Session 0.4 - The Aquatic Entanglement Report

General Summary

After having been ambushed and submerged underwater, Nikolai Vasilovich, Jonas Morningstar and Señor Weeblewobble found themselves in great peril as they struggled to tackle their adversaries, having been taken by surprise and not being especially capable at underwater combat. The party discovered that they were being attacked by strange humanoid creatures with features of aquatic creatures; long tentacles, webbed fins and shark-like skin made the deep scions particularly dangerous foes. The scions' leader, a priest of the Kraken, used dangerous magic to give his disciples an edge in combat. With the party struggling to fight underwater, they endured significant injuries, and by the battle's end, two of the rangers and the cleric Junol Kegbuster were slain. Whilst Jonas was able to get to shore and avoid many of the scions' attacks, both Nikolai and Señor were in constant danger.   Unbeknownst to the party, aboard the HMS Caldera, Nikolai's flagship (which during the initial moments of this encounter was attempting to get into a position to launch a volley of cannonballs), a young Tabaxi called Tibbles, and our newest PC, was a stowaway, having hidden by the ship's pantry. Upon realising the threat of the enemies he leapt into action (but not until after helping himself to some cheese in the pantry) and helped the ship's gunners.    A long and arduous fight occurred but with the combined efforts of the party, the scions became greatly injured. After the HMS Caldera was able to achieve a broadside, they unloaded into the Kraken priest, ultimately hitting it, and, in an explosive display of Slatish, disintegrated him. The remaining scions (three out of the original four), having admired the capabilities of the party, pledged allegiance to them. Following this, losses were mourned and victory was celebrated, as the ship returned to Fortress Blank. Throughout this journey, Tibbles received a commendation from Nikolai, and his trespasses were forgiven as he was granted the rank of gunnery captain.   Once things had calmed down, Nikolai, seeing the potential for power in the Kraken, underwent a shift in worship and entered a new pact, breaking his ties with the Aberrant One. Meanwhile, Tibbles sought out some artisans in the fortress and went about obtaining an arcane helm from the remnants of the giant crab.

The Vea Principle

Jonas Morningstar

Neutral Good Variant Human (Criminal / Spy)
Rogue 3
21 / 21 HP
Report Date
17 Apr 2023

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