Session #05 - Badgers, Badgers, Badgers Report

General Summary

After making the short trip to the Badger Habitat they encountered a quite unfriendly group of Badgers, weasels and martins.     XXX used his influence as a Seer to gain entry and force an audience with the Badger Chieftain (Yzerman #33) and they were told that there was a feral lounge of lizards that have been attacking and eating the Badger Tribes young. That explained the Badger Tribes increased aggression towards Reptiles other than the normal mistrust they bring from the other tribes in Paradise Valley     After XXX performed a rallying speech and got the Hunters and Warriors all riled up to go kick some reptilian cloaca.   Two of the standouts from the Badger tribe, (Lemieux #33 and Eddie the Eagle #2) joined the tribe in their assault on the Feral Reptiles, alongside the preexisting resistance cell from the Badger Habitat.     Bjork got critically injured in the fight, but Ringo managed to stop the arterial bleeding by making a torniquet using his trusty slingshot.   After a successful assault they managed to bring back some of the kidnapped survivors to the Badger Habitat, amongst them was Eddie the Eagle #2’s sister Eddie the Eagle #7   Both Lemieux #33 and Eddie the Eagle #2 felt that they owed a big debt of gratitude and decided to follow the group and help with their next task, which involves getting the Robot Killing Weapon from the Dog Tribes Habitat.

Missions/Quests Completed

Driving out the reptiles and saving the children

Character(s) interacted with

Eddie the Eagle #2

Created Content

The Feral Ones

Tribe Insurgency

Paradise Valley
Report Date
27 Mar 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Car Graveyard

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