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Journey to the Algae Covered Temple

General Summary

During their Journey to the island the treasure map leads to; the party runs into the traveling brewing known as "The Salty Ale." A tavern that sails the sees; selling boozes to those they pass by. They end up trading wine for rum; got some new rumors as well. The rumors are about a captain that runs a ship of undead sailors, and the area around a light house; that seems to be surrounded by lava. They also find out that Archie's Dad is Lord Shelix; who is the Empress Victoria's paramour.    

The party arrived at the island, and noticed some oddities about it. One of which is that the cliff face is covered with algae from the top down; the cliff itself is at least 500 feet high. The other being the green temple at the top. As they sailed around the island looking for a starting point; two options aroused. One of which is sailing between two parts of the cliff face into a lagoon type area, and the other was to enter from the beach. Choosing to go through the beach the party trek upwards to the peaks of the area. Upon the shore the group finds fishing gear of sorta that was still wet; along with a religious symbol of The Elemental Lord Kelizadandri.  Which was described as a shark fin with a notched located on the upper outer curve. Seeing this Stormlord felt a deep hatred towards this symbol for some reason. He reasons it because of it being a symbol of the current Elemental Lord of water; and the water plane has no sky. Therefore since there is no sky; they must be evil. They then begin to set course through the jungle.    One point getting ambushed strange sea creatures known as sea devils. Fighting through and preserving through the fight. As they were patching up after the fight; Weasel makes some new monkey friends who give her a magic ring. They then come upon a creek, and head upstream. As they do the creek itself begins to get wider and deeper until it becomes a river. As they following along this path they come up to a section they come up to a segmented waterfall. Cerrin climbs a head and tosses a rope down forever to easily climb up. At the top they scout a head, and spot another ambush. They end up ambushing the ambush. As they fight the one sea devil leading the charge threw a trident across the way and pulled people off the cliff. Cerrin runs across the bridge and quickly and dispatches the big guy. The smaller scouts and brutes gets picked off by the others launching spells at them. After they finishing all of them off; Indra stabilizes the big sea devil. The party finds out the devil's name is Sahuagri. Along with that they are here protecting some sort of artifact located in the temple a head. He refused to share much information, and then attempted to escape by jumping into the water below. Cerrin reacts in time, and gives him a good left hook causing him to topples into the river below. Stormlord then jumps below and finishes the job. After assess the current situation with what they just dealt with; everyone gets ready to head to the temple. 

The Seabound Souls

Weasel Heathermore

Level 3 Witch.
27 / 27

Captain Giff Byrne

Level .

Dohbin Bunswhicz

Level .

Indra Fenris

Level 3 Oracle.
/ 8

Cerrin Cat man

Level .
Report Date
15 Aug 2021

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