One Way Ticket

A Savage Worlds game In the world of Eberron
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  • Droaam
Supporting Cast
  • Conrad Fairfield
    A one time partner of West. Killed in the line of duty. Set up by the Redcloak Battalion in Sharn.
  • Marshal Del d'Deneith
    The Sheriff of Caravan Town she is in charge of security of the rail project. She bears the mark of the Sentinel. She has a scar extending from the left corner of her lips that gives her the appears of always having a smirk.
  • Hazel d' Orien
    She is a courier for House Orien. Being adventurous, daring, clever, and something of an adrenaline junkie landed her with an assignment to the expansion Doaam. As such she is the primary courier for the construction crew
  • Kwanti d’Orien
    The head of the House of Passage. Kwanti is pragmatic and business minded but his lust for adventure causes him to rarely stay in one place for long. He has decided to personally oversee construction of the new Lightning Rail Line heading west.
  • Looey
    Cindy Louis but everyone calls her Looey. Del's #1 deputy. Human gunslinger, one six shooter pistol on hip and a huge combat knife on the other. Has a horse named QuickDraw. No nonsense, serious type who will do anything to protect the people and “laws” of Caravan Town. Happy to delegate to those who want to help.
  • Padre Saul Benito
    A cleric of the Silver Flame, Padre Benito fought in the Last War in the Brelish military. He's spent much of the last decade in seminary. He is here more as a protector and healer and not so much as a missionary. He's not looking to covert anyone he's just a good man looking to atone.
  • Shandin "Sunshine"
    Talentan Halfling he rides a clawfoot named Adlą́tsote (drink water). Part of the survey and scouting team that reports in occasionally. He is highly sensitive to spirits.

Scheduled Sessions

Sun 30th June 2024 4:00

It Never Rains But It Pours

The posse and all of Aetherforge Crossing is awoken by shouts, gunfire, and the smell of smoke. Rhesh and his warband are pulling a raid on the caravan town and it's up to the posse to keep as many folks safe as they can.

Sessions Archive

2nd Jun 2024

Mound of Doom pt 2

Mound of Doom   Two days ago massive mound appeared overnight south of where the track is being laid. Since it showed up 3 rail workers have gone missing. This morning a foreman found a splash of blood and a severed arm. With the head of house Orien calling for work to continue, it will be up to the posse to resolve the dilemma.

12th May 2024

Mound of Doom

Two days ago massive mound appeared overnight south of where the track is being laid. Since it showed up 3 rail workers have gone missing. This morning a foreman found a splash of blood and a severed arm. With the head of house Orien calling for work to continue, it will be up to the posse to resolve the dilemma.

28th Apr 2024

Too Darn Hot

Things are heating up in Droaam

17th Mar 2024

A Wagon Full of Nothin'

Hazel d'Orien along with the supply and post delivery is overdue by a few days. This morning her horse limped into town, injured and smeared with blood. The tracks it left didn't follow the road but came from the Northeast out of the brush and mesquite. What could have happened to her and the supplies she was delivering?

18th Feb 2024

Session 3: Ghost of Prostperity 2 Electric Boogaloo

Let's try this again shall we?

3rd Feb 2024


9th Sep 2023

Session 2: Ghosts of Prosperity (Part 1)

What awaits the posse in the ghost town of Prosperity? Buried treasure? Or perhaps a gruesome fate?

Read the Report
26th Aug 2023

Session 1: And They Called the Place Hell on Wheels

Caravan Town rolls into Droaam and lays down stakes. The already rowdy berg grows down right unruly.

Read the Report
12th Aug 2023

Session 0: Intro to Savage Worlds, Character Creation, and More

We'll dive into the savage worlds system, make characters, and establish the setting for the campaign.

Read the Report
The Lightning Rail is expanding into Droaam and all manner of folk are getting drawn along with it. Not everyone in the nation of monsters is happy about "civilization" coming to their home.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Tallia Reglius

Tallia Reglius (Novice) - Tiefling


Turgaur (Seasoned) - Shifter


Alexandrine "Alex" d'Cannith (Novice) - Human