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Session 4: Hunting Expedition Report

General Summary

The party headed back to the tavern to discuss ideas and plans for the next day. Dalmir, Nim, and Marya headed over to talk to the hunters and have some dinner, getting a recommendation for a shop at which to purchase supplies and letting Hildove and the others know that they're heading out the next morning. The party got a chance to shop, purchasing a few different supplies to prepare for the expedition.   Magnolia revealed that she followed Corshad and saw him meeting with Madame Krishana as well as that she knew where Madame Krishana was. The party opted not to seek out of a meeting with her.   The next morning, the party set out, Hildove taking the lead. After noticing tracks belonging to other humanoids in the area, they opted to move quieter and more slowly, resulting in exhaustion from Hildove. Still, when they arrived at the Temple of Solace - a set of ruins so named because they're off the beaten trail and out of sight of any civilization - she went out to hunt. Unfortunately, the party failed to notice the pack of hunting dire wolves until it was too late and was ambushed by four of them. After a long, bloody battle, three of the wolves - including the one that crept up from behind, looking to drag Nim off as an easy catch - were slain, the fourth limping away into the forest.   The next day, the group skinned the remaining wolves, the other having been dragged off by scavengers in the middle of the night. They then set off again, following in approximately the same directions as the tracks. As the day neared an end, they happened upon a camp, unfortunately being noticed by the camp's watch (thanks, bad stealth check!).

Lia's Thursday Game

Melech Lavant


Sebastian Barromite

Player Journals
Hungry wolves and nightly talks by Marya
Report Date
29 Oct 2020

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