Wyrm's Rest Inn

A Three star Establishment. The Wyrm's Rest Inn is Oakhurst's primary hotel situated near the center of town. Three stories tall, with room balconies that overlook the river, marketplace and courtyard make it the destination for well-to-do travelers wishing to spend the night.   This establishment is only a hotel with no food or drink services, with the entrance leading to the front desk staffed by at least one well-dressed person at all times. The rooms are nicely decorated with soft beds, modest sized mirrors and to the delight of wealthy visitors, heavy drawbars and sturdy locks.  
Stepping into the Wyrm's Rest Inn, you are greated by the fancy decor of several painting lining the walls and a detailed tiled floor below. The room is well lit with several hanging oil lanterns which give the room a pleasant warm glow. In the center of the room lies an elegantly carved stone desk with a few well-dressed staff members behind it. The female elf raises her head...   Modest/Below ...and for just a moment, you notice a slight gimace from her face as her eyes meet your own. She begrudgingly says, "Welcome to the Wyrm's Rest Inn. Rooms start at 8SP per night"   Comfortable/Above ...and smiles gently and greets your cheerfully. "Welcome traveller to the Wyrms Rest Inn. Will you be staying the night with us? We have a selection of rooms available, as well as suites should you require a more relaxing stay."
RoomCost Per Night
Single Bed 8SP
Double Beds 12SP
Suite with Washroom 15SP
Hospitality, Hotel
Parent Location

Cover image: by IRPGuardian