Session 22

General Summary

Jacob secured lodgings at the Driftwood Tavern on the northern side of The Docks while Cyril, Jorn and Kravek concluded their business at the Tradehouse. Jacob decided to wait there for his companions. He observed a half orc barbarian off in the corner of the tavern, seemingly mumbling something to himself, as well as two teiflings whispering between eachother, though he could not make out what they were saying. He decided not to interact with any of the tavern patrons.   The others soon headed for the tavern and they were quick to notice the eyes of others watching their movements. They encountered no trouble however. They met a ferryman named Old Jack the Boatman, who they hired for 15 sp to take them across the harbor. At this point they realized they had no idea where Kravek's wives had gotten off to. When they arrived at the Driftwood, they learned from the old woman who runs the place that the kings son recently died in the war. When they were departing the inn to head to the Moonstone Mask, she overheared them speaking and tried to tell them they couldn't go dressed like that, but they ignored her.   On their way back across the harbor, Jacob was furious when he learned that he had been charged double what his companions had to cross and confronted Jack about it. The old man explained that it was a matter of volume discounts and they negotiated a price to cross. Jacob seems to still carry a grudge against him.   Back on the otherside, they were called over to a potions stall run by a gnomish woman named TimTam who claimed to be selling powerful potions, which interested Kravek a good deal. The others could clearly tell that she was a charlatan. Kravek regailed her with stories of his adventures, which she proceeded to attempt to sell him an even more powerful potion since the previous one was clearly not good enough for the likes of him. At this point, Jacob left the group to cast an invisibilty spell on himself, and proceeded to attempt to steal the love potion from the stall counter. TimTam saw it vanish but having no knowledge of such magic, assumed that it had fallen on the floor. In hysterics, she searched for the potion but couldnt find it, finally deciding that her current customers must have stolen in. Guards came over to investigate and searched their belongings for the potion. TimTam claimed that one of Cyrils other potions was actually hers and accused him of stealing it. Jorn casted zone of truth to get the woman to admit the potion was not hers (although she never said this directly), and the guards moved on without incident.   As the adventurers were about to cross the bridge to the Mask, they were called over to the Tarmalune Tradehouse by a ostentatious tiefling tailor who introduced himself as Euron. He informed them that they couldn't go to the Mask dressed in such shabby attire. So they selected an array of fine garments to dress as well to do people of stature, paying 8 amythest gems from Cyrils bag of gems he had found at the hags lair. Jacob tried to decieve the tailor in trading him the clothes for the love potion he had stolen from TimTam, ultimately succeeding in selling it to him for 7 gold pieces. As they left the tailors shop, an elaborate carriage arrived, instructed specifically to pick them up at that location and drive them to the Mask. Cyril thought this absurd since it was so close, but they road the carriage anyways, and soon arrived at the establishment. All the while, Jorns horse stalked behind them.   They were greeted by Miss Liset Cheldar, the proprietor of the mask, who invited them in to enjoy all the hospitality they had to offer. A dragonborn guard searched them and locked away their weapons before they could enter. Jorn was very popular with many of the Masks "companions", though he seemed utterly disinterested with them or their attentions. Jacob sat at the bar, eavesdropping on conversations, attempting to hear rumors, while Kravek ordered a fine meal before once again announcing himself and the long list of his titles and achievements, ultimately drawing a crowd around him as the tale became larger and larger by the minute. Cyril and Jacob overheared a nobleman and his wife speaking of the situation between Neverwinter and Waterdeep and they that they fear that war may soon breakout again between the two city states. He fears the king may desire such an outcome. Jacob learned that Liset clearly has information related to Lord Galathrax but could not learn any details yet that could be useful. Liset attempted to hire Cyril to "retrieve" a book for her from the House of Knowledge. Her intentions were unclear.

Rewards Granted

  • Fine clothes for all 4 characters
  • Lodgings at the Driftwood Tavern

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