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Sancti Terras

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Sancti Terras
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Supporting Cast
  • Bennett
    Human Male member of Varuion Council
  • Brange
    Bartender of the Swashmuckler
  • Braxten Riveta
    An emissary for the Nimrothen council member, Braxten ensures that all business is held accordingly in Nimrothel. Braxten has difficulty speaking his thoughts and finds himself often letting a stray finger toy with the back of his hair.
  • Haru
    Orc council member of Varuion
  • Jonathan Britow
    Aradanian in decent, son of a noble.
  • Mama Therma
    Somewhat of a crude woman, Mama Therma has always been straight to the point. While she plays old and forgetful there is much more to the first glance of her.
  • Raine
    Pearl vendor in the town of briven
  • Ren
    Werewolf Male council Member of Varuion
  • Tykos
    Xevri's late mate who fell to the fate of an Aradanian gguard and then soon returned to help her memories.
  • Varit Longhaul
    A dockworker through and through, Varit has made it a professional fact to care for the ships that enter Briven.
  • Vivian
    Elf female member of council Varuion
  • Xander
    Fish vendor that has learned new technique from Kitsu

Sessions Archive

4th Nov 2023

Session 19:The Test of an Uncertain Furture

Venturing out of Scorch where will the party find themselves, perhaps a test of fates is to be expected.

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9th Oct 2023

Session 18: A New Beginning

While some of the party decides to remain in their home areas, the rest must decide the fate of their start on the new portion of their journey.

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24th Sep 2023

Session 17: The Quiet After~

Having defeated the monster and returning peace to their past friend, the party now moves on their next course of actions!

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3rd Sep 2023

Session 16: The Ravished~

The idle winds that starve the lands comes with a blaze, Will the group push forward or remain in the past?

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9th Jul 2023

Session 15.5: The Idle Winds Continue

Irdi and Rayla go to scorch to gain their items for the feast while the others continue on with the relaxation.

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7th Jul 2023

Session 15: The Idle Winds.

After killing the razorback queen the heroes nurse their wounds at the base camp, A much needed rest in store for the party.

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29th Jun 2023

Session 14: The Chittering Sands.

Along with the rebels the party has much in store for them.

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5th Jun 2023

Session 13: A Rebellious Meeting~

Hidden intent questioned, the party finds themselves looking for Arania. A clue that will better guard their paths they have chosen!

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8th Apr 2023

Session 12: The meeting with the Sultan

Having experienced Scorch the party eases into their temporary life at the blazing sands city. A meeting with the Sultan is soon to follow with new information to certainly bring some thought to the party.

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12th Feb 2023

Session 11: The first touch of Scord

The players finally take their first steps into the limits of scorch

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3rd Feb 2023

Session 10: The decent into Scorch

Leaving Draught the parties finally embarks for Scorch.

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3rd Dec 2022

Session 9: The path to Scorch

Having spent some time in Draught the group begins to forge their path for Scorch. Will they make it and what will await them!

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19th Nov 2022

Session 8: The travels of Draught

With all lost, will the party pull themselves back up and continue their push for greater hope.

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7th Oct 2022

Session 7: The Chase of the Despair.

The party gives chase on the Legacy to reclaim their captured members.

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25th Sep 2022

Session 6: The Blue flames of despair.

With destruction in mass, what will happen to the party already enveloped in fight and misunderstanding.

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11th Sep 2022

Session 5: The Meeting

The party has been invited to enjoy a feast for their bringing of the medicine. What will they choose to do.

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31st Jul 2022

Session 4: Legacy's first shipment.

Braxten in an attempt to align with the group closer offers them a deal they perhaps can not refuse. Will the party take him up on his offer?

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16th Jul 2022

Session 3: Assault on Suvelty Hills

With introductions aside, the party heads to their quest to take care of the village that has bothered Nimrothel for far too long now.

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2nd Jul 2022

Session 2: Nimrothel's Request

With the secrets of Briven uncovered the party leave to set sail for Nimrothel. A place that Archibald does not look amused about while Escot finds a calling for what may be a key piece of his memory.

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18th Jun 2022

Session 1: The Arrival to Briven

With Tensions high and the possibilities endless the party travels into what is the unknown for some and an all familiar portion of endless possibilities. Who will meet the party upon their successful arrival to Nimrothel. Will they head the words spoken or will they carve a new path into the thread of fate,

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30th May 2022

Session 0.5: The Hag's demise and the breeze of an open ocean

Tasked with the hags demise the party pushes on to gain new information as well as take hold of their future, what will come simply lies on those fated encounters ahead of them.

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25th May 2022

Session 0: The Revolution of Aradania

The world is about to remeber the darkness they once left in the deepest parts of their minds.

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This story is told by

The Protagonists

Estoc Mark 4

Lawful Neutral Warforged (Acolyte)
Sorcerer 10
64 / 64 HP

Traveling Story Teller Rayla Of the Grotto

Shifter ()
rogue 3
Barbarian 1
warlock 1
59 / 59 HP

Senior Blackthumb Archibald