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General Summary

Almost the entire party got arrested, and their ship left burned and destroyed. The majority of the party being Cerrin, Giff, Truth, Indra, and Dohbin; are now sitting in the jail cell waiting around for a chance to escape. Giff very annoyed at this situation chastises them for taking their sweet time in an empire port; were anyone can turn up. Adding insult to injury; he also mentions that he my know were Inrda's family heirloom my be. Indra rightful so snaps back about this; and threatens to throw him under the bus. As some hours pass; Commodore Henry Kennway eventually comes in an tell the party that he apologizes and states that Lord __ will be doing their trial, and not an official judge. He also mentions the trail will happen the first thing tomorrow, and then promptly leave after being harassed by Giff about his past. As more time pass; the guards eventually change shifts. This guard when confronted with Dohbin seems to be very snippy and has a short temper. Giff realizing this begins to sing a song mocking the empire; Truth then joins in. The guard storms off brings his some guards with him and opens the cell to; "teach Giff a lesson." After opening the cell and realizing what he has done; Cerrin, and Indra quickly jump into action. Attacking the guards up front. Dohbin grabs a guard from the other cell across and chokes him out. The other two guards are quickly dispatches and are tossed and locked up in a cell. The party then barracades the door into the cell room; and begins to melt the bars that lead to the outside. While melting the bars Giff spots a Shooney outside gardening; saying nothing to impede their escape he continues on. As the bars are fully melted threw the party makes a bolt to escape; Cerrin also spots this Shooney. In attempts to get the her to come with them Cerran offers; for her to become their hostage. Her caught off guard about this situation; turns him down. Running through the court yard and into the audience hall. Giff steals the crown off Lord __'s head. As they run out into the street they quickly spread out and hide for the rest of the day. Giff meets up with Weasel and Stormlord while they were in the process of making a plan for them to escape. Truth slips into an alleyway and lays low. Dohbin, Cerran, and Indra run out to hide in the nearby swamp. Dohbin finding an old spot he used to stash his gear for hunting. Realizes that this rising city is where his village used to be. As they lie low until night time; Cerran and Indra attempt to convince Dohbin; that Giff doesn't really see him that trustworthy. Dohbin takes their words into consideration. Under the guise of night the party meets up; and makes a plan to escape. Having scouted out the docks before there are currently three other ships docked there. The party heads out to steal one of them; and escape Victoria . Having Storm Lord set fire to one of the storage houses; causing a panic because it contains black powder. A majority of the guards rush to deal with the fire the party then rushes a board one of ships; and tosses off two of the drunken sailors that were keeping watch off and sail off. Commodore Kennway prepared for such actions knowing Giff immediately begins to sail off; only to realizes that his ship cannot turn. Unknown to him Stormlord; broke his rudder chain. He then beings to crash, and bounce off against the docks of the city. The party the begins to sail North. For some to an unknown destination; to Giff a place he does not enjoy that much.

Rewards Granted


Missions/Quests Completed

Escape Jail

Character(s) interacted with

Commodore Henry Kennway


  • Weasel gave the Commodore a gold coin for his trouble

The Seabound Souls

Weasel Heathermore

Level 3 Witch.
27 / 27

Captain Giff Byrne

Level .

Dohbin Bunswhicz

Level .

Indra Fenris

Level 3 Oracle.
/ 8

Cerrin Cat man

Level .
Report Date
01 May 2021
Primary Location

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