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Sat 19th Dec 2020 10:43

Met Tristan

by Nesza Greenthorn

Met Tristan today.. "Cheerful" fella.. Hope he'll find who he is looking for. In this world after the war, it surprises me how often people still get lost.. either physically or mentally. And then there's this asshole that wants us to trade Mia for Jenny and April's mom.. like that's ever going to happen..
Got a reward for our work previously, and was able to get some items. Not exactly sure if they really do as they were advertised by Fia Ennessi in Thaliost, but there's only one way to find out.. Oh, also got something for Mia for when she comes back, hope she's alright, wherever she is right now. Likely somewhat tipsy and loudly complaining about lack of service?
now.. how does one do this Attunement again?