The Start Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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The Start Report

General Summary

Character Connections

  • Bud is on the run from a nobel
  • He pissed off a king and now there is a warrant out for his arrest
  • Tija spent a lot of time as a bodyguard for caravans which traveled north.
  • They were once a well known party, but split up after Bud insulted a king. They now find themselves at the same tavern in the north.
  • Plague found themselves in a bar fight after drinking too much and arguing about rat’s not spreading the plague. Chasing Wind steps in and both Plague and Chasing Wind defeat the thugs.
  • Bud delivered a package to an ice fey for Tija. Tija owes Bud for this work.
  • Bud almost lost all of their reputation as a storyteller at a princes’s wedding. Chasing Wind and Plague save the princess puppy which grants them a boon. The boon is used to pardon Bud.


  • Game start: The team gathers in a tavern in the far north
  • Banain Thunderhead approaches the party in the tavern since they are the only group of 4 individuals sitting together in this small tavern.
  • Banain asks the characters to retrieve his airship from the Lord of Ice
  • ___In return Banain will provide free transportation for 1 year, but he must be able to make sales in that time to pay off his 5000 gp debt to the bank.
  • ___The airship name is The Silver Lining. It has the name on the side of the hull.
  • ___It’s a 55-ft long x 20 ft wide ship.
  • The group agrees to rescue the ship from The Lord of Ice
  • Banain says it’s best to get the ship before sunset since it will be very difficult to move the ship in the high winds at sunset, and they might hit a mountain side trying to fly it out in the dark. This gives the characters five hours to rescue the airship.
  • Arrival at the base of the mountain was uneventful.
  • Banain explained how there were bears, ice lizards, and snow leopards seen in the area, but none were seen on the trip to the base of the mountain.
  • Scouting carefully Tija and Bud find a weak portion of the ice river they are walking on. The team uses their flying brooms and boots to travel over the weak ice.
  • Further up the mountain Tija is leading the way and finds a valley where the wind begins to whistle.
  • While traveling through this whistling valley, Tija is attacked by air elementals.
  • ___The party fights them off by slaying one and hitting several with a Destructive Wave.
  • ___After one of their brethren die, the air elementals give up the valley to the adventures and fly off into several canyons.
  • Tija continues to lead the party up the mountain side and finds a beaten path.
  • Following the beaten path, the party finds themselves in a beautiful and glistening wintery weather. At that time Bud’s weapon of warning vibrates a lot alerting them to danger.
  • The party is attacked by snow flake plant monsters known as a Frostveil.
  • ___The tendrils on these elite frostveil hit hard.
  • ___Tija finds their acidic blood is very painful when they are hit in melee.
  • ___Bud concludes correctly the frostveil are vulnerable to fire and launces a fireball, but also catches Tija in it. This removes about half of Tija’s HP as she critically fails her save.
  • ___The team finds themselves surrounded by the frosveil after the fireball. This is when the frostveil release their confusing spirit spores. Both Bud and Plagüe become confused by these spores.
  • ___ Chasing Wind launches a couple fire bolts and Tija’s magical greatsword finish off the remaining frostveils
  • The party was feeling worn down from this fight with the frostveils. They setup a Tiny Hut in the path and take a short rest.
  • At the end of the rest, a cyclops happens down the trail they were following. He was singing a simple hunting song to himself.
  • The team decides to backtrack the path the cyclops had taken, which leads them west and around a few ledges.
  • Game End: The part finds the residence of another cyclops. It’s tending to a small fire and drying skins. The team is considering creating food and water for the cyclops and approaching with a gift.

Rewards Granted

No treasure found.

Character(s) interacted with

Mission given by Banain Thunderhead

Created Content

A small tribe of cyclops live in the cold northern mountains. This tribe survives day by day hunting and gathering. It's a very rough life, but they enjoy the simplicity of living outside of any society or worries from neighbors. Each family of the tribe live a relativly long distance from each other.

Dragon Hunters
Report Date
05 Feb 2023

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