Session 5: Brrrrr

General Summary

The party is summoned to go before Harold Jehan and Doddra d'Orien to discuss their first mission. Professor Jehan is extremely interested in the people and their practices, while Doddra is focused on the economics. She gifts  the party with a handy haversack, and explains she already loaded the goods that had been held. She fully supports their mercantile efforts and wants to see them succeed. She also wants them to know she is in their corner. 

After three days of downtime, the party went through the portal. They arrived in the middle of a giant blizzard in extremely cold temperatures. The party makes a shelter from the cold and collects some wood for the fire. They pass the first night without much incident. In the morning they find the worst of the storm has passed, but the temperature has dropped even lower. Moving together, the party begins to explore. They find a giant frozen lake to the southeast of the portal, but from there the ground is clear and empty. They do, however, find tracks from two large felines. The tracks lead back west. The party follow the tracks to a valley. Lilmeia Garibaldi goes into the valley to track the felines, and finds herself fact to face with a white saber tooth tiger. She backs up slowly, and then attempts to scramble up the side wall. As she does, she barely escapes being attacked by a second tiger that was still hidden. 

The tigers' roar draws an ice troll from a nearby cave. The tigers are trapped between the troll and the rock wall, with the party just above. The party plans to focus their attacks on the troll...

Team Indigo

Graham White

Player Journals
Cold.... So Cold by Graham
Report Date
07 Sep 2022

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