Session 21

General Summary

The party completed their business in Conyberry and departed on the ship, Riverwind, towards the city of Neverwinter. They are attacked from the shoreline by a group of raiders and easily drive them off, learning that peasants have taken to violence and thievery to survive and that the king has closed off the city to people. They arrive in Neverwinter and Taryn leaves with Robert and William to secure passage into the inner city while the others conduct trading with the local merchants and begin to explore the Docks area.

Rewards Granted

  • 750 gold and a dread helm to Jorn for selling his axes and old plate armor.
  • A legendary circlet they found in the Hags lair.
  • Achieved lvl 6.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Saved the Riverwind captain and crew from the raiders.
  • Jorn struck a bargain with Fargrim and Harald to sell his plunder of axes of 750 gold pieces, repairs to his mythic axe, and a Dread Helm.
  • Jacob was swindled by a ferrymen for 10 silver pieces.
  • Cyril met the proprietor of the Moonstone Mask, a beautiful and enigmatic woman who invited him to visit her establishment.
  • Cyril learned from the captain that the Hall of Knowledge is likely where he needs to go to discover what he was sent to find.
  • Jorn cast zone of truth and learned from Jacob about Mistress Melanthia and her conflict with Lord Galathrax and that his mission is to help defeat him. 

Sorrow Flew on Black Wings
Report Date
26 Sep 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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