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Hlondeth, Emerald of the Reach

A Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 game In the world of Forgotten Realms
4 Tarsakh, Year of Lightning Storms | Full


  • The Vilhon Reach Region
    The majority of the Vilhon Reach region.
  • Hlondeth
Supporting Cast
  • Basilus Bardus
    A former sergeant in the Hlondeth militia, Basilus is a mercenary with connections.
  • Bozhidar Kholane
    An aging battle priest of Tempus, Bozhidar is tall, thin, and difficult. He seems to be in some sort of leadership role amongst the rebels trying to overthrown the yuan-ti of Hlondeth.
  • Brother Anacian Kurkuras
    The leader of Hlondeth's Church of Ilmater for the last five or six years, he has served the Hall of the White Rose there for most of his life.
  • Reverend Father Castinus Osind
    Formerly the head of the House of Broken Hands in Lyrabar, Castinus moved to Hlondeth in the spring of the Year of Lightning Storms.
  • Falzek
    A lively old trader of oddities, Falzek can often be found at The Cavern.
  • Inkarik
    Inkarik is a preist of Ilmater, but will be the first to admit he "suffers in his own way." Average and unassuming, beyond the fact that he is quite strong.
  • Iranna (Ir'analaya Greenarrow)
    Half-elven wanderer from The Dalelands, a priestess of the moon.
  • Iss'tamin Hss'toffess
    A yuan-ti cousin of ruling House Extaminos in Hlondeth, Iss'tamin was rescued by the party from beneath the Hall of Mercy 11 Tarsakh, 1374DR.
  • Ixik
    A friend of Svent's who has a stall in the Big Market in Hlondeth.
  • Kalek, Master Destroyer of Talos
    Grizzled and grim, Kalek personifies the waiting energy of destruction just before the storm. The Master Destroyer leads the temple of Talos Stormfather at Mount Ugruth.
  • Mirko Ristic
    Slow-speaking, slow-acting, and easy-going Mirko is a (supposedly) connected member of the Guild.
  • Nereida
    Sassy, aggressive girl in black leather who is working with the secessionists and who knows who else.
  • Nessanna Ss'khan
  • Nonnus
    A former soldier of Hlondeth, Nommus has turned to Ilmater and serves the temple.
  • Sanura
    Despite being a former slave and branded with a small, stylized "S" on her left cheek, Sanura is a thin, stunning girl from Mulhorand.
  • Sellennis Dundragon
    Sellennis is a gentleman... and a destructive force.
  • Sessel Dundragon
    The younger brother of Sellennis Dundragon, Sessel is a paladin of Helm.
  • Zak-yek
    A peculiar, tribeless kobold with red scales that show a bluish tinge.
  • Zhivka
    Born in Arrabar, Zhivka is a young novice priestess of Ilmater.

Scheduled Sessions

Sat 24th April 2021 19:00

Episode 17:

Sessions Archive

9th Apr 2021

Episode 16: Next

Read the Report
26th Mar 2021

Episode 15: Departed Dundragons, we call to you...

Sessel and Sellennis Dundragon, NPC veterans of two campaigns each, are brought to the Hall of Mercy in hopes Reverend Father Castinus can return them to this world...

Read the Report
12th Mar 2021

Episode 14: Release the Kraken

More planning, extra gear... the company returns to the ruins of the final temple of the Lady of Logic.

Read the Report
19th Feb 2021

Episode 13: Return to the Ruins of Lirremar

Are Dust and his new traveling companions closing in on reveling The One Who is Hidden?

Read the Report
29th Jan 2021

Episode 12: New Faces in Hlondeth

After splitting the take, what's next for this motley crew of adventurers?   And when the brother of Sellennis arrives, will the group become the very model of adventuring diversity?

Read the Report
15th Jan 2021

Episode 11: The Temple of Auppenser

Questions await ahead.   Will there be a lot more snakes? Does Mirko have a prayer of living through this whole adventure? Will Shay remember that elves have spirits, not souls. Will Dust's hair remain perfect and his moustache divine? Will anyone but Svent ever get the one-liner that ends a combat?

Read the Report
1st Jan 2021

Episode 10: Two for the Show

The first foray into the old sewer section of Hlondeth did NOT lead to money. But it did lead to new problems.   Can the second trip turn out better? Well... maybe. The man with the fabulous moustache makes his first appearance, and that's certainly a highlight.

Read the Report
20th Dec 2020

Episode 9: An "in case" mace...

Old business, new business... and none of your business.

Read the Report
11th Dec 2020

Episode 8: Popularity Contest

How do you make every major faction in a city of 40,000 people hate you in less than a month? Mostly by accident...

Read the Report
27th Nov 2020

Episode 7: "A right, then another right..."

As unlikely a crew as ever ventures into the sewers of Hlondeth.

Read the Report
20th Nov 2020

Episode 6: Several Days of Slithering

Iss'tamin insists that exploration of the nearby ruins will yield more profit that problems... are Svent and Shay convinced?   Plus: the sword-swinging goodness of Sellennis Dundragon returns.

Read the Report
7th Nov 2020

Episode 5: New Neighborhood, Similar Situation

As the Hall of Mercy begins its first steps towards reclamation and renovation, new and old faces make their presence felt.

Read the Report
10th Oct 2020

Episode 4: The kobold, the clerics, and the really big door.

Shay leads Svent, Zhivka, and Nonnus to the unconsecrated Hall of Mercy a third time, hoping to un-spell another skull-adorned door.

Read the Report
3rd Oct 2020

Episode 3: Ilmater, God of Suffering

It's always something...painful... with these people.

Read the Report
26th Sep 2020

Episode 2: Under the Hall of Mercy

"The sewer guild? How is it working there?"   "Oh, about like any job. You have to put up with a bunch of... metaphorical excrement."

Read the Report
17th Sep 2020

Episode 1: Welcome to Hlondeth

You probably shouldn't have taken this job...

Read the Report
Welcome to the City of Serpents.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Shay Ingovayus (Voidwalker)

Xandos Nightstar



Svent is a 13 year old Male Kobold and a level 7 Warlock.