The Cruelty of Bargle Report

General Summary

After hearing of his sons new companions woes with the infamous Bargle; Bjorns father gathered his warband to help bring some clarity to the situation. The warband consists of Auric, Khellek and the Elf Tirra. It is at this gathering the Khellek reveal a fellow Seeker who has had the misfortune of encountering the wizard Bargle. And as luck would have it the gnome Belledaire Bargle has a shop right in Elmshire.

Our heroes make their way to Belladeares Bountiful Books; a quaint shop in Elmshires central market (area 15 on the follwing map:

Elmshire 2
As the characters enter they are overwhelmed by shear volume of tomes which lay before them. Being first thing in the morning there aren't any patrons milling about. There is however the proprietor Belledaire flanked by two purple hooded figures weapons slung about their belts.

"Khellek told me you were coming. Sit down. I will tell you what I know." the weary Gnome gestures to a table surrounded by chairs, set up for this very meeting. The hooded figures trailing him as if they were shadows.

"Who are they?" Djangos legendary penchant for blurting out his thoughs brought to the forefront.

"Members of the The Purple Veils. A mutual aide, philaprothic and adventuring society of sorts that has provided me protection." Belledaire replies as he waves his hand for the PCs to sit.

The Purple Veils are the talk of the Seekers. First brought to their attention by the Seeker contentient based out of the ruins of Maure Castle. They are big proponents of using them as mercenaries and specialists due to their professionalism and skill. Khellek (Bjorns) mentor has his reservations such a secretive group (why do they wear veils?).

"From what?" the newest member of the Helix heroes chimes in, still catching up on the backgrouds of his new friends.

"While from the person which you have come to see me about.....Bargle the Infamous."

"My encounter with him was a cruel twist of fate. One day a group of bounty hunters came bursting into my shop. They had mistaken me as the infamous Bargle due to us sharing a last name (no relation of ofcourse)."

"Luckily, I was able to prove my innocence. Apparently the other Bargle had recently slain the cleric of Pelor: Eleena. A pure soul beloved by all. Her murder ilicited outrage across the land."

"Time went by, I though of it as nothing more than an inconvenience. Then....he showed up. It was my birthday."

"It had seemed that he didn't like my deeds being mistooken for his and vice versa. He had taken offence. So he would taunt me on my birthday for years. Sometimes, just pranks other acts of cruelty which only one with a dark so of his would find humorous (such as the time that he boiled by beloved cats alive)."

"Once I gained enough power in my studies, I crafted a trap for Bargle. Confident that I could gain the upper hand and capture him. I awaited on my birthdate but, he never came."

"Once again I was lulled into a false sense of security (perhaps he knew of my trap and was fearful of being caught). But, alas that was not the case. One as evil as him never believes themselves to be nothing but dominant."

"The next couple of he would show up at random times, sometimes even skipping a year. It was then that I approached the Purple Veils for protection."

Missions/Quests Completed

Bargle sends a message to each of the player characters with the intro note (see above) attatched to each.   "This is just a little something, to let you know who you're messing with." "Was just going to let that little shit Pejab know not to try and delve too deep. But, with him gone I guess you are the next best thing to send a message" "Continue perssuing me at your own risk."   Django Dill

  • send him a finger with a Caravan Dill signet still on it - one of the missing caravan members
Freya/Jaana Vesuri
  • Bargle visits the sisters mom Irja while they are in Elmshire - pretending to come back to her
  • instead he leaves her devastated to the point of
Den Wthertongue
  • Bargle captures some "wanted" members of the Golden Bough
  • he tortures them before collecting the bounty on their heads - teleporting away after revealing his true identity (for he too is wanted)
Skazad Granitespine
  • the Testof clan recieves a number of golden miniatures the exact likeness of those who he covered in motlen gold
  • Slaughters her familiar causing some damage
  • luckily Yvaine able to summon a new one - her Faerie Dragon

Domains of Greyhawk
Report Date
29 Jan 2024

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