Session 23

General Summary

Though it was unclear, Cyril did not appear to have interest in Lissete's business proposition, and the party prepared to leave the Mask. Prior to their departure, they encountered a crazed man claiming to be a wizard who's staff had been stolen. The party ignored this commotion and proceeded to the exit. They encoutered a woman their, who succeeded in gaining a private audience with them. She told them she was from the court of the king of Waterdeep, who sought an audience with the Strangers and invited them to meet with him at Waterdeep.   As they departed the Mask, the black dragon known as the horned prince, whom Taryn had told them about back at Sorrowhold, swooped down out of the overcast and attacked them as they crossed the bridge. They barely managed to make it across before the dragons acid breathe blasted Cyril and Kravek. A fireball from Jacob sent the prince reeling as Jorn lept across the docks upon his horse, attempting to strike the beast in the air. Kravek then used wild magic to teleport on to the dragons back succeeded in holding on and dealing alot of damage. The prince then proceeded to fly upward, still carrying the bluescale to 100 feet where it barrel rolled. Kravek, unable to hold on, was sent plummetting to the city below. Making matters worse, a stray elcritch blast from Jacob struck the barbarian as he fell.   Taunted by Jorn, the prince dove down at the paladin, who prepared to make his move, and just as the two combatants met, the prince was smited by a collosal attack from the paladin before crasing into him. The dragon attempted to flee, and as he took flight and headed acros the harbor, his long neck turned around and unleashed another breathe attack, striking Kravek and Jorn with incredible power, bringing them to the ground and nearly killing them both. Cyril then launched a fireball that knocked the dragon out of the sky and sending it crashing into the harbor, causing the wooden ships and docks below to ignite in flames.   After the battle, Jorn attempted to find the body of the dragon on the sea floor, but found only the impression in the sand, clearly seeing that the beast had not died and managed to swim away. The paladin succumbed to the acid water and was resuccitated again. They  then learned that the ship that was on fire was none other then the one they had been sent to collect a debt from, so that mission had clearly come to not. The ship suddenly exploded, its internal cargo iginiting, sending Kravek and Jorn flying across the piers. They were taken to the city guard barracks to be attended at the infrmary.   Meanwhile, Jacob encountered a harbor vagrant and intended to send him to hell, but was jumped by 5 men who intened to kill and rob him. Jacob slew them all with ease, and collected his required daily soul to  send Avernus.

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