The basement part 1 Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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The basement part 1 Report

General Summary

Game start

After lunch the team has returned from the Xarwin mansion to the Whispering Flies Pub and Inn. Time frame: After lunch to end of the night   Actions:
  • The team identifies items in the party loot: A +1 ghost touch shortbow is identified. The locking / unlocking process of the cosmic crypt.
  • Casandria spends several hours organizing and reading through the various journals and loose papers found in the observatory. She unlocks 10 RP.
  Time frame: Morning next day to about 10:00 AM After completing a good nights rest, the team travels back to the Xarwin mansion and:
  • Opens the cosmic crypt doors finding it to be a 10-ft diameter room with no floor. A 10-ft diameter hole fills the floor space. The hole goes down 30-ft to a 10-ft high cavern. A creature, not undead, resides in this cavern and said, "Come down and become one with the Lord Below." Dai shot the creature with the Sun Blade and it left the area in which it could be seen. The party opted to find a different way into the basement.
  • Fight in the basement from the kitchen: Ezra, the psychopomp bird, gave a hint that angry dogs are in the kitchen cellar. The party cautiously went into the cellar. They found a cramped and maze like environment. Two esobok ghouls attacked the party as they rounded the first corner. It was a difficult fight in which both Talos and Casandria were at half health by the end. Talos contracted Ghoul fever from a esobok ghoul bite. Casandria recalled that esobok are normally psychopomp guard dogs in the Boneyard. They leave the dead alone and protect them from infiltrators on that plane. The ones in the kitchen cellar must have been corrupted.
  • Talos finds a hidden door in the kitchen cellar. Beyond the hidden door is a rickety bridge which has a haunt. The haunt includes a very large mouth filled with teeth which envelops the bridge. No one was able to exorcise the haunt. The party decided to find another way into the basement.
  • Enter the basement from the library: The party finds the scriptorium below the library. Talos spends a few minutes searching and find a hidden wall safe. Initially Talos cannot unlock it, so Dr. Amalgum attempts to pry it open, which also fails. Talos spends an additional half minute and 2 broken lock picks to open the wall safe. In the safe the party finds over 1000 coins with a value 347 gp, a gold wedding ring, and a ledger of IOUs which would is a collectors item.

Game Ends

Talos finds a hidden door in the scriptorium leading into a hallway.

Rewards Granted

Missions/Quests Completed

New research revealed: Tchekuth, The Malevolence: In life, during the final years of Thassilon, Tchekuth was a human astronomer, but as he died, he was undergoing an eldritch transformation into something more.

Malevolence Campaign
Report Date
24 Sep 2022
Primary Location
Xarwin Manor
Secondary Location
Crook Cove

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