Storms of the Desert

A Pathfinder 1e game In the world of Etacre
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Supporting Cast
  • Guard Captain Akadjet
    A lithe, young brunette Deshreti woman, Akadjet is on her first command assignment. She does not believe herself to be attractive, so she has always kept men at a spear-length. Has a jagged scar across her chest and down her right leg, and is deaf in her right ear. Never taken with religion, she leaves such things to the clergy. Keeps her secrets close, though she has many stories of battles shes been in. Has developed a dependence on alcohol. Born in Ahkmis to a middle class family, her older siblings were twins blessed by the elements. Subsequently her parents paid her far less attention. In her younger days, she ran with a gang of street toughs, which earned her her scars and lost her hearing. When she came of age, and her parents seeing no point in suitors, she was sent to a military academy where she quickly excelled. She fell in love with a man who lived far from the city, and married him as soon as she was able. Still obsessed with her reputation as a soldier, she has avoided having children.
  • Caravan Animal Handler Hefere
    A Deshreti man of advanced age, Hefere is surprisingly spry. Shorter than average, quite well fed and balding on top, he delights in caring for the caravan's animals. His eyesight has long since faded, so he's guided about by a trained Archaeopteryx named Isen. Has never been wealthy, though he does make a good stipend with the caravan. Has no family of his own remaining, though a few siblings live along the river.
  • Caravan Cook Khesemkhu
    A well-intentioned female Ahkom low class breeding, she has no family left.Tall for a female, she has shiny, dark blue feathers and a long ibis-like beak. A boisterous talker and proud of her cooking, she takes comments about her food quite personally. Rapidly reaching her golden years, Khesemkhu joined the caravan to see more of the world than she ever could have back in her little village growing trees. A skilled cook, she favors dishes made with the copious amounts of salted fish the caravan keeps in stock.
  • Caravan Master Meneba
    Surprisingly young to many, Meneba is possessed of golden-tanned skin from the long weeks of constant sun exposure. He keeps his hair and sideburns cropped short, and dresses in the light and airy clothing common to the region. Always accompanied by his companion and mount, Hafy the Nodosaur.
  • Silversmith Rhea Vaneme
    Blessed with golden-toned skin, an oval face and voluminous red hair, she makes quite a sight. This striking appearance marks her as obviously foreign, hailing from the her people's homeland far to the west. In spite of having lived here for some time she's often bothered by the bright desert sun and squints constantly. When her mind is set upon a goal she gives no thought to patience, risk or odds of success. Never one skilled with deception, she will often speak obvious falsehoods on purpose when she's interested in someone.

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