Sebastian Barromite | World Anvil

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Sebastian Barromite


This kind man in bright colours must surely be trustworthy

Campaign & Party

Fri 12th Nov 2021 07:52

How could it end up like this

by Sebastian Barromite

I've never done that before.
I'm not inexperienced, I've had partners and we were good together, but I barely know Vera. I trust her, that's enough, apparently. It was fun? She wanted fun, I like fun so why not, do something nice for a friend. Definitely relaxing, though I've had enough of exercise of late. I wish I could just stay in that big bed for a day, catch up with all this rest I'm missing. We're friends with the Bright Queen now! Absolute buddies, I'm sure I can get away with a lazy day, let my guard down at long bloody last. It's very pretty here.
Gods is it pretty here.

The major events and journals in Sebastian's history, from the beginning to today.

How could it end up like this

I've never done that before. I'm not inexperienced, I've had partners and we were good together, but I barely know Vera. I trust her, that's enough, apparently. It was fun? She wanted fun, I like fun so why not, do something nice for a friend. Definite...

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Session 4: Hunting Expedition

05:00 pm - 12.11.2020

Session 4: Hunting Expedition

05:00 pm - 12.11.2020

Session 5

05:00 pm - 12.11.2020

Session 5

05:00 pm - 12.11.2020

Session 3

09:58 pm - 15.10.2020

Session 3

05:13 pm - 15.10.2020

Session 2

09:23 pm - 08.10.2020

Session 2

09:23 pm - 08.10.2020

Session 1

10:14 pm - 01.10.2020

Session 1

05:06 pm - 01.10.2020

Group B Intro Session 2

12:23 am - 25.09.2020

Group B Intro Session 2

09:04 pm - 24.09.2020

Group B Intro Session 1

03:35 am - 18.09.2020

Group B Intro Session 1

03:35 am - 18.09.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Sebastian.