Kai'okoa | World Anvil

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16th of Olorun 998

Picking Up Payment

by Kai'okoa

We left the Peckish Pixie and quickly ran into a problem - sheep everywhere. I tried to scare them off but they came running straight at us.. stupid animals. Dhok enlarged the cart so they could run under us and eventually we made it through. Later that night a young man comes up to our camp asking about sheep and how he had fallen asleep. Guess that solves that mystery.
Once we were closer to Varna we encountered a Firbolg Druid who started talking to our donkies. She had some stuff to trade but nothing I was interested in. Arriving late at night we went straight to bed at The Emerald Wyrm.
The next morning we went to collect our payment from House Vidalis, he started explaining why they experiment on creatures but I had no interest in listening to his reasoning. After collecting Aethelwulf's and my share of the reward I went and did a bit of shopping. I had previously asked the group if they would pitch in for a spell for Aethelwulf but I find myself feeling like I am in his debt. Him helping me with my issue and I have nothing to give back in return. Mother said when doing a transaction, bringing gifts to the mix was a good way to earn favour and repay people, so that is what I did. I bought him a beautiful scroll case I found, bought a scroll to go in it, and the ink for him to transcribe it.
Thankfully he hasn't mentioned it so it must have been a good choice.
Tomorrow we set off for Cree and I am excited to see what treasures this city holds.

Kai'okoa's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Adventure on a boat
    03 Feb 2021 09:27:05
  2. Adventure through the jungle
    03 Feb 2021 09:54:38
  3. Adventure in the city
    03 Feb 2021 11:25:24
  4. Adventure in the forest
    03 Feb 2021 11:30:56
  5. Letter from a bird
    1st of Zarantyr 998
  6. The drinking champion!
    2nd of Zarantyr 998
  7. Storms & Manticores
    3rd - 8th of Zarantyr 998
  8. The Former Manticore Family
    8th - 9th of Zarantyr 998
  9. Noble's Box
    10th - 11th of Zarantyr 998
  10. Errand Running
    11th - 12th of Zarantyr 998
  11. The Field of Night
    13th of Zarantyr 998
  12. I enjoy being drunk.
    13th - 17th of Zarantyr 998
  13. Crime and Secrets
    17th of Zarantyr - 4th of Olorun 998
  14. Crabs and Pixies
    4th - 8th of Olorun 998
  15. Snuffing out flames
    9th - 10 of Olorun 998
  16. The Omega Facility
    10th - 12th of Olorun 998
  17. Picking Up Payment
    16th of Olorun 998

The major events and journals in Kai'okoa's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 29: The Found Queen

09:15 am - 25.10.2021

Session 29: The Found Queen

09:15 am - 25.10.2021

Session 28: The Primo Canale

09:12 am - 25.10.2021

Session 28: The Primo Canale

08:27 am - 12.10.2021

Session 27: The Viper's Plot

09:25 pm - 21.09.2021

Session 27: The Viper's Plot

09:25 pm - 21.09.2021

Session 26: The Battle Continues

01:09 am - 19.09.2021

Session 26: The Battle Continues

01:09 am - 19.09.2021

Session 25: Battle on the Galifray

12:45 am - 19.09.2021

Session 25: Battle on the Galifray

12:45 am - 19.09.2021

Session 24: The Investigation Continues

08:38 am - 18.09.2021

Session 24: The Investigation Continues

08:37 am - 18.09.2021

Session 23: Sailing into the Viper's Jaw

03:30 am - 29.08.2021

Session 23: Sailing into the Viper's Jaw

08:31 am - 24.08.2021

Session 22: Family Business

09:36 am - 23.08.2021

Session 22: Family Business

09:36 am - 23.08.2021

Session 21: Benefits for Friends

03:31 am - 15.08.2021

Session 21: Benefits for Friends

03:30 am - 15.08.2021

Session 20: Introductions & Curiousities

03:23 am - 15.08.2021

Session 20: Introductions & Curiousities

03:23 am - 15.08.2021

Session 19: Nuovi Orrizonti

09:48 pm - 02.08.2021

Session 19: Nuovi Orrizonti

08:23 am - 27.07.2021

Session 18: The Storm of Revelations

10:48 am - 25.07.2021

Picking Up Payment

We left the Peckish Pixie and quickly ran into a problem - sheep everywhere. I tried to scare them off but they came running straight at us.. stupid animals. Dhok enlarged the cart so they could run under us and eventually we made it through. Later that n...

08:29 am - 20.07.2021

Session 18: Nuovo Orizzonti

08:27 am - 20.07.2021

Session 17: New Experiences, New Horizons

06:32 am - 19.07.2021

The Omega Facility

Well.. we are all still alive. We conquered the Omega Facility and got our contracted items but they didn't come easily. Initially when we arrived we started towards the building and were ambushed by some giant ants that were as hard as metal. We managed ...

08:35 am - 13.07.2021

Session 17: New Experiences, New Horizons

08:19 am - 13.07.2021

Session 16: The Shutdown

11:25 pm - 06.07.2021

Session 16: The Shutdown

11:25 pm - 06.07.2021

Session 15: Haunting Spirits and Hunting Beasts

10:31 pm - 04.07.2021

Session 15: Haunting Spirits and Hunting Beasts

10:31 pm - 04.07.2021

Session 14: Inside the Facility

10:23 pm - 26.06.2021

Session 14: Inside the Facility

10:23 pm - 26.06.2021

Session 13: Into the Omega

10:17 pm - 26.06.2021

Session 13: Into the Omega

10:16 pm - 26.06.2021

S12: Exploring the Omega Facility

12:21 am - 15.06.2021

S12: Exploring the Omega Facility

12:21 am - 15.06.2021

Snuffing out flames

We stayed at the Peckish Pixie and early the next morning we ventured out with the wagon towards the research facility. We travelled for most of the day before coming up to a crossroads not long before we heard marching. Turns out it was the group of ...

11:47 am - 08.06.2021

Crabs and Pixies

Before leaving Varna, we decided to invest in a wagon and a couple donkey's to ease our travels. We bought the livestock and wagon from the House Vadalis stables. They also had this massive crab which had a tent built into it's shell and there is a way to...

08:13 am - 08.06.2021

S11: On the Road Again

02:25 am - 08.06.2021

S11: On the Road Again

02:25 am - 08.06.2021

S10: Title in Progress

02:05 pm - 05.05.2021

Crime and Secrets

With phase one of the سرابریشم completed I took the weekend with Aethelwulf to inspect and discuss some things I need answers for. He showed me what he has been working on and I must admit I am a little impressed at how much effort and cost he is ...

12:35 pm - 04.05.2021

S10: Title in Progress

08:26 am - 04.05.2021

S9 - Wrapping up in the Glen

03:04 am - 02.05.2021

S9 - Wrapping up in the Glen

03:04 am - 02.05.2021

I enjoy being drunk.

What a fucking day. We didn't run into any trouble on the way back to Havenglen thank god. Went straight to a tavern and did another drinking contest without my special tankard this time. Beat Zora'kas again but tied with Dhok and got absolutely hammered....

01:02 pm - 27.04.2021

S8: The Nightshade Hermit

11:47 pm - 17.04.2021

The Field of Night

The kids that we terroized went home and told their parents. They tried to confront us but I told them the truth and maybe downplayed what we did a wee bit.. Not long after a woman tried to reward us for saving the sheep from the manticores. Told her to g...

12:35 pm - 13.04.2021

S8: The Nightshade Hermit

08:48 am - 13.04.2021

S7: Investigating the Ruins of History

11:39 pm - 06.04.2021

S7: Investigating the Ruins of History

08:22 am - 06.04.2021


Keryn is the village elder and has said he was looking for us, curious. Zora'kas told the elder that we were looking for a noble's son and he told us he travelled with a guard in heavy armour. Keryn said he left northward some time ago.. I sensed hesi...

12:16 pm - 30.03.2021

S6: Coin and Favour

11:55 am - 30.03.2021

S6: Coin and Favour

11:55 am - 30.03.2021

S5: Uncovering the Truth

09:29 pm - 16.03.2021

S5: Uncovering the Truth

09:29 pm - 16.03.2021

Noble's Box

We scoured through the Manticore's cave and found a platinum ring from house Gavren and some chainmail with the Aundair eagle on it. Seems like this will all point to Seamus being killed by the Manticores. I found some red tear drop gems but I will need t...

11:38 am - 16.03.2021

S4: No Safe Haven

08:23 am - 10.03.2021

The Former Manticore Family

The captain of the militia that are also farmers is called Gallus. Dhok healed the injured farmer Walter and after, they requested us to hunt the Manticore to it's lair. We made progress for the few hours we had left and came upon a cave between some...

12:22 pm - 09.03.2021

S4: No Safe Haven

07:58 am - 09.03.2021

S3: In search of Seamus

08:27 am - 04.03.2021

Storms & Manticores

Learnt a bit about Houses from Aethelwulf. I don't think they are trustworthy. Stayed at The Salty Seadog for the night while some recovered from hangovers. Left town and headed for Havenglen along the road. Started teaching Aethelwulf Primordial and ...

12:24 pm - 03.03.2021

S3: In search of Seamus

08:32 am - 03.03.2021

S2: A City of Two Worlds

12:31 pm - 24.02.2021

The drinking champion!

Set sail to Varna and gambled a bit on the way. Learned that House Vadalis is set up in Varna. Received word of updated quest requirements; gain favor with the local factions to make them open to a negoation with House Orion. Met Beryan Callax as s...

11:46 am - 24.02.2021

S2: A City of Two Worlds

08:15 am - 24.02.2021

S1: Into the Reach

08:51 pm - 17.02.2021

Letter from a bird

Meet Lord Boromar ir'Dayne at the Wayfinder Chateau in the Upper Terrace ontop a hill in the East side of Passage. Boromar founded the Wayfinders and extended an invitation to join the guild. Asked to travel to The Mosswood to ask around to establish a li...

11:15 am - 16.02.2021

S1: Into the Reach

08:11 am - 16.02.2021

Adventure in the forest

Zelkova & Kai'okoa - 6 -8 days...

11:30 am - 03.02.2021

Adventure in the city

Esidesi & Kai'okoa - 2 days...

11:25 am - 03.02.2021

Adventure through the jungle

Zora'kas & Kai'okoa - 10 days...

09:54 am - 03.02.2021

Adventure on a boat

Dhok & Kai'okoa - 10 days adventure. ...

09:27 am - 03.02.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Kai'okoa.

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Other Characters by Smamy