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The Seabound Souls

A Pathfinder 2e game In the world of Charon
02/28/2021 | Full


  • Charon Continent Map
    The base map of the world of Charon
Supporting Cast
  • Alk
    Alk is a kind goblin man; who once was the navigator aboard The Sea Senora. He is leads a small group of goblins that don't want to be apart of Toffee's village. He will take any opportunity to get off the island he can.
  • Berlirk
    Acting captain of the Clam
  • Captain ClamDorbid
    A foolish newly appointed captain with an eager out look on life. Wants to get prompted and noticed as soon as possible. Willing to do almost anything to achieve that goal. He also has an issue with people calling him short
  • Kadu
    The new leader of the Goblin tribe on the island. He is xenophobic and is distrusting of outsiders. Especially outsiders that are not goblins. He is however willing to help get the party off the island as soon as possible.
  • Neeka
    A young curious goblin child. Whose parents are missing; and likes to sneak around. She currently is fascinated with the party.
  • Ophelia Hodges
    Ophelia is an elderly human; who is a master in the occult. She is apart of the Shadows of fate located in Lelas. She is also the one who taught Weasel magic.
  • Salvedorianmadorian
    Quiet timid gnome who is the Barkeep of The Leaky Spigot
  • Toffee
    A power hungry goblin; who enjoys coffee a bit to much. He was once a Carpenter aboard the Sea Senora. Now he is the leader of a goblin tribe due to being the tallest. He wants those that don't submit to his rule to die.
  • Captain Tyrdil Greydark
    Well known Half-Eleven pirate, who respects his crew. Is looking for new members in order to start a hunt to control the seas. He is willing to pay well to retrieve the artifact.

Sessions Archive

22nd Jan 2022

Session 41

A new dungeon awaits

15th Jan 2022

Session 40

Read the Report
8th Jan 2022

Session 39

Read the Report
18th Dec 2021

Session 38

Read the Report
11th Dec 2021

Session 37

Read the Report
4th Dec 2021

Session 36

The party split; one stealing a flying ship. The others fighting in the prison riot. Will they regroup before one of the groups meet their demise.

Read the Report
27th Nov 2021

Session 35

Read the Report
20th Nov 2021

Session 34

Read the Report
13th Nov 2021

Session 33

6th Nov 2021

Session 32

Read the Report
30th Oct 2021

session 31

Read the Report
23rd Oct 2021

Session 30

Diving into the realm of shadows; what fearsome creatures a wait the party. How long do they have? How long will they last?

Read the Report
16th Oct 2021

Session 29

Read the Report
9th Oct 2021

Session 28

Read the Report
2nd Oct 2021

Session 27

Read the Report
21st Aug 2021

Session 23

Read the Report
14th Aug 2021

Session 22

The party makes way with a treasure map in hand towards an island full of Mystery to them. The only things they know are that there are cannibals, and that the empire also wants the treasure at this island. Did the empire already get here? Will the party get roasted? What treasure is contained at this island? These answers will be hopefully be answered in this session. Unless the group runs into an unwarted detour....

Read the Report
7th Aug 2021

Session 21

After going deep diving the party finds some insight on Cerrin's past. Along with some possible answers to the gaps in his memories. Some of these memories could possible be found in the City of Shron. The party also has a delivery mission to a familiar Empire port. Who knows what will happen

Read the Report
31st Jul 2021

Session 20

Read the Report
29th May 2021

Session 11

Read the Report
22nd May 2021

Session 10

Arriving in Caravie; the party realizes that their are some issues at hand. A man left undead in his room, and Gnolls expanding their territory into a nearby run down castle killing livestock. Then eventually maybe the residents. Which will they investigate first while laying low from the Empire.

Read the Report
15th May 2021

Session 9

Read the Report
1st May 2021


The majority of the party put under arrest for both impersonating a member of the empire's navy, and suspicion of piracy. Along with the murder of Captain ClamDorbid. While both Stormlord, and Weasel remain uncaptured. How does everyone plan to escape this situation?

Read the Report
24th Apr 2021


Read the Report
17th Apr 2021

First delivery

After being offered a deal to make a delivery; in order to get a cannon. The party sets of to the Astravian Empire's newly founded port city Victoria. Investigating some of the cargo it turns out 2 of which are magically sealed. Who knows what is in stored for the party as they set out on this journey.

Read the Report
12th Apr 2021

A Shopping Episode Part 1

Read the Report
27th Mar 2021

Cabin Fever

Read the Report
20th Mar 2021

A Clammy Situation

Read the Report
6th Mar 2021


Read the Report
27th Feb 2021


Read the Report

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Weasel Heathermore

Level 3 Witch.
27 / 27

Captain Giff Byrne

Level .


StormLord Lord of the Storms

Dohbin Bunswhicz

Level .

Truth Rispira

Indra Fenris

Level 3 Oracle.
/ 8

Cerrin Cat man

Level .