Crook Cove Settlement in Midgard Wisconsin | World Anvil
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Crook Cove   Crook Cove is a small fishing village on the northwest shores, and four days travel from Fellmire. Ioseff Xarwin was the appointed as the paracount. After his disappearance, the Xarwin manor became overrun by the Malevolence. Crook Cove is now rebuilding after most people moved out 20+ years ago. Rebuilding is slow, but most people in town work hard to get by.

Industry & Trade

The village once was known for it's mining and lumber. Now it only has enough people to sustain a few fish exports.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
Crooked Cove, Crookcove
Related Reports (Secondary)

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Cover image: by Fabiana


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