War of the Seven Sovereigns

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of The Faerun Lichlands
| Looking for Players
Supporting Cast
  • Agatha Moonseer
    A banshee who lives in the Neverwinter Wood. In life, she was the mother of the famous mage Bowgentle, and now tries to keep his tome and legacy away from those would defile it.
  • Crown Prince of Ankhapur Behleir Famisso
    The Crown Prince of Ankhapur, and the father of the Princess Zovro. As his father has approached old age, he has stepped in as a political genius and is often considered the true political ruler of Ankhapur.
  • Ceril Fairfeather
    A charming young bard who seems to always find himself in trouble. He seems to travel erratically, but even so, he has a reputation in many major cities and towns.
  • Foilsunder
    A greedy dragon living in the Winterwood. Last century, he made a deal with Manferic III in which both would become liches and look after the other's phylactery. He was hit hard by the spellplague and became afflicted with a strange magical disease.
  • Ha Sin
    The high priest of Selune living in Caulsot. [br] Image credit: mingzhu yang
  • Hachima
    A deva who was captured and enslaved by the green dragon Foilsunder. He has been freed for the first time in over a century.
  • Hibo
    "Hibo buy, Hibo sell!!!" A kobold merchant who appears everywhere and anywhere, procuring and selling strange magical items. He works for "Boss".
  • Janol Famisso
    The current King of Ankhapur. When he was younger, he defeated his father, the lich Manferic III, and gained control of Ankhapur. In his now older age, he has become more distant from ruling, and rumors swirl that he is attempting to become a lich himself.
  • Lorelei Finch
    A druid living in Caulsot. She has said that she will work to restore the Winterwood if the party can manage to deal with Samima Merytalia.
  • Manferic III
    A lich from a previous era. He was defeated by his son, Janol Famisso, though rumblings of his return have begun to echo through the Lake of Steam.
  • Porikos Marunikos
    A former Emmechan guard who fled the Thay takeover of Emmech with the former ruling family. He is currently trading on the coast to repay on old debt but plans on traveling to Westgate on the Dragon Coast after his debt is fulfilled to reunite with the Emmechan ruling family.
  • Professor Samima Merytalia
    A well-renowned professor of necromancy. She taught for decades at various magical colleges. It appears that she is currently studying liches, undeath, ever-life, and cloning.
  • Captain Sesnoh Rhade
    The former captain of Crown Prince Behleir's personal guard. She was found dead in the Lichgrove on a mission to retrieve a piece of a phylactery on the behalf of "F".
  • Tanglegrove
    A chimera that once lived in the Tanglegrove, a magical grove in the Winterwood. It was enslaved by the green dragon Foilsunder.
  • Welverin Dragah
    A brooding yet dignified drow priest of Lolth. He is an agent of the Zhentarim who works for Zovro. He is a talented bard as well.
  • Xue Ming
    A beautiful monk from the continent of Kara-Tur who is now the innkeeper at the Singing Pegasus. She is a follower of the Path of the Red Crescent Moon, a monastery tradition that focuses on the power of life and blood, and whose styles mimic that of vampirism. She is the Zhentarim apprentice of Zovro, and also Zovro's lover.
  • Yenzixos Axatalles
    A dragonborn wizard that currently lives in Caulsot. He is a Zhentarim agent dedicated to helping move freed slaves out of the Vilhon Reach.
  • Princess of Ankhapur Zovro Famisso
    The youthful and respected princess of Ankhapur. She is a higher ranking member of the Zhentarim who has agents throughout much of Ankhapur and the Lake of Steam. She is a gifted teleportation mage.

Scheduled Sessions

Sat 18th April 2020 14:00

"Where's Waldo: Samima Merytalia Edition"

Why are people in Nimpeth not concerned about the threat of Professor Merytalia? Also, what will the encounter with Lord Woren bring for the party? Will they come any closer to finding the witch that killed the Winterwood?

This story is told by

The Protagonists


Chaotic Good Wood Elf (Noble)
Ranger (Hunter) 9
79 / 79 HP


Level 9 Tiefling Chaotic Good Cleric
/ 51 HP

Myles Stanbury

Level 9 Human Lawful Neutral Warlock
53 / 53 HP

Alistair Finley

Level 9 Human Lawful Neutral Fighter
67 / 67 HP
