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Dragon Hunters

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Midgard Wisconsin
2/5/2023 | Full
Supporting Cast
  • Captain Banain Thunderhead
    Banain Thunderhead is a 74 year old male hill dwarf air ship captain. He has a bald head and grey eyes. He has smooth skin. He stands 137cm (4'5") tall and has a muscular build.

Sessions Archive

29th Apr 2023

The Blind Cavern, Entrance

The team enters the icy cavern of the Skull Collector, white dragon, in order to slay him. This is a job for The Lord of Ice. What could go wrong?

Read the Report
5th Feb 2023

The Start

The characters gather on a quest to recover the air ship, The Silver Lining, from the treasure hoard of the wind dragon, Tordyd, Lord of Ice. They will need to hike up the icy and windy mountain side to Tordyd's lair. Several mountain side denizens lie between them and their goal.

Read the Report
The ruler of Zaldiri, Ruzgar, Lord of fog and hungers, has a masterful plan which has been enacted. As this plan plays out Ruzgar will overtake the southern lands of Magdar. Can the adventuring party save the Magdar people and take back the land? Will they continue on into Zaldiri, freeing it from the war hungry rulership of Ruzgar? This is a game of heroic survival followed by fighting for freedom.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Budding Leaf
