady working there. She stands on her hind legs, looking at the lady expectantly.   The woman is human in probably her late thirties. She has multiple piercing in both ears, dark brown eyes and straight shoulder length black hair with a few silver streaks. She's pretty confused by Myri but, upon inspecting her, the lady figures that Myri is of a magical nature. Malak follows Myri to the counter and the shop keeper acknowledges that the magic used to create the little weasel is special and that she hasn't sensed this kind of magic in a long time. Myri pointedly runs up Malak's arm and nips at something underneath his collar. Malak senses that Myri wants him to show the silver chain around his neck that Tula gave him so he reveals it to the shop keeper. She identifies the chain as a "gift" and the links are chapters in a story. The feather is the first chapter, named "Defiance". It gives him the means to "take flight".   While Malak is a little flabbergasted that he's had this item on him for the past while, April asks the shop keeper to identify the other items that were retrieved in the cave. Next to the moon-touched daggers, there was Elven Chain, a Scimitar of Speed, a Ring of Evasion and a Potion of Invulnerability. April also asks if the cloaks were special. The shop keeper doesn't see anything magical about them but does comment that they are a bit "Cult-y". April challenges to the shop keeper by telling her that she's being suspicious for knowing what "Cult-y" clothes look like. The shop keeper is a little offended and says that she's an ex-Keeper of the Flame. She's the furthest away from "cult-y" that is possible.
At this, Vence advises April to perhaps be careful with her words and show some respect. The Keepers are highly regarded in by the Silver Flame. Malak, snapping out of his thoughts, asks the lady what her name is and she tells him that her name is Fia Ennisi. She was a Keeper about 17 years ago. They apologise for April but Fia waves it away. She says that she didn't exactly wear it on her sleeve so no harm done.
Vence asks if she knew Sister Merry. She did. And at the mention of Cissa, Fia laughs.   The group finish shopping, getting new gear and supplies. They then head back to the inn for a last good bye before leaving Thaliost.
On the way back, the group discuss Theology a bit. Griff mentions his devotion to Balenor and his show of respect to the Devourer. Nesza mentions how some Wardens do not follow a specific religion, but do show great respect towards an elder tree called Oalian. April asks Vence for more details on what Keepers are. Vence explains that the Keepers speak with Tira within the Silver Flame. The Keeper is usually watched over and taught by Sister Merry. And Cissa basically taught the things that were not advised by the church. He tells April that Malak would definitely know more about this than him though. When asked about his own beliefs, Vence says that he does have some. But that perhaps it's not a conversation to have in the open in Thrane. April mentions that her mother sometimes lit a candle to Onatar but that religion wasn't really a big thing in her family.    


  Back at "The Deciding Arrow", Celine alerts that group that there were some elves earlier, who sat by the fire place. But she couldn't quite figure out whether they were being suspicious. Besides that, there is a man waiting for the group. He's looking for Cissa. She gestures at a broody-looking stranger in very obviously Karrnathi clothing.   Vence goes and sits down by the stranger. Griff joins. He assess whether Tristan is causing trouble. When it seems like he's only talking, he offers everyone a round of drinks.
Vence starts by explaining that Celine has mentioned that the stranger was looking for Cissa. The stranger confirms. Vence tries to inquire as to why the stranger is looking for Cissa but the stranger says that it's between him and her. Vence then goes on to say that Cissa is currently away but they do know her whereabouts and are in touch with her. He then introduces himself and the stranger gruffly introduces himself as Tristan.   Griff brings the drinks and slowly everyone comes to join Tristan and Vence at the table. Malak doesn't introduce himself, to which Tristan calls him out for and names him "Thrane". When April sits down as the last person, the group hear a sinister voice coming from behind an armchair by the fireplace saying, "Ah. I see that you've all gathered together. Marvelous."    

"That's a villain voice"

  The group see a figure rise from the seat, his back to them at first. And on his back back, on their blood red cloak, are embroided golden eyes.   He turns and lower the hood to reveal an elven man with poison green eyes and long blonde hair. His features are somewhat pointed but fairly handsome. As he talks, Griff tries to hand him an ale but his hand passes right through the elf. The elf then proceeds to walk through a table and he doesn't seem to be keeping eye contact with anyone. It's clear that he is an illusion.   Malak casts Armour of Agathys on himself. April mentions that the guys sounds very much like a villain.   "So, now that I have your attention, allow me to introduce myself. I am General Gazeer Len. I am here with a proposition of sorts. You see, in my possession, I happen to have a rather lovely alchemist and a young druid. And it has come to my understand that they are missed. Now, I happened to have met two of you back in that little town. One was a man with golden hair. The other, a half-elven lady with a rather fetching feather in her hair. That feather has me believe that that lady could be valuable to my cause. As such, I'm willing to offer an exchange. The alchemist and druid for the lady with the feather.
Now, understand that, if you don't hand me that lady, it's no loss to me. I'm merely being generous. For you see, I am aware that there are others like her. If you don't hand her over, we'll simply find another.
In the spirit of Solaris, I will grant you some time. I'm an elf, after all. So I'm not in that much of a rush. You have one month to get to Athandra, at the Flaming Snake Inn at sundown and hand that girl over to me.   Many thanks and kind regards."   Half way through the speech, Nesza goes outside to see if he can locate a caster. He cannot and therefore returns to the inn to listen to the rest of what Len is saying. Once the speech is over, the Len disappears.    

What next?

  The group immediately start trying to figure out what to do next. Tristan seems very agitated and throws his pitcher on the ground. He explains that he is looking for someone who also has a feather. And he opens his bag and takes out a blue tipped feather.
Tristan explains that it's this feather that has him wanting to speak with Cissa. It was given to him by his sister, Elizabeth.   Vence asks Tristan for his last name. Tristan says "Solis" and says that his sister is Elizabeth Solis. Vence describes a girl who could possibly be her. Tristan acknowledges this, showing a dogtag around his neck and saying that she wears one of these too. Vence says that, if this girl is who he says she is, he might be able to get a message to Elizabeth. This completely throws Tristan off.   The group tell Tristan that all three women mentioned by Len are important to them in some way or form. But, at the moment, Mia isn't with them. They all agree that they will certainly not sacrifice Mia for Jenny and Valarie, though, and need to come up with another plan. They discuss whether they should utilize the full month, actually meeting Len at the Flaming Snake, or whether they should arrive earlier, giving the element of surprise. As Malak has the teardrop amulet, they should be able to locate a Prismatic Cavern nearby if there is one. Vence suggests that he offer himself up but April says "no". The group decide to discuss this further on the way to Flamekeep.   Tristan, seeing that Len could possibly be a danger for his sister, and because he currently can't speak with Cissa anyway, offers to help the group out. He explains that he has some experience in battle, having fought in the war. The rest of the group, including Malak, properly introduce themselves. Silmer (as Hayon) asks Tristan whether he's racist. Because otherwise they'll have a problem with him joining. This really confuses Tristan.
Griff tells Tristan that the group really needs the muscle right now, seeing that everyone other than Vence and himself fell in battle, nearly dying last time.   The group explain to Tristan that they will be leaving for Flamekeep soon and invite him along.   Before they set off, Griff says that he'd like to cast Divination to see whether Jenny and Valorie will be alright for the next seven days at least. Malak asks to sit in and observe, Nesza is curious and April is encouraged to listen in. While Griff sets up, Tristan indicates to Vence whether they can speak alone.    

A hero comes home

  Vence takes Tristan to the room where the group stayed and leans a chair against the door.   Tristan asks Vence how he'd be able to contact Elizabeth. Vence explains that Elizabeth might be travelling with someone whom he is looking for. After some persuasion, Vence says that her name is Taliashanna. He says that he can contact her and through her would be able to pass on a message. And even receive a message back.   He then tells Tristan that, in order to contact Taliashanna, he would need to reveal a part of himself that is dangerous for just anyone to know. He then shifts his arm into that of a bugbear to indicate what he meant. Tristan basically doesn't care. Vence's business is his own.
Vence explains that Talia has never actually met him. But she's very important to the person who she does know. Tristan then asks what Vence's relationship is with Cissa. He explains that he is very good friends with Cissa. But she does mean a lot more to another one of the personas.   Vence asks what the message should be. Tristan gives a short: "I'm looking for you. Hope you're safe".   Vence then shifts into Thaen and contacts Taliashanna with this message. After a brief pause, Thaen parrots a song back to Tristan in a lady's voice:
Just wait, though while he may roam,
A hero comes home
He goes, where no one has gone,
But always,
A hero comes home
  Tristan goes a bit pale. Thaen asks if the song means anything and Tristan explains that his sister always sang that to him. Thaen then shifts back into Vence who checks if Tristan is ok. Tristan says he just needs some time to process what just happened. Vence asks if he needs someone there with him but Tristan asks to be alone. So Vence returns to the tavern.    

A message in the cinders

  Meanwhile, Griff has completed the ritual's set up and casts Divination. He asks whether Jenny and Valorie will be alright for then next 7 days. From somewhere behind, he hears hooves galloping towards him. They get louder and louder when suddenly there is a gust of air that passes him. The hooves then sound like they are galloping away, towards the fireplace. As they seem to "pass through" the fire place, they kick up some cinders , creating two forms of women. They are that of Jenny and a woman that Griff does not know. They look gaunt and weak but very much alive.
The two figures hover in the air for a moment before dissipating, the cinders returning to the fireplace. And the sound of hooves slowly get softer before they completely disappear.
Griff explains to the group that Jenny and Valorie are safe for the next few days. But his vision also included the sound of galloping hooves, which could indicate that the group shouldn't take too long in helping them. April thanks him for this information.   By this point, both Vence and Tristan have returned. The group gather their things and one by one say goodbye to Celine.   Before leaving, April asks Celine whether she can teach her the braid. Celine agrees but suggests that someone else learn it too because it is easier to apply on someone else. Vence and Nesza both offer to learn as Celine braids April's hair. Nesza braids his long hair, not doing to bad of a job of it. April then thanks Celine for everything and heads outside, bouncing on the balls of her feet waiting for everyone to join her.   Silmer thanks Celine for teaching him some of her cooking tricks. She wishes him well and to be safe, hoping to try his meals out one day. Malak and Nesza say a short goodbye but subtly leave a pile of gold on the counter for her (while she wasn't lookinhg). Vence once again thanks her for watching over Cissa and tells her that the Circle has been informed to encourage bards to come play at the Deciding Arrow. As she turns to say goodbye to Griff, Vence also adds to the pile of gold on the counter.
Tristan, unsure what the heck is going, awkwardly says "bye" and marches out.   Griff then says his final goodbyes to Celine, thanking her once more for making him feel again. He gives her his home address and tells her that she always has a safe haven in Askelios. When she asks whether he will be there, he tells her no. They kiss one last time and part ways. He then turns into a moarbounder and runs up to join Tristan outside, shifting back into Griff. Tristan tells him not to do that without warning because Tristan could have hurt him. Griff says he'd be fine regardless.    

Malak pulls dad pranks!

  Tristan and Griff discuss the group as they head towards to wagon. Griff explains that they are a bit of an odd bunch. Good hearts but are not all very strategic. Tristan is very welcome.   April then decides to talk to Tristan, innocently asking him what his title is. Tristan is VERY confused by this and says "Just Tristan", which confuses April. When she says that many people seem to use that as a title, Tristan suggests "Sir" instead. He then asks April what her title is. She's stumped, having never been asked that. She says she'll have to think about it. The conversation then moves to nicknames, Griff saying he's amused by the nickname "Thrane" for Malak. Tristan chuckles. In response, Malak uses Prestidigitation to draw eyes all over Griff's face and Thaumaturgy to create a fart effect to come from Tristan. Everyone is laughing. And Vence, Dwarvish, comments that this is a side of Malak that he doesn't know but he really likes.   At the wagon, everyone gets in. Silmer seems to be heavier than he appears. As a very clear cover up, April tries to counter weigh the wagon, making it wiggle a lot. The driver calls back that there is to be no Hanky Panky in the wagon. April asks what that means and the group awkwardly says they'd explain some other time.   And so they set off for Flamekeep

Sickle Moon

April Highthorn

Neutral Human (Farmer)
35 / 35 HP


Neutral Good Tortle (Sailor)
Monk 8
51 / 51 HP
Player Journals
Met Tristan by Nesza
Report Date
19 Dec 2020
Primary Location

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