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Nora Pandost

Bookish junior at Morgrave university. Has more experience with books and plants than with people.

Campaign & Party

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Tue 17th Jan 2023 03:11


by Nora Pandost

I met a dragon today!!!! I watched it hatch and then grow from a baby to a massive adult dragon in a matter of minutes. It was terrifying. Then it turned to attack our group, but I was able to cast Suggestion AND IT WORKED!!! The Hyperdragon (this is what we named it since it grew so fast) immediately turned and flew away. I would have loved to suggest that it be friends with us so that I could have spent more time studying it, but that seemed too risky at the time so I went with the simplest option. At least all that time spent learning Draconic wasn't for nothing. IT WAS SO COOL!!!
We also brought back a ton of Siberys shards. The council was very excited about it. We probably should have been compensated better, but at least they are going to use them to continue to develop tech to make the portal safer instead of selling them.

Nora's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. The World of Ice and Trolls
    11 Oct 2022 08:48:24
  2. War and Poorly Executed Deception
    17 Jan 2023 02:53:18
  3. HyperDragons!
    17 Jan 2023 03:11:39

The major events and journals in Nora's history, from the beginning to today.

Sessions 45-48: Stuff Happened

08:21 pm - 14.08.2024

Sessions 45-48: Stuff Happened

08:21 pm - 14.08.2024

Session 45: It Gets Everywhere

10:17 pm - 02.07.2024

Session 45: It Gets Everywhere

10:17 pm - 02.07.2024

Session 43:

02:45 am - 05.06.2024

Session 43:

02:45 am - 05.06.2024

Session 42

11:20 pm - 21.05.2024

Session 42

11:20 pm - 21.05.2024

Session 41: Back to School

04:02 pm - 21.05.2024

Session 41: Back to School

04:02 pm - 21.05.2024

Session 40:

02:28 am - 24.04.2024

Session 40:

02:27 am - 24.04.2024

Session 39: Chasing the Dots

11:34 pm - 22.04.2024

Session 39: Chasing the Dots

11:34 pm - 22.04.2024

Session 38: Stanley Girls

01:22 am - 03.04.2024

Session 38: Stanley Girls

01:22 am - 03.04.2024

Session 37: Meeting the Spark Goblins

01:48 pm - 13.03.2024

Session 37: Meeting the Spark Goblins

01:48 pm - 13.03.2024

Session 36: The Leatherbound Journal

03:39 am - 29.02.2024

Session 36: The Leatherbound Journal

03:39 am - 29.02.2024

Session 35: Sharp Blow to the Head

03:28 am - 29.02.2024

Session 35: Sharp Blow to the Head

03:28 am - 29.02.2024

Session 34

11:25 pm - 30.01.2024

Session 34

11:24 pm - 30.01.2024

Session 33: Return to Eberron

04:56 pm - 30.01.2024

Session 33: Return to Eberron

04:56 pm - 30.01.2024

Session 24: Chicken Fight

04:55 pm - 30.01.2024

Session 24: Chicken Fight

04:55 pm - 30.01.2024

Session 32

04:46 pm - 30.01.2024

Session 32

04:46 pm - 30.01.2024

Copy the Gith

02:43 am - 20.12.2023

Copy the Gith

02:43 am - 20.12.2023

Session 30:

11:30 pm - 05.12.2023

Session 30:

11:30 pm - 05.12.2023

Session 29: Bureaucracy Writ Large

03:58 pm - 22.11.2023

Session 29: Bureaucracy Writ Large

03:58 pm - 22.11.2023

Session 28: Welcome to Sigil

03:25 am - 08.11.2023

Session 28: Welcome to Sigil

03:25 am - 08.11.2023

Session 27: The Floating Isle

03:02 am - 25.10.2023

Session 27: The Floating Isle

03:02 am - 25.10.2023

Session 26: Zeke's Big Day

02:27 am - 27.09.2023

Session 26: Zeke's Big Day

02:27 am - 27.09.2023

Session 25: Chicken Fight Part 2

03:20 pm - 23.09.2023

Session 25: Chicken Fight Part 2

03:20 pm - 23.09.2023

Session 23:

10:14 pm - 15.08.2023

Session 23:

10:14 pm - 15.08.2023

Session 22

10:29 pm - 18.07.2023

Session 22

10:29 pm - 18.07.2023

Session 20: Ramming Speed

02:57 am - 31.05.2023

Session 20: Ramming Speed

02:57 am - 31.05.2023

Session 19: Getting to Know You

05:38 pm - 30.05.2023

Session 19: Getting to Know You

05:38 pm - 30.05.2023

Session 18: Find a crew, find a job, keep flying.

06:00 pm - 02.05.2023

Session 18: Find a crew, find a job, keep flying.

06:00 pm - 02.05.2023

Session 17: Into the Astral Sea

05:09 pm - 28.03.2023

Session 17: Into the Astral Sea

05:09 pm - 28.03.2023

Session 16

11:41 pm - 28.02.2023

Session 16

11:41 pm - 28.02.2023

Session 15

03:11 pm - 25.02.2023

Session 15

03:11 pm - 25.02.2023

Session 14:

01:49 pm - 21.02.2023

Session 14:

01:49 pm - 21.02.2023

Session 13: Lava Ladders

03:48 am - 18.01.2023

Session 13: Lava Ladders

03:47 am - 18.01.2023


I met a dragon today!!!! I watched it hatch and then grow from a baby to a massive adult dragon in a matter of minutes. It was terrifying. Then it turned to attack our group, but I was able to cast Suggestion AND IT WORKED!!! The Hyperdragon (this is what...

03:11 pm - 17.01.2023

Hello Mother, I just wanted to let you know that I am well. I'm learning a lot and making so many discoveries. I've started to make friends with my team. They are all really good people. I'm also standing up for myself. I know that's something you always worried I would have trouble with. Anyway, I'm doing well here and this adventure has been really good for me. I hope things are well back home. I miss you all terribly. I love you. Nora

03:05 pm - 17.01.2023

War and Poorly Executed Deception

Well, this was the roughest portal landing we've had yet! We dropped into the middle of a war zone and apparently a rogue lightning bolt set our portal spinning. I ended up crash landing and skidding across the ground. I know I'm not the most graceful per...

02:47 pm - 17.01.2023

Session 12: A Brief Diversion

02:17 pm - 16.01.2023

Session 12: A Brief Diversion

02:17 pm - 16.01.2023

Session 11

12:13 am - 21.12.2022

Session 11

12:13 am - 21.12.2022

Session 10: Portal Shot

03:52 am - 07.12.2022

Session 10: Portal Shot

03:52 am - 07.12.2022

Session 10: Portal Shot

03:52 am - 07.12.2022

Session 9

04:36 am - 23.11.2022

Session 9

04:36 am - 23.11.2022

Session 8: Dungeon Crawl Part 2

03:02 am - 26.10.2022

Session 8: Dungeon Crawl Part 2

03:02 am - 26.10.2022

Session 7:

10:31 pm - 11.10.2022

Session 7:

10:20 pm - 11.10.2022

The World of Ice and Trolls

We've just left a world of ice that we barely survived. Fortunately, our team is creative and Mist and Ulfgar immediately started creating a wall of ice to shield us. I was able to help with the goal of finding firewood with Tensor's floating disc and a r...

08:48 pm - 11.10.2022

Session 6: Defeating Trolls, Making Advancements

12:01 am - 16.09.2022

Session 6: Defeating Trolls, Making Advancements

12:01 am - 16.09.2022

Session 6: Defeating Trolls, Making Advancements

12:01 am - 16.09.2022

Hello Mother, I just wanted to let you know that we have arrived safely. I'm excited about the research we are doing here. I've met some interesting people. Of course, it takes all different types of people to make an effective research team. This group comes from such disparate backgrounds and has such drastically different personalities that I was curious if we would be able to work together at all. As it turns out though, the group as a whole is very creative when it comes to problem solving. Which is important since I failed spectacularly during our first conflict with a band of local thugs. I was worse than useless. Fortunately, the people that I'm traveling with were much better prepared. I find myself wishing Father had taught me more of warfare as he did with Rex. I've been so sheltered that I panicked when it came time to fight. As I stated before, I'm fine and perfectly healthy. I have a team that is keeping me safe and our primary goal is of course, research. I intend to correct my deficit in this area though. You know how much I hate to fail at anything. If you've taught me anything, it is to never give up. This research is too important to give up now. I don't know how often I'll be able to write. My time is not my own while I'm here but I'll make sure to try every chance I get. Give Dad and Rex a hug for me. I love you all, Nora

02:56 pm - 13.09.2022

Session 5

02:38 am - 07.09.2022

Session 5

02:37 am - 07.09.2022

Session 4: Peace Summit

02:49 am - 17.08.2022

Session 4: Peace Summit

02:49 am - 17.08.2022

Session 3: Chief Maker

03:48 am - 03.08.2022

Session 3: Chief Maker

03:48 am - 03.08.2022

Session 2

01:22 pm - 02.08.2022

Session 2

10:01 pm - 19.07.2022

Session 0/1: We Gather

08:15 pm - 11.07.2022

Session 0/1: We Gather

11:29 pm - 05.07.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Nora.

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