Ghost Tower of Inverness - Session 5: Dear Madame - Water Wing Report

General Summary

With the disappearance (via dimension door) of the undead houris (harem girls the party presses forward.

The chamber beyond the harem leads to the quarters of houris where awaiting the party are the two who teleported away.  Sitting in the centre of the old quarters are is a soul bonfire which Flame Minister Den proclaims isn't his.

It becomes quite apparent early in the battle there is another foe which would later be revealed to be a psychic stalker, an incorporeal and invisible undead.   She was the leader of the houris and is deadly upset at how the PCs have brought ruin to their den.  Her physical form only visible to those who take charisma damage from her touch attack.

Rewards Granted

Soul capital from the undead encountered this session and last session.

Everybody gets 2000 soul capital while those that were present during this session gets an additional 1600 Soul Capital.

In addition the quarters and the harem itself provides 650 gold worth of goods capital (luxurious silks, expensive perfurmes etc.)

Missions/Quests Completed


  • The madames quarters is luxurious and acts as slave quarters for the lesser houris
  • Enraged that ther "girls" have (in her twisted undead mind) been unfairly attacked she strikes out with her sisters
  • An intense battle ensure with the lesser houris taken out in relative ease (though they got some licks in)
  • The pyschic stalker proved to be most difficult her undead abilities making much direct combat impossible
  • those drained of charisma by her become susceptible to being possessed which had her jumping between bodies multiple times

  • halfway through the battle the soul bonfire raged and billowed to twice its size a figure could be seen within the flames
  • this ended up being Hon Li the monk of the previous expedition
  • his martial order being that of the Sensates an affilitation which wishes to experience everything
  • he fell easy prey to the houris as he wanted to experience what they had to offer - this would be fatal
  • upon death he excepted to become a hollowed one in service to the lich Lyzandred

  • After their taxing battle with the undead the PCs decide to use the houris quarters as a place to rest
  • a few of the members reduced to babbling messes as their charisma was drained to zero
  • their rest however would be interrupted by the random maintenance oozes which patrol the dungeon
  • see the PCs as things that don't belong they deduce the party must be "cleaned"
  • already battered from their previous battles the PCs outlook is grim
  • Li Hon would fall relatively quickly absorbed by the ooze his matter to be used to help repair the dungeon
  • his sacrifice would give the PCs time to use the Soul Bonfire as a mean of egress teleporing to the towers courtyard

Character(s) interacted with


In roll20 theirs a character sheet named Flame Minister Den.   He'll be the NPC you guys can play when shorthanded (so read him up).



  • It was a session of chaos rolls (love this mechanic)
  • the arrival of Li Hon (who arguably saved the party by being sacrificed) was a result
  • also the Maintenance Oozes too (at time when the PCs really needed healing from rest).

    • Put a heck of a lot of work into crafting Hon Li (had multiple threads to existing characters)
    • unfortunately he died almost as quickly as he arrived
    • such is the fate of being a DM

    Domains of Greyhawk
    Report Date
    06 Jun 2024

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