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Episode 11: The Temple of Auppenser Report

General Summary

3 Mirtul, Year of Lightning Storms (cont.) / morning of 4 Mirtul   After dispatching the snakes in the cavern last time, Dust scouts out the location of the other half of the tombs of the priests of Auppenser. The party crosses the cavern and does a search of the catacombs and rooms on the other side. With no leads to follow, they ascend a series of long, winding stairs.   Atop them, they find the overgrown, broken old temple to Auppenser. They do some cursory investigation before being set upon by five or six wraiths. With priests in the company, they manage to drive back the undead, but not before one attacks and injures Shay.   When they reach the Great Hall, a great swirling energy lights up and reveals a crystal shard or gem floating over an open bowl. Sellennis and Shay are concerned and soon their fears are validated as Sellennis explains he is sure this is the Udoxia of Lirremar, the ruined city of Jhaamdath that once stood here. Sellennis reveals he is a psion and makes contact with the crystal.   Shay attempts to make contact with the crystal as well, but finds himself compelled to hurl himself into the open pit below, suffering serious injuries. Dust heals him, but soon after he is compelled to leap in again. After that, he moves away...   As the night turns to morning, Dust casts a Divination and inquires about the location of the phylactery for the elven spirit. He is informed it is not in the temple, so the group sets to searching the area around it. Svent soon locates it, cradled in the heart of an oak tree. Sellennis retrieves it and Svent frees the spirit within.   The group returns to the crypt to pick up their well-earned rewards and makes their way out of the sewers.

Rewards Granted

Small Garnet
Small blue quartz
Well-cut, large yellow topaz
Mithral Large Shield
Masterwork Scimitar
Masterwork Banded Mail
3 broken potion vials
Liquid: Dark, leather-smelling; Faint, Abjuration, Shay feels sure this is Mage Armor
Liquid: Greenish, oily, thick; Faint, Alteration
Liquid: Off-white, oily; Faint, Conjuration
  Divine Scroll: Sound Burst
Arcane Scroll: Shatter
Arcane Scroll: Mage Armor
Divine Scroll: Bless
3 damaged scrolls
      Thief: 30gp, 15sp, Golden Pearl Potion: Cure Moderate Wounds (Mirko notes the Guild's identifying rune) 25' silk rope Short Sword Leather Armor Backpack Ring w/ red & banded stone Dagger   Fighter: Spear (Magical, Faint Enchantment) 22gp, 16sp Long Sword Studded Leather Potion: Cure Serious Wounds (Guild marked)

Hlondeth, Emerald of the Reach


Svent is a 13 year old Male Kobold and a level 7 Warlock.
Report Date
16 Jan 2021

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