Session 13: Into the Omega Report

General Summary

10th Olarune

The party crossed the scarred clearing surrounding the facility and were attacked by swarms of ants with metalic exoskeletons. Reaching inside the fence, they attempted to move quietly through the overrun inner yard of the facility but were attacked by small reptilian creatures that ambushed them. After Aethelwulf and Zora'kas went unconscious, the majority of the dinosaurs were killed and the rest fled.   At the same time, Aethelwulf and Esi had noticed the form of a large, invisible creature stalking around the building and the party deliberated heading up to fight it now or enter a different level of the facility. Ultimately, they decided to climb to the second floor and found succour in a closed off bedroom.

Eberron Wayfinders
Player Journals
The Omega Facility by Kai'okoa
Report Date
26 Jun 2021

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