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Laying Low

General Summary

A month's Journey North to the Town of Caravie; a place that was recommend to lay low in by Giff. The party comes across a skeleton ship, and swam of glowing jellyfish. Arriving at their destination. The party is hostilely greeted by a giant turtle whom requests for their treasure. He shows that he is a great threat after being mocked; by blasting steam across a majority of them greatly wounding the party. The party quickly agree to give them what he wants; then the giant turtle leaves. Docking at port they are greeted by very friendly faces; who welcomes them, helps them tie down their boat, and then offers to gives them a tour of the town. After the Tour the guide sees them off; Giff then heads off to his favorite place Clyde's Meat. At Clyde's Meat; Giff introduces everyone else to Clyde the town's butcher. Giff then orders for chicken, and Clyde promptly delivers. Returning to the Village's Inn. The party gathers some information about the town. Stormlord slips outside and begins to gather a crowd. The part learns that the town's bard is sick, the Inn has a rat infestation. It also seems that the gnolls from the Caravie Moutain have made thier way into an old run down castle; and have been attacking sheep, and cattle for now.    Stepping out side the party notices a large crowd has gathered around Stormlord; whom promptly exclaims to the crowd that they have been worshiping the sky and sea all wrong, and that the giant turtle is a sign of that  The crowd convinced by this convinced by this leads Stormlord to their Temple to Gozrah. Giff interested in what will happens follows this crowd to the temple. Indra goes to investigate the the sick bard, Truth stays back at the inn to earn some coin, and Cerrin, and Dohbin goes out to the sheep, and cattle farmers to investigate the Gnolls.   During Indra's investigation she asks around and eventually finds the apartment that he is located in; finding the door is locked and there is now answer. She opens a neaby window and scales across to the rooms window and knocks on it. A minute later the glass shatters as a zombie like creature reaches out and tries to swipe at Indra. Quickly escaping the situation she runs to the Temple of Gozrah.    At the temple of Gozrah; Stormlord ask to see one of their pray sessions. After doing so explains to them they are doing it all wrong, and they need the new pray with the added dance. Beginning to teach them; some of the people watching join in. After a few minutes pass Indra comes in and asks Giff for help. Giff calls over to Stormlord and says they are going; he promptly follows. Telling some of his new found followers to keep practicing, and maybe the Sky and Sea will be satisfied. Heading back to the room; the party of three quickly dispatch the zombie. Investigating the room the party finds that he was tied down at home point, and finds a Symbol of Nhimbaloth that was left nearby. Quickly leaving the room to not be blamed for what happened here; the party heads back to the tavern.    Dohbin, and Cerrin head to the outside of town to talk with the farmers. Meeting with Amarisaa first the two learn that the gnolls seem to be attacking under the guise of night. They mention to her that they are going to see Gubry next, and she offers to lend them her carriage. Upon reaching Gubry the two of them introduces themselves to old town guard now sheep farmer. Gubry says that he scouted out and found that the gnolls have taken over a nearby castle with some of their people. He also tells explains that the seem to be only attacking at night for now, but who knows until how long they try to attack the townsfolks. He recommends to them that they take a full party, and not go to this castle alone. Cerrin and Dohbin say good-bye; then head back to the tavern.     As everyone meets up; and discuses what information they found out. They plan out to keep watching over the guys building overnight, and then attempt to deal with the gnolls in the morning.

Rewards Granted

  • Necklace of Gozrah

Character(s) interacted with

  • Gubry
  • Amarrisa
  • Clyde


  • Dohbin also learns that there is a Shooney village on the other side of the Mountain. 

The Seabound Souls

Weasel Heathermore

Level 3 Witch.
27 / 27

Captain Giff Byrne

Level .

Dohbin Bunswhicz

Level .

Indra Fenris

Level 3 Oracle.
/ 8

Cerrin Cat man

Level .
Report Date
17 May 2021

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