Elvenhome III True Bloods Report

General Summary

After some more investigation into the trueblood, the Party realized they were a big threa tto Elvenhome.  The visited the Aralynn complex in order to try to speak to Ral, who previously set them up.  After being told he was reassigned to a village on the border, they left a subtle warning.  That night, a messenger came to them asking them to meet with Chamylla Aralyn.  They were taken to a courtyard where they met and spoke with Camus's twin sister.  
She explained that she was sure that her brother was a member of the True Bloods.  He had been spending time with other who had xenophobic ideas, and he was going to meet with them tonight.  She told the party where it was happening and asked them to investigate but not harm her brother.  They agreed. 
That night they arrived at the spot, only to find the True Blood ready for them.  They had been set up.  The leader of the True Bloods told them it was time to leave, or they would make it look like the party cam down here to "tie up loose ends" by killing Ral, and that the other happened to be here and were able to kill the party instead.  The group decided to fight it out, and when one of the Tue Bloods realized that Chamylla was not just trying to scare the party, but was fully intending to kill them, he didn't want anything to with it.  
The party fought the other and though one of the truebloods was killed the other were captured or escaped.  It turned out the One who did not fight was Camus Aralyn and the leader of the trueblood has been his sister al along.  The party took them to Naevys Ravencall where they were arrested and brought before the king.  
Before the judgement, they were contact by Rathiain Aralynn who asked them to request mercy for his children and speak on their behalf.  in return he would try to find a way to support their cause.  He couldn't advise against altering the ward, because of the orc threat.  It was worse then most people knew.  He would, though, if the party could find a way to stop the orcs from getting through the ward.  He would even help them by sending the Core to help attack the orcs, while the party found out how they were getting their resistance.  They agreed.
The traveled with the core to the ORC camp, and the core attacked the orcs while the party infiltrated their lair.  What they found was an Orc Spawning Pit, that was drawing energy from a great tree that has been blocked form the great web.  Finn was able to connect the tree using a song he learned form the treesingers, and the party fought the pit's guardians / controllers.  A Dark Paladin, A tiefling Priestess of Tahkene, and an enslaved mutated Elven Kineticist.  The battle was difficult, with the party taking hits right away, but Trevayn managed to slay the priestess, who enacted one more spell before she died.  She activated the Pit to summon a Behemoth.  
Elisar, felt this this even from far away now that Finn had connected the tree and communicated with him, telling him that the poll was going to use the last of its power to bring out some massive monster that would be immune to the Ward.  His choice was to kill the great tree or try to heal it with Treesong.  This was a tough choice as using tree song on a great tree would change Finn forever.  Still he decided to save the tree.  While the party fought the rest of the villains, Finn flew to the tree and used the song to heal it, cleansing the Pit, and ending sending a wave of energy across the orcs in the camp allowing the elves to defeat them, ending the threat of the Orc for a long time.  
  The party returned to great accolades.  House Aralynn would throw their support behind them, as well as House Aelyn as Finn decided to save the tree even though it was risky.  Also with the True bloods capture, the threat to Elasha was gone allowing House Olana to also support the party.  This left only House Farsolar wanting to alter the ward.   
The PArty was treated as heroes, and told they were free to move about Elvenhome as the wished without need of an escort.  Things looked like they had finally turned in the groups direction.  Until...

Dragon's Dominion

David Scroll

Report Date
11 Jul 2021
Primary Location
The World of Nor

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