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Session 34 Report

General Summary

Arriving in the city of Astrivia the Party needs to lie low; and blend in with the crowd. Having some time to plan on how to break out  Esmerelda Bilstac before the execution. The first the party does is visits the visa's office in order to follow the law of the city. This takes the entire day; and Dohbin was denied his visa.     During the next day Truth scouted out the prison. Indra scouted out the location of the magic school called The Indgo Suns Institution of magic. Sheako sets up shop; Dohbin shops around. Stormlord sneaks off; and begins to recruiting for his cult. Another day passes; the party notices that Archy is no longer with them. Indra and Truth go out and investigate. They checkout the school, and get a tour of it. Trying to persist and farther explore the school; so Truth attempts to charm their tour guide. The spell fails; and he then identifies it. Letting them off with a stern warning they get kicked out. Then remembering who Archy's father is they go to hunt down where he lives.   Meanwhile this is happening Stormlord heads out once more to gather more people. This time wondering upon some environmentalist stoners. Protesting about how the empire is polluting the nearby river with trash and debris. Stormlord promptly chimes and begins to take over the protest. A neaby guard listening in to the conversation does not like the direction the protest is going decides to step in. Stormlord conjurer's up a cloud and kills the guard with lighting. Attratcting attention of the other guards stormlord attempts to sneak off into a nearby ally. The guard follows him and calls for back up just in case. The guard not wanting    Heading over to Archy's father house who is known as Lord Chelix. Truth and Indra are warmly welcomed in being friends of Archy. There they have a descussion with Lord Chelix and find out he is actually Truth's father. Lord Chelix deeply aplogizes to Truth and says he will do anything in his power to help her out.    At the very end of the day; Stormlord gets a wanted poster.

The Seabound Souls

Weasel Heathermore

Level 3 Witch.
27 / 27

Captain Giff Byrne

Level .

Dohbin Bunswhicz

Level .

Indra Fenris

Level 3 Oracle.
/ 8

Cerrin Cat man

Level .
Report Date
02 Dec 2021
Primary Location

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