Iskudar Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Iskudar
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Sessions Archive

1st Feb 2024

Session 40: Humanoid Debris

The party has encountered a slaver on the road in Hollow Oak, chasing after a child no less. Will Anastasia be able to keep his cool, how will Almacia react to the party's action? How many people will Anatasia torture today?

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28th Jan 2024

Session 39: Live With Them

The final preparations are in place for the return to Qasriga, will things be the same as they left it?

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13th Jan 2024

Session 38

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7th Jan 2024

Session 37: A Noble Dinner

Aamor-Anastasia has agreed to attend dinner with Lord Margrave Viscount Vaygrade Hallheart and Lord Baron Sigfried Feathertower. Legacy and Salem work on the creation of new spells and potions, and Cicero spends time at the Waystation with Almacia and Iola.

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1st Jan 2024

Session 36: R&R

The delve into the dungeon has been profitable to say the least. However such great profits do come at a cost, space. The party must take a break from the dungeon delving and return back to Hollow Oak in order to deposit their goods.

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20th Dec 2023

Session 35

12th Sep 2023

Session 34: Into the West Wing

The fiends must be driven back, and what better place to begin, than the seat of our noble line? -The noble ancestor

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15th Sep 2022

Session 33: The Return to The Estate

"The great Ruins belong to us, and we will find whatever secrets they hold."

  • The Noble Ancestor

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    24th Jun 2022

    Session 29: The Hallheart Estate

    The elemental creature guarding the gates to the estate has been slain. A first step well taken, but this could lead to be The Wardens of The Black Path's last quest. Inside the estate undoubtedly awaits untold treasures, but the legacy of the wizard kings taints the castle with an air of danger. Who knows what other fowl creatures await inside!

    12th May 2022

    Session 26: Broken promises attempted anew.

    As the party's resident charismatic gunslinger feels guilt over the death of a once close friend, and a promise he made to him that he didn't keep. Cicero is bound to make it right, but the party doesn't agree with his methods but goes along anyway. Will the journey to make things right be the correct choice? Or will the trip to Snozzberg be more treacherous than they originally intended?

    21st Jan 2022

    Session 23: Hearts, Minds, and Sexy Bodies?!

    Uh Oh, looks like some of the party members are stuck in a brothel (wow that makes this situation sound much worse than it actually is-er or does it?). Anastasia and Legacy have escaped the fiery inferno that was the trap in Darminov's basement, but will they be able to escape the watchful eye of Ms. Therasa?

    12th Jan 2022

    Session 22: Stealing from Old Men's Homes

    The party has just brutally murdered Darminov and now stands with a prisoner. What is the next move for The Heros of Hollow Oak?

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    29th Nov 2021

    Session 19: Okay, the flower festival for real this time!

    After last night's events, it's time for some fun! Relaxing games, food and music, and the first dance of bloom!

    19th Nov 2021

    Session 18: The Spring Flower Festival

    The Spring Flower Festival is approaching, who will you be taking to the dance?

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    16th Sep 2021

    Session 9: A Hero Approaches!

    In the wake of the zombie attack on the main gates, our party works to increase their wealth, skill, and perhaps even size. All in order to eventually fight the Bugbear brotherhood that threatens the province, maybe in more ways than one. . .

    20th Aug 2021

    Session 6: Moving Foward

    Oskana's head has been delivered to his family, which marks the end of one chapter of the Mourners story. Despite this tragic incident, there are many more pages to be written, and dangers to be dealt with. From the mysterious dreams in the wake of the blood moon, the smiling old man with the uncanny smile, or the secrets that lie in the tangled roots of Hollow Oak. The adventure is far from over.

    30th Jul 2021

    Session 4: Breaking it to her gently

    How are we gonna tell margret?

    23rd Jul 2021

    Session 3: Mourning

    For some of the party, Oskana's death was the first look at how brutal and uncaring Iskudar can be. Violent death witnessed firsthand might be a new thing for some. For others, it's just another day in The Five Kingdoms of Man. Regardless Oskana was a driving force of wisdom and experience in the party, and his death will not be brushed off lightly. Now comes the time for the party to decide their next plan, and to think of ways to prevent such deaths in the future.

    This story is told by

    The Protagonists

    Anastasia Alleeva

    Austia Crimson

    Oskana Alleeva

    Freet Hubris

    Kaz Dolion


    8 / 8 HP

    Seeker Warden Evgenii Alleeva

    Cicero Liao

    Chaotic Good Drow (?)
    Fighter 7
    64 / 64 HP