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Session 21

General Summary

After a deep sea excursion, and Cerrin finds out some new information of his past. The party sets out and leaves the city of Illus, and heads to Shron. Sailing north the party comes across an island whose tides seem to always be going out; on the island they spot a large spider siting on the beach fishing. It gives the party a wave, and they continue sailing onward.  


  Arriving at Shron; the party decides to set anchor a few miles up along the coast, and not dock in the city. Giff gives a time restraint for being in this city; giving Cerrin till dusk to return. If he doesn't Giff will assume the worse, and set off to Victoria. Cerrin then heads off to the city only taking Truth and Archy with him. Before hand Cerrin, Truth, and Archy all prepare a disguise. As they arrive at the check-point into the city; Archy gets them through very easily. Cerrin then begins his investigation with the help of Truth. Talk among people; they stumble upon a Lieutenant on guard duty. When bribed with a pocket watch; he was easily convinced to arranged a meting Commodore Kane who is now known as Admiral Kane. At the guard outpost Cerrin meets personally with Admiral Kane under the pretense of selling him a pocket watch. During their dealing Cerrin takes off his hat of disguise; revealing himself to Kane. Kane stares at him as if he seen a ghost; and then quickly refocuses himself. Cerrin ask him "Do you remember me?" In replay Kanes tone changes; and tells Cerrin "No I do not; now you have 5 seconds to leave this place or I will call the guards." Cerrin quickly leaves the barracks while putting the hat of disguise back on. The small group then begins to quickly investigate the city itself and asking people around what happen to the city. Along with Cerrin looking for more clues in to his past.   During this investigation they arrive at the gallows. People currently hung there; with a sign posted in both Common and Amurrun saying "Traitors to the Empire will be brought to justice." Cerrin somewhat recognizes on of the Catfolk hung there as an old shipmate. During their investigation they find out that the Catfolk are not a huge fan of the Empire at all; and are a difficult group of people for receiving information from. Eventually Cerrin takes off his disguise and finds it to be much easier to talk to the Catfolk in this town. Cerrin learns that the town once held the base for a group of people that were fighting against the empire. Unknown to the group their was a traitor among them; and ratted out the groups location. The empire full on attacked the city; killing both innocents, and resistance members. The traitor lead the charge boastfully; and then was never heard from again. As time slowly began to run out; the small group decided to head back. Unknown to Cerrin someone saw him use the hat of disguise, and recognized him. Half way to the ship this man fired a poison arrow at Cerrin; while yelling out "Traitor!" Completely confused Cerrin rushes to defend himself. Truth manges to get him to stop attacking for a little bit, and Archy quickly strikes him down with a fireball.   Bring the unconscious man back to the ship the party interrogates him. Tying him to the center mast; Giff slaps the man awake and Truth cast Zone of Truth. The party finds out his name is Nakkes, and was once close friends with Cerrin. Although Nakkes says he knows Cerrin as "Nine Lives Ruun." Nakkes states that it was Cerrin who lead the charge against the resistance. Cerrin states that he has "No memory of this at all." After a bit of back and forth the party lets Nakkes go making him swim to shore. As soon as he reaches shore Weasel cast sleep on him, and Nakkes collapses drifting into sleep.


  The party arrives at Victoria next to sell the cannons. Giff disguise himself as another merchant with the alias of John Luke Australia. The rest of the party slightly cleans themselves up a bit in order to attempt to blend in as a normal crew of merchants. The person that greets them is Commodore Henry Kennway who is know demoted to being a captain. Mr. Australia(Giff) introduces himself to Captain Kennway. Kennway states that the deal needs to finished and approved by Lord Gregory. Giff agrees to go; Cerran, and Dohbin both ask to tag along attempt to do the same fake accent as Giff. Kennway immediately sees through Dohbin's poor disguise; however he says nothing, and welcomes them to join along.   Arriving at the now gold foiled townhall; Giff meets with Lord Gregory in order to finish the needed paperwork. During this interaction Giff sees that Lord Gregory has married the Shooney from before; along with Lord Gregory humiliating Kennway. After finishing all the needed paper work; Giff immediately leaves and tells Dohbin to forget about the Shooney she is ok. As they begin to leave port; Kennway begins to run after them yelling "Calico; you won't get away."

However the party did get away. A few days later the party recieve a letter from Commodore Henry Kennway asking them to break his daughter out of Three Peaks Prison. Giff sends a replay back asking for specifics, and then the party continues sailing to their next destination. An island said to inhabit cannibals, and treasure.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Archy
  • Admiral Kane
  • Nakkes
  • Commodore Henry Kennway 
  • Lord Gregory

The Seabound Souls

Weasel Heathermore

Level 3 Witch.
27 / 27

Captain Giff Byrne

Level .

Dohbin Bunswhicz

Level .

Indra Fenris

Level 3 Oracle.
/ 8

Cerrin Cat man

Level .
Report Date
09 Aug 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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