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Lockwill's Stones

Lockwill's Stones is the ninth region of the Eleazarian Empire. It consists of the three main islands Glaogut, Laramie and Zuljar and hundrets of smaller island. It is the only region of the Empire that has no land borders with a neigbouring province. Lockwill's Stones is located south of the Western Wildlands, Gillaea, and Philleas.

Before Kadmiels Conquest

The islands were originally inhabited by Tabaxi and Yuan-ti tribes as well as some humans, dwarves and gnomes who fled the main land. Without a central government the different tribes and settlements were commonly in conflict with each other.

After Kadmiels Conquest

The islands were the last to be integrated into the Eleazarian Empire, nearly five years after the defeat of Magrene the Red. Lokwil Jezreel, the Silver Tongued, claimed the region for the Empire, against the fierce resistance of it's natives, and reigned over it until her death. Even though the female gnome subjugated the islands population against their will, she was a beloved reign and is worshiped today as a god. Due to its late integration into the Empire Lockwill's Stones is also called The Forgotten Coast.   526 AKC the Drow emerge on Zuljan, after loosing a devastating war against Illithids in the Gloom. First met with suspicion, the pragmatic Elves quickly become an important pillar of Lockwill's society. Nowadays they occupy the most important positions in commerce, military and government. The Drow also advanced the exploration of the sea as well as the jungle on Laramie. Proof of Drow expeditions is found in the names of newly discovered island or landmarks (f.e. le Lac Ogeni).   The reign of Lockwill's Stone is Princess Sarai Eleazar, who was sent to Lockwill's Stones by her father Emperor Esthon Eleazar XXIII as an imperial emissary in 703 AKC. The princess has since gotten the regional support of the Drow nobility. She is beloved by the workers and commoners in Mistrift. 715 AKC she declared herself "Princess and First Merchant" of the ruling Merchant Council.   During The Eleven Year War a substantial number of halflings and gnomes from Dhussin fled to Lockwill's Stones.   Piracy is offically outlawed in Lockwill's Stones, but commonly practiced by it's inhabitants. The lack military control on the open sea allows pirates to go unpunished in most cases. The involvement of high ranking merchants and noblemen is rumoured but not proven. The latest increase of pirate raids on Gillaean and Phillean coasts lead to the suspicion that some form of piracy takes place with approval of Lockwill's government.
Geopolitical, Province
A map of Lockwill's Stones as of 726 AKC

Main Demographic
Tabaxi, Yuan-ti, Drow, Halflings, Gnomes, Humans


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