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Malevolence Campaign

A Pathfinder 2e game In the world of Midgard Wisconsin
09/11/2021 | Full


Supporting Cast

Sessions Archive

13th Nov 2022

The Basement part 3

Continued exploration of the basement.

22nd Oct 2022

Basement Part 2

The party will continue to explore the basement of the Xarwin manor.

Read the Report
24th Sep 2022

The basement part 1

Read the Report
The primary antagonist of this adventure is Ioseff Xarwin, a ghost who has become obsessed with the pursuit of forbidden knowledge and the awful desire to merge the trapped consciousness of his murdered wife and children with his own mind, but there’s more haunting the manor than a mere ghost. The slumbering remains of an ancient evil named Tchekuth, once a man but now a monstrosity transformed by contact with the Dark Tapestry, lies deep beneath the manor. The combination of Ioseff Xarwin’s ghost and Tchekuth’s slowly awakening consciousness has combined to form a powerful spiritual blight upon the manor and the dungeon below. This combination of spiritual energy is referred to in this adventure as “the malevolence.”

This story is told by