The Envoys

A Advanced Dungeons & Dragons game In the world of Koth
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Supporting Cast
  • Aster High Lady of the Damned in Shadowkeep
    The Coalitiion of Free Cities did not invite the city states from the Northlands to these negotations. The leadership of the Kingdom of Vithyr believes the Northlands to be cut off from the rest of the realms due to the corruption of the Badlands that lie between the civilzed kingdoms and the savage north. And yet, three days before the meeting was first called to order, Aster made her presence known, walking into Carak with a horde of zombies at her command. She is here alone, with no aids or assisants but her command of dark magic is clearly powerful and despite objections but several of the free cities, the dwarves and Vithyr, she has been allowed to attend the diplomatic sessions. She has been in Carak for three days and has said little. No one knows her motivations or if she is who she claims to be - an Envoy from the savage Northlands come to establish diplomatic relations...
  • Captain Torwyn Bree
    Captain Bree is here at the request of the Coalition of Free Cities to provide additional security and represent the interests of the free mercenary companies that operate within the realms. He also has the confidence of the Merchants Guild and is speaking for their interest within the diplomatic sessions. This is surprising since Captain Bree was recently brought up on charges by the Merchant's Guild and nearly executed. The sentance was dismissed as a misunderstanding after some sort of deal was struck between Bree, the Black Exchange and the Nobles of Vithyr.
  • Constable Jory of Riverwatch
    Jory is a retired River Warden who settled in Riverwatch and became the town constable. He uses his training to ensure that the town remains safe and that the River Wardens are informed of any trouble.
  • Disan Derdandy of Riverwatch
    Disan is a likable fellow who wears two foot wooden boots to stand nearly as tall as his customers. He runs the only in and tavern within Riverwatch and is considered something of a town gossip. He is recently estranged from his wife.
  • Erhard the Master Huntsman
    Erhard is the master huntsman of Riverwatch. He has license to hunt several miles into Feyhaven and anywhere within the Riverlands. He runs a guild of hunters out of a huntsmans lodge in the southwest corner of town.
  • Giles Weyfield
    Giles is the village cleric. He worships both Frey and Anur equally but when asked states that his primary faith is that of Anur. He is a kind fellow and well liked by the town.
  • Godfry the Baker
    Godfry is the town baker. He is know to get up very early in the morning to bake bread of all sorts. Originally from Carak it is rumored that he learned to cook for nobles but wanted a more simple life. He lives in Riverwatch with his family.
  • Harl The Blacksmith
    Harl is the aging town blacksmith. He is still capable but is actively training his replacement as his age is becoming a problem.
  • Harper Tinkertrunk
    This young but incredibly bright gnome is friendly and social. She is often seen talking with the other Envoys and even spends time conversing with the alternates. She came here with Mira and several other older halflings and gnomes but it's clear she is the one in charge. Harper is apparently a newly trained negotiator from Silverton and is here to ensure that war doesn't spill over into neutral gnome and halfling lands. She has a tremendous amount of energy and is often taking notes and verbally correcting those in the negotation who try to go back on their word or claim they didn't say something they did indeed say. She's quite likeable but it's clear that the is over eager to see these negotations conclude in a positive way so that she can prove herself. Often when she speaks to others she can be socially awkard and this tends to work against her when she needs to speak in front of a large number of people.
  • Hilda of Riverwatch
    Hilda runs the brewery, winery and vinyard in Riverwatch. She's old but strong and keeps her three sons in line as they help her with the business. She isn't supposed to sell directly to strangers but can be convinced to do so with a little coin.
  • Huntsman Folls of Riverwatch
    One of the skilled hunters that is a member of the huntsmen guild in Riverwatch.
  • Jessi of Riverwatch
    Jessi is the young daughter of Harl the town blacksmith. She is very intelligent and has made it her business to ensure that the the town runs smoothly. She is often in conflict with Mayor Mally.
  • Jorgga Jorndottir
    Jorgga is exceptionally beautiful dwarven woman, with long bown hair and blue eyes. She wears plate mail and wields a mace. Jorgga is a warrior from Felgate who is heading north to the Crag to try and reconnect with her long lost kin.
  • Kalmy Taft
    Kalmy is an aging man who owns the largest store within RIverwatch. He has deals with local merchants and a monopoly on trade in the small town. Well past his prime, he's said to be lazy and takes little interest in the properties he owns.
  • Katherine Malley, Mayor of Riverwatch
    Mayor Mally is a middle aged women with dark brown hair and hazel eyes. She has a keen wit and seems to know everything that is going on in the town. She also has a reputation for excessive drinking.
  • Kella Flaed, High Sage of Anur
    Kella is a powerful Evoker and sage of Anur. She is known throughout the Free Cites and has nearly been caught practicing illegal magic within the Kingdom of Vithyr on at least two occasions. The Church of Vith has issued several warrants for her arrest over the past three years. Her selection as Envoy from the Free Cities is both an insult to the Kingdom of VIthyr and a problem for the negotiations.
  • Larsentil Ellasil
    This noble elf ranks high within the Ellasel family in Elfhaven and specifically requested this assignment from the elven council. He brought with him two junior members of his house, Vigagras and Jaz and then told them they were basically useless and that they were free to do whatever they liked once the diplomatic session began. While he is only a few years older than Vigagras, he acts as if he is the elf's better in all things. Jaz he ignores compeltely. Neither of the two young elves understand why Larsentil brought them here. The noble elf simply listens to the negotations and says little. Now and then he will simply state "That is foolish" or "That is not wise" with a degree of arrogance surprising even for an elf. It is clear that the other Envoys both hate him and respest him greatly at the same time.
  • Lela Derdandy
    Lela is the estranged wife of Disan who used to work at the Riverhouse tavern. It is said that she left Riverwatch in the arms of another...
  • Lord Pallen Highguard
    Pallen is a legend in the kingdom of Vithyr. Born a commoner, he claimed to have witnessed a miracle of Vith at a young age and was taken into the priesthood before his apprentice day. Within three years he was fighting with holy orders to defend the interests of the church. After acting as a squire for several years, Pallen was elevated to clergy. As a priest of Vith he continued to crusade, putting down the Nothern Frontier Farm rebelllion, as well as fighting in several bloody skirmishes with the Coalition of Free Cities. It was after these skirmishes that Pallen was promoted to High Inquisitor in Vithyr - a title he still holds. When Pallen fights he does so with a sword in one hand and a morning star in the other. It is said he was trained by mercenaries who came to Vithyr on ships from the Northlands but the Church has declared this a falsehood and will imprison anyone who repeats this slander. Pallen did not request this assignment. Instead he was sent here by the nobles in Vithyr after some unfortunate social-political incidents with his eldest daughter. He does not want to be here but fully intends to ensure that these negotiations are successful.
  • Ondo of Riverwatch
    A middle aged dwarf who wears wealthy clothes and carries himself with great confidence.
  • Ondo of Riverwatch
    Ondo is in charge of the Riverwatch docks and all shipping in and out of the village.
  • Ser Petyr Hain
    A young man who moves with skill in his heavy plate armor. Petyr looks inexperienced and sullen. He is a fallen paladin who once served with the SIlver Scales fighting order.
  • Prida Taft
    Prida Taft is the wife of Kalmy Taft who owns Taft's General Store in Riverwatch. She is easily 20 years younger than her husband and spends most of her time running the store.
  • Purka the Keymaker
    Purka is a dwarf from Stoneaxe who often involves himself in various affairs within the dwarven kingdom and other lands. He's known to deal in 'less than legal' items and is wealthy as a result. He has many contacts and maintains a position of power among the outcast dwarves in dwarven society. How he managed to convince The Crag to send him as the Dwarven envoy is anyone's guess.
  • Rylla of Silverton
    Rylla has a pretty but sad face, with gray hair and brown eyes. She wears simple clothing and wields a quarterstaff and dagger. Rylla is hunting the mercenary who murdered her family but is about to give up on her quest.
  • Seba Greynye
    Seba is the town stablemaster. She runs a stable and tends to the village horses. Behind the stable she also has a kennel and trains dogs for hunting and herding.
  • Tanellye of Riverwatch
    This middle aged half-elf is the town carpenter. He lives with his gnome assistant and has been essential in maintaining and building structures int he town for at least a generation.
  • Tanil Ellasel
    Tanil has long, dark copper hair and blue eyes. He he is an handsome elf who wears chain mail and wields a bastard sword and shield. Tanil is looking for a group of lost elven mages who were sent to the Sages of Anur.
  • Thomas Archhand, High Sage of Anur
    Few men or women are as accomplished as Thomas Archand. His position as High Sage in Freehold is well earned as the man has no less than 11 sage doctorate degrees and 14 masters. Born to weatlthy merchants he made a name for himself modeling financial patterns and adjusting harvest times, trade routes and regional consumption rates to ensure that economic disruptions were minimzed. He is equal parts sage and merchant and quite rich as a result. He is also the head of the diplomatic mission from the Coalition of Free Cities and it was Thomas that assigned both Ernkul and Evelyn to the diplomatic alternates to ensure that they do not get into trouble or disrupt the negotiations. It is said that Thomas never does anything without good reason and he always as a layered plan that takes into account unforseen complexities. He certainly has tremendous knowledge from which to draw upon but this has left the man distant and aloof. Despite calling for these negotaitions it's almost as if the threat of war is a petty minor concern that is barely worth his attention...
  • Tyri Strongarm, Warrior of Skae
    Tyri is clearly a skilled warrior and moves with strength and grace into a room. She is still young but made a name for herself around the free town of Skae killing dire bears in the badlands. Her reknown is high enough for the Horun the Bold to appoint her as Envoy for Skae when the Coalition of Free Cities sent a messanger. Tyri claims her bloodline goes all the way back to ancient Vithyr and that her lineage fought for the gods. She is an impressive warrior and no one doubts these claims. By inviting the free town of Skae to his diplomatic meeting, the Coalition of Free Cities again insults the Kingdom of Vithyr. The kingdom considers the town of Skae to be part of its territory and has attempted to annex the town many times over the last few generations. Each time they fail and are pushed back by the town's defenders. Terrain doesn't allow the full might of the kingdom armies to be brought against the town and the inhabitants of Skae follow a fierce warrior culture. Everyone in the town is a capable warrior which makes breaching the defenses all the more difficult. Beyond this insult, the reason the the inclusion of Skae is not fully understood. It is possible that the Coaltiion of Free Cities may offer them membership. If they do this and Skae accepts this will surely start a war that will wash over the realms like a tidal wave.
It is the end of the year AS 1322. Thousands are dead from a mysterious necrotic plague. The Kingdom of Vithyr claims that the disease was created by the Coalition of Free cities using necromancy. The Coalition accuses the Kingdom of using this crisis as an excuse for territory expansion. Tensions are high and envoys have been sent to the border to try and prevent the realms from going to war.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Farrim Cragfel

Cathis Andor

Mira Hollyhock

Evelyn Aboral

Vigagras Ellasil

Sage of Anur Ernkul Treehopper

Jazenthal Ellasil

The Bold Vygar