01 Voyage with strangers Report

General Summary

The heroes met in Gefyra.   Lord Regent Flün Hilltopple asked Ripple to travel to the Lockwill's Stones and solve the piracy problem, one way or the other.   Viktor met with his former student Brash, who went into an epileptic shock. Proficent wood elves from Zilpartha helped to diagnose a Slaad infection. The ambassador of Lockwill's Stones, Étienne de Boucher, told the party that an antitode might be available in Mistrift. Brash was put into an artifical coma by the Lord Regents sister Jilian Hilltopple.   Sha'keet found a letter from a long lost dwarven clan, the Omochoi, that migrated to Laramie.   Accompanied by the Lord Regents brother, Reginald Hilltopple the party travelled to the port city Gipedon, where they met Coco. Together they boarded a Phillean trade ship on its way to deliver coal and people capable of smithing to Mistrift. Along the journey Sha'keet briefly Hank the Octopus and kicked him into his body. The ship made a stop in Orith to trade. As the captain and the crew had food poisoning, the party was forced to stay in Orith for a few days. The people of Orith told the heroes, that at full moon there is a beast kidnapping and killing people. Ripple, strolling around the port, saw her brother leaving Orith with an unknown ship. The party stayed all night with a partying mob inside the villages main hut/meeting hall. In the morning they found out, that a young tabaxi women had been taken by the monster. Without a moment of hesitation, the heroes started tracking the beast, following its trail to a muddy lake at the edge of the jungle. They found an underwater entrance to a cave, where the beast was devouring the already dead tabaxi women. They killed the crablike mutant, which attacked Sha'keet twice with his pincer. The party was celebrated by the people of Orith for their heroic deed (especially Sha'keet who is now also known for local dentistry work).   The party travelled further to Mistrift, where upon arrival they had to realize, that Princess Sarai Eleazar does not hold audiences at the moment. They also heard, that Lockwill's Stones is funding a safari in Laramie to hunt and capture big dinosaurs. The price for the largest dinosaur (or other tamable beast) brought to Mistrift is a wish from the Princess herself. Ripple decided to split the party: She and her close allies stay in Mistrift, trying to find a way to end the piracy problem. Sha'keet, Phylis and Angers are joining the safari expedition, to win the favour of Princess Sarai Eleazar.

Lockwill's Stones Campaign
Report Date
30 Nov 2021

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