Session 11 Report

General Summary

the HFH met with Lysander at his estate in Oakhurst. Explains how his associate Mizzlepip Wobblecog was kidnapped and suspects Parsefal Normand, Caitlin Rochfort and Maximilian Wimmer as possible people behind it. They got a new contract from Lysander (5000gp + Elemental Gem, Red Corundum). Headed to the Wyrm's Rest Inn for the night, but Zephrum decided to linger at the The Gilded Quarry to schmooze with the local elite. He encountered Caitlin Rochfort and briefly met with her discussing "future business opportunities" and then returned to the Inn.

6 Eleasias:
Informed of new Robbery in town. Went to The Leering Dolphin and met Seraphim Ironsoul and divulged some info about Maximilian's new weapon trade. Traveled to the most recent robbery Bartleby Flintlock and learned of his stolen gem Pheonix. Lena was able to find tabaxi paw-print near entry window, leading to a breakthrough in the case. Griselda Compton mentioned the possible return of The Silent Slippersd'Oong'g'Oong was sent to try and find more information about fences and the local underbelly of Oakhurst (600gp investment into a +5 for his rolls). Traveled to Seraphim Ironsoul's house and ask more questions regarding silent slippers and met Isolde Shadowheart as well. Mentioned he had previously tried to track them down but they kept disapearing before they could be found. Also mentioned they work as a team of 3+, and they all lay into their strengths when performing roberies. Was surprised that they let slip a minor detail such as not covering their tracks.   Party (Rhistel, Lena, Zephrum) then headed out of town to see if they could track suspicious guard cart that headed out of town in the early morning. After reaching to to Standing stones and venturing off Northwest, they encounterd Athondox in human disguise feeding birds, mentioning he's heading to Luskan to see a friend. Rhistel had mentioned they met Gineca the Half-Dragon Rogue by name, causing Athondox to perk up and say he was relieved that she had made "some new friends." After exchanging pleasantries, HFH departed, with Athondox saying, "Say hello to your boss for me" as he vanished. They then followed the tracks to a clearing area where it appeared that people were executed and then dumped in a shallow grave. Rhistel then did a sending spell to Griselda Compton to tell her what they found, and to keep it a secret from the town guard. HFH then fled the woods back to oakhurst, where Lena then spotted a "Young Red Dragon" flying in the distance, but did not notice them.

Character(s) interacted with

Lysander, Caitlin Rochfort

Created Content

Gem Pheonix


Mentioned that Serpahim's history delt with a battle with Magrartassy and prior service with Parsefal Normand, whose promotions have gone to his head.

Hero's for Hire Campaign
Report Date
08 Sep 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Neverwinter Woods

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