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Session 3: Bumble Trouble Report

Missions/Quests Completed

The party gathered a fair bit of additional info about the Bumblewyrms Gemstone Dragons and found themselves an enthusiastic guide to the region in the form of the halfling hunter Hildove.

Character(s) interacted with

Carson and Marya tracked down Dominik, following him to a couple of places; he ended up heading into Mad Goose Liquor and emerged with some spirits.   Carson threatened Elian, owner of Pleasant Goose Butchery, which failed to result in additional information other than the fact that Corshad wasn't some city official and that her sister who runs Mad Goose Liquor has business with Corshad more than her.   Nim, Sebastian, Melech, and Dalmir met with Francille, a human woman who was a hunter, in the marketplace and bought her as well as two others (Hildove, a halfling, and Redsyl, a dwarf) drinks in exchange for a bit of info about dragons. Hil turned out to be very excited about the prospect, shared a bunch of stories, and wanted to come with the party.   The party had a debate amongst themselves about whether to tell Hil about the money or share any with her, arriving at the somewhat controversial conclusion to hide the fact that they were getting paid from her. Nim and Melech conversed about this privately afterwards.   The other four went over to Mad Goose Liquor and met the owner who revealed that she worked with Corshad and that Madame Krishana had made a deal with him in exchange for safety as well as that she wasn't pleased with them for pulling the Corshad card on her sister.   Nim and Melech headed to the local Temple of Bahamut and met its head priest. They asked him about bumblewyrms and he said he thought he'd read something similar, eventually pulling up a little bit of information on the gemstone dragons from a small church library in the back.

Lia's Thursday Game

Melech Lavant


Sebastian Barromite

Player Journals
Catfights, dead ends and new leads by Marya
Report Date
16 Oct 2020
Primary Location

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